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~ Candy Land ~ New Pics up Radions are UP! Tons of Top Downs.


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Looking stellar! You're tank looks huge in the FTS. I'm so jealous of all your SPS. I hope I'll be keeping some in the future and if I have half the growth and PE you do I'll be thrilled!


It's 46 gallons so it's a good deal larger then your BC, but I would like a 90G down the road! ;) Don't tell the hubby!


Thanks I never thought I would be able to keep SPS but I proved myself wrong these last 4 months. Once I got the Red Monti and the Green Tip Birdsnest (fluffy green/yellow one) I was hooked. ;)

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Yea colorful sticks are addicting


I know, I have been adding up what I have spent in sticks and man I am seriously thinking about this huge investment in my living room.


Oh A has tomorrow off but it's been raining for over 5 hours now, and we have a good chance for rain tomorrow too, I don't think we will be working with wood in that kind of humidity, warping is bad mmmkay :P

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Birthday of luck!

Birthday of luck!

Birthday hate Hitler!

Birthday of luck!


Actually means...


Birthday of no happiness!

Birthday of no happiness!

Birthday hate Hitler!

Birthday of no happiness!


Google Translate is almost always incorrect. It tries to directly translate it. Glück directly translates to luck, but it also means happy. Like "Du bist glücklich" means you're lucky or you're happy. Either or. Depends on context. Most Germans actually sing the English version of Happy Birthday, but they pronounce it bersdey since they can't say the th.

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Hey Candy,


Great photo dumps. I am enjoying following the growth of the sps pieces you've picked up.


What is the significance of the "Happy 4/20" ? Did I miss something in the thread or is this an insider joke?



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Actually means...


Birthday of no happiness!

Birthday of no happiness!

Birthday hate Hitler!

Birthday of no happiness!


Google Translate is almost always incorrect. It tries to directly translate it. Glück directly translates to luck, but it also means happy. Like "Du bist glücklich" means you're lucky or you're happy. Either or. Depends on context. Most Germans actually sing the English version of Happy Birthday, but they pronounce it bersdey since they can't say the th.


Oh Cool!




I see the new fruity loops head!!!!! Sweet!!!!


Your pink birdsnest is very impressive :)


It's a Purple pocillopora and I love it! Thanks I can't believe the color in it now, hopefully I can get some better pics once it's in the 40B. :happy:


Hey Candy,


Great photo dumps. I am enjoying following the growth of the sps pieces you've picked up.


What is the significance of the "Happy 4/20" ? Did I miss something in the thread or is this an insider joke?




Thanks! I am still in awe of how fast their growing!


It was "National Smoke Out Day" Yesterday for the people who do that kind of thing. I was playing along. B)



Headed out to get the rest of the plywood and the stain and some new tools for A. Oh and molding as well as the silicone and I will look around for the black paint for the back of the 2 tanks. Big day people! I will get the tank on Tuesday with my sister when we go and get my niece a hamster! :D

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Lol, after your 4/20 celebration did you sit in front of the tank and watch it?


B) Yep with beer in hand. ;)


haha @ 4/20....national ganj day lol


yea sticks are expensive :\ lol


Yes they are!


Okay guys got everything on my list but the black paint. Is there anything safe to use on the acrylic that is going in the Display SUMP or should I just leave it as clear? HD had some 1/4" thick Acrylic and we snagged 2 sheets. :happy:

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I know right!


Exciting build stuff! And your FTS was amazzinggg


Thanks so much!



get er done lol i see a bumper sticker that said that :) reminds me of the backroads.


LOL why I love it.


I'm so excited to see it! Pictures of the process please!


I have a few, A was working on the stand when I got home from training today and I have pics of the boxed in stand with top molding on it.


Post them in a few hours, also I had a minor setback, the silicone I got as incorrect, I will be returning it and buying the silicone PetCo sells when we get the niece a hamster, and my other tank. B)

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Okay here are the pics I promised.




Still needs alot of sanding, the front door cut out, and the bottom molding but it looks good.



I like the molding.



Damn good job on the corners, they need sanding but they match up pretty.





Like I said needs sanding but it is pretty.



SUMP taped out.



FTS 4-22-12



More to come soon. ;)

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Yeah he was mad at it I will get a pic of the inside next time we have it out. He couldn't cut the corner's right on the bottom board to fit it flat so he had to box it out. But it give me shelves now, so I have safety from splashing. ;)


I like it a lot. :D

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finally, the sump! tank looks fantastic as well.


Yay your back!


Thanks! And yeah finally! Can't wait to get it all plumbed and etc. Going to be at least 2 weeks as I have to order the sand. I can do that Wednesday, and then place my macro order the following week.


So essiting! :happy:

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Wow! Ya'll got a lot of work done! Stand is looking so nice!


Sps city in there! I'm hooked as well, but I do have to find some of those fruit loops!

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Sps city in there! I'm hooked as well, but I do have to find some of those fruit loops!

You can buy a big box of them at the grocery store :lol:


Randi.....the stand looks fantastic and it's not even finished yet!!!!!! omgomgomg


A is a very fine craftsman :)

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