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~ Candy Land ~ New Pics up Radions are UP! Tons of Top Downs.


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Now since work gave me the day off as there was nothing to do, no surgeries no appointments, I am going to get a little silly, cook some chili and then do my WC.


Fun day, if I feel like it I might vacuum. :P

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I love Chili, and hubby requested it so I had no problem getting the stuff for it and cooking that yummy goo up! And we did the deep cleaning on New Years eve, we were having people over and I did not want the house dirty that day. Now it's just the floors.


Tank is clean, chili is on low and is smelling good!


I think I will vacuum but in a few minutes. ;)

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I made chili for dinner on Monday. We had chili mac the next night (chili with pasta). We love chili over here too :)


My day is open today too...yay!!!!! But....I do need to give my dog a bath before I pick my son up from school. Probably should go do that now!

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I made chili for dinner on Monday. We had chili mac the next night (chili with pasta). We love chili over here too :)


My day is open today too...yay!!!!! But....I do need to give my dog a bath before I pick my son up from school. Probably should go do that now!



Yum that chili mac sounds good! May have to steal that idea!


Ha I was thinking crud I got to get this done before he gets home at 6, well I am way ahead of my schedule! Nice there are people who don't mind giving their own dogs baths, seems everyone here brings their dogs in for it and then don't do a thing until the next grooming. They come in all matted and covered in yuck. Poor dogs.


Have fun giving yours a bath! I always love the silly faces they make!

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Yum that chili mac sounds good! May have to steal that idea!


Ha I was thinking crud I got to get this done before he gets home at 6, well I am way ahead of my schedule! Nice there are people who don't mind giving their own dogs baths, seems everyone here brings their dogs in for it and then don't do a thing until the next grooming. They come in all matted and covered in yuck. Poor dogs.


Have fun giving yours a bath! I always love the silly faces they make!

At $50 per grooming, I try to stretch it out as long as I can which means I have to get involved :) It's Chloe (bichon) she's a piece of cake to bathe.

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Well I know it's $$$ for the grooming! That's why I just can't believe people would let the dog's get so dirty in between!


I love Bichons they are so soft. :happy:

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Since everyone is doing Blenny pics I figured I would post a few. Some are awesome and the clowns wanted some love as well. Others meh....








Clowns needed some out of focus love



He loves the clowns




I can't get one of him free swimming..... but these are pretty good, I think the only ones I would call bad were of the clowns.


Hope you enjoy.

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is that the blenny's "den"?


It's actually right below it. He will perch there and wait for the mandarin to swim by so he can bite him for going to close to his den.


In the picture of him with the clowns in it and the frog and favia, his den is right in the center of the triangle you can make with him and the frog and the favia.


He has dart holes everywhere now, the tank is his Oyster. :happy:

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So I have been up cramming my head full of information on Tank stands etc this guy is amazing.


There is 2 parts to his thread and this is only part 1

DIY Tank Stands for People Who Don't have Carpentry Skillz


I am now planning a stand that will be 48"L x 20"W x 30"T


I am going to over build this sucker you have no Idea. I am actually going to be using a second bracing like the author of that thread did on his stand as mine will not be sitting on the outer braces, and I do not tryst a center brace and plywood to hold the tank. SO it gets another interior brace at the front so I can have some extra space and have extra tabletop for tests etc.




General Idea


Colors are there from other page but I will have an additional second leg/brace etc. All will be explained when it's built. Hubbie is more confident now.

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With all these midas shots, I think one is in my future. Ms. Candy do you think one will get along with my blue grudeon goby?? He's also a long skinny fish and so far very peaceful.


Building a stand isn't too hard. (even I could do it) Some key factors are having a good chop saw for straight cuts and good straight 2 x 4s. Glue and screw everything. That thread you found is excellent.


I always measure once and cut twice, so I also have a board stretcher, haha!

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Love the new pictures, Randi!!!! Poe really is adorable. If I was in the market for more fish (and I had a bigger tank), I would definitely get a midas, after seeing yours.

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With all these midas shots, I think one is in my future. Ms. Candy do you think one will get along with my blue grudeon goby?? He's also a long skinny fish and so far very peaceful.


Building a stand isn't too hard. (even I could do it) Some key factors are having a good chop saw for straight cuts and good straight 2 x 4s. Glue and screw everything. That thread you found is excellent.


I always measure once and cut twice, so I also have a board stretcher, haha!



I don't know if they would get along, he killed a 6-line wrasse so ......


HAHA daddy taught me to measure twice cut once! I have all the cuts measured and drawn out, I just need the 2x4s' and screws. We have a Circular saw and I am not touching that.


Gena thanks! I love him he is still my Favorite fish in there I can't help but take 1000s' of pics of him. He is just so photogenic. ;)

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Okay this is a top view of the Tank stand with Google Sketch up.




You can see I have a cross brace for the front of the tank as I would like the tank to sit with room in front of it and to the sides. There will be 2x 2x4 supporting this cross brace.


Basically it will be a box inside a box, but with room to get the SUMP and Skimmer etc in there.


Let me know what you think, this one finally came out okay, took a while.




Okay after tweaking and making it look nicer.


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better than what i could do, never could figure out the dimension lines :/



I borrowed a template and was messing with it to figure stuff out.


Dimension lines were hard to find, but now I can't remember where I did, but I like them.



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Now is a good time to learn how to use a power saw! Most of what I learned is from HGTV, you can do it!


From what I can see the design looks good to me. Go girl!!!!!

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Now is a good time to learn how to use a power saw! Most of what I learned is from HGTV, you can do it!


From what I can see the design looks good to me. Go girl!!!!!



Ha that's what my man is for! What good is he if I have to use the power tools, cook and clean!?


I will help with the assembly and measuring etc. Not getting the build started this weekend but maybe the weekend after this one (next Saturday) as I have the 2 Yashas (fingers crossed) coming in this week, and that's 70$+ in fish so I will wait on the lumber (Looking at 10 of the 8 foot 2x4s' from my math we will have half of one left)


Thanks, I like drawing etc, I did it on paper first but wanted a 3D map of it, so I downloaded Sketchup and ran with it. :D

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