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Coral Vue Hydros

LarryMoeCurly's 20g Long


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I got rid of the 10g. I'm not a big fan of QT tanks for various reasons, although most people would surely disagree.


Also, both stores are an hour away in opposite directions. Neither of them regularly carries the gsm, so it will have to be specaial ordered.


I have done plenty of research on maroon clowns, including here on NR. I may also get a sixline (on the advice of others), because they are apparenly also agressive, so they won't be bullied.


Can you recomend a good nem that a gsm will host, that will do well with my lighting. I haven't really researched anemones yet, and I know very little about them.

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I don't know much about anemones really. I always see people on the forums saying "you don't have enough light" when others' nems arent doing well. You will have to check around and see if others are keeping nems with PAR 38 bulbs.

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Ok, thanks anyway.


I just did some brief researching (reading descriptions on liveaquaria), and I don't really think my tank would be suitable for an anemone.


Edit: It seems bta's are the most hardy nems and happen to be the maroon clowns natural nem to host. I think I will get the clown first, and worry about the anemone later.

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yeah hopefully, sometimes ya just got to give it time... Maybe throw a picture of a clown onto your tank so your clown can see...I have hear of success stories w/ this method although I have hads no success personally

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I'm thinking about ordering a small gold-stripe maroon and a sixline wrasse from liveaquaria. I am just worried aobut how my damsel might react.


The toal with shipping will be like $75, and by my calculations that is about what I would pay at my LFS, which is an hour away.


I am also considering ordering a small bulb anemone, anyone have experience keeping these under par38s?

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really nice tank dude!! i like the rock scape, but the damsel will attack them when you put them in. But wow 75 for 2 fish from your lfs thats a lot for them imo, i got a sixline for 14 from one around here.

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From what I am reading, the wrasse and the clown are more agressive than the damsel, so the damsel will be the most peaceful of the bunch and the biggest threat of getting beat up. But she is established in the tank, so I don't know what to expect.


The LFS charges like $50 for the gsm but I don't know about the wrasse, I am assuming like $20. Plus it is over an hour away, and the gsm would have to be special ordered. I am trying to think of something to add to the order to make the shipping worth while. Maybe a bulb anemone or a shrimp of some kind.

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A shrimp is always cool but watch out with the sixline they get mean! mine is so mean it killed my cherub angelfish and my peppermint shrimp, but i got a coral banded and he scares my sixline away :lol:

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From what I have read, from most mean to least mean: clown, wrasse, damsel.


Also, it doesn't seem like shrimp would ship very well.

Anyone have suggestions for something relatively cheap that woulf make the shipping worth it.

I am also looking for advice on the gsm, wrasse, damel combo.

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ohh that is very true about the shrimp why not get some kind of coral? but damsel, wrasse, and clown fish. i have had a yellow tail that i started out with and he would attack the wrasse and clown when every he could but the wrasse and the clown were bigger then him and would not put up with him and stand their ground. what i did was take the damsel out for a few weeks and let him live in a 5 gallon tank while the clown and sixline got use to the tank then brought him back in and he was fine with them till i think the clown chased him around and he jumped.

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Yeah, maroon clowns are some of the most agressive. I am hoping the three agressive fish will sort of balance each other out.

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So, I got a shipment from liveaquaria today: yellow-stripe maroon clown, six-line wrasse, emerald crab.

The crab is fine. The clown seems fine, although I haven't tried to feed yet. The wrasee didn't look so good in the bag, but it was swimming around after about an hour in the tank, now it is hiding for some reason.


The clown is honestly one of the best looking fish I have ever seen. It has to be my favorite fish in the hobby, as far as coloration goes. I couldn't get a good pic, these are the best I could do:






I couldn't get a pic of the wrasse, since it's hiding under a rock.



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The clown ate well tonight (mysis and some flake). :D

The sixline is still hiding, for reasons I can't figure out.


My main concern upon introducing these fish was the high probablility of aggression among them. So far I have not seen anything that would be considered aggression. The damsel is behaving itself, and the sixline is a recluse thus far. The maroon just stumbles around the tank in their akward swimming fashion.

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It seems there may have been some fin-nipping last night, there is a chunk out of the dorsal fin of the clown. It is swimming fine though, no real harm done. The wrasse is also swimming around today. The clown is eating well.


best pic I could get of the clown:



frogspawn, tree coral, trumpet (with mushroom):



I recently was able to double check my glass thermometer. It turns out that the digital thermometer I was using up unil about a week ago was ten degrees high. MY TANK WAS RUNNING AT MORE THAN 90*F FOR AT LEAST THE PAST FEW MONTHS, MORE LIKELY THE PAST FEW YEARS ( I had been using the digital themometer since my 5 gallon started about four years ago). However, there are/were no ill effects to speak of. Interesting.

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I finally got a good pic of the wrasse, it's swimming more now:



nice, i have a sixline wrasse in my nanocube 28. love it. but always a struggle to get a decent picture of it lol. nicely done. and the tank is looking great :)

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All of the fish are doing well, no real agression at all as far as I know.

The clown is eating well, but I really haven't seen the wrasse eat any flake or mysis. I think it just picks stuff off the rock.

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I came home from work today to find the sixline being ripped apart by the emerald crab, hemits, snails, and bristleworms. I assume none of those things killed it, but I can't figure out why it died. :(

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Sorry about the Sixline. What sort of circulation pumps are you running in there? Perhaps he swam into one, i recently lost a royal gramma to one. He was super healthy and i had him for about 3 months, i fed him and came back 15 mins later and CC and cleaner shrimp were eating him :( How big is the emerald crab? I had a large male one that really tore up the tail fin on my pygmy cherub angel so he got banished to the sump.


Tank looks really good :)

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your clown looks awesome!


I agree!

Although it looks like there has been some fin-nipping or something, becasue one of its pectoral fins is not looking very good.



Sorry about the Sixline. What sort of circulation pumps are you running in there? Perhaps he swam into one, i recently lost a royal gramma to one. He was super healthy and i had him for about 3 months, i fed him and came back 15 mins later and CC and cleaner shrimp were eating him :( How big is the emerald crab? I had a large male one that really tore up the tail fin on my pygmy cherub angel so he got banished to the sump.


Tank looks really good :)


I have an ac70, a K1, and a k-nano. I hadn't even considered that as a possibility, but I guess it could have happened. The emerald crab is about an inch across. I doubt he had anything to do with it, I think the wrasse would be fast enough to avoid it.

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I came home from work today to find the sixline being ripped apart by the emerald crab, hemits, snails, and bristleworms. I assume none of those things killed it, but I can't figure out why it died. :(



Sorry about your sixline... :(


The clown looks great though!


Good looking tank, man.

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