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Innovative Marine Aquariums

LarryMoeCurly's 20g Long


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Looks really good. I love the fact your KH drops to < 6. :)


You have an auto-topoff, right? You might want to mix in some Seachem Reef Builder which will help keep KH from falling so fast. I use this in my tanks and it helps.

I turned the blue channel down to try to get some better pictures. I did a water change yesterday afternoon and the front glass was spotless, this afternoon there is already a green film on it; that is annoying.


Left side. These are some pieces of the frogspawn and trumpet that I have broken off; the trumpet is just stuck in the sand, the frogspawn is on a frag plug. I have thrown at least double the frags that you see here off the back porch.




Right side. The mushrooms are multiplying a lot since they were moved to the low-light corner in the shade of the still-too-big frogspawn. The bland beige kenya tree is also growing much more quickly than it has in the past.




Center. You can see the acro in the middle. It is leaning foreward, so it is branching toward the back. The part toward the front is the original frag which is a skeleton; the part that survived is doing well enough I suppose, especially considering I dose nothing (my alk drops to 6 dKH and below) and change the water twice a month at most.




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I love the fact your KH drops to < 6. :)


Yeah, I know that stability is the key when it comes to alk, but mine drops by about 1 dKH per day until it gets to between 5 or 6. So I change the water and it might be around 9, then 4 days later it is close to 5 (according to my Red Sea test kit) and there is no dosing or water change for at least another 2 weeks. This is my explaination for why the acro has failed to thrive, although it is growing.


You have an auto-topoff, right? You might want to mix in some Seachem Reef Builder which will help keep KH from falling so fast. I use this in my tanks and it helps.


I have a gallon of BRS kalk, but I simply haven't used it. I hesitate to put it in the ATO since evaporation is variable. I have considered getting two-part instead, especially since this is my last semester of classes and I should be home most days to dose it. (Although I suppose I could simply dose kalk in a similar fashion once I'm done with school.)

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