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Coral Vue Hydros

LarryMoeCurly's 20g Long


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I want to find out why they are so upset. Just getting rid of them and getting new ones would not help.


I'm just gonna let it go another week like I said, and not stress too much about it.

I have more important things to worry about this week (O. Chem. exam Friday omgomgomg).

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I want to find out why they are so upset. Just getting rid of them and getting new ones would not help.


I'm just gonna let it go another week like I said, and not stress too much about it.

I have more important things to worry about this week (O. Chem. exam Friday omgomgomg).

I didnt mean to say that sorry long day...I think I would test params then let them sit....if you cant see any vizule sign of harm just leave them be...did you dip/QT?

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I want to find out why they are so upset. Just getting rid of them and getting new ones would not help.


I'm just gonna let it go another week like I said, and not stress too much about it.

I have more important things to worry about this week (O. Chem. exam Friday omgomgomg).

Good luck on your orgo exam :scarry:


As for your froggy, let it sit..if it was pissed off from where you put it the first time it could still be b1tching about it. Unfortunately, when getting used to a new environment, euphyllia is super picky. Put it in super low flow..it looks a little light too, there isn't much color on the tentacles. If there isn't a super low flow area you can probably do the soda bottle trick with holes in it to control the amount of flow going to it. They're moody so it could take some time, but besides the color, it looks relatively healthy, I assume no brown jelly or anything. Even if it's sick, froggys are pretty resilient so I think in time you'll be alright. The less you move it though the better off you are. Good luck

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Good luck on your orgo exam


Thanks, I'll probably need it :)



Yeah, I'm just gonna let them sit for now. There is little to no flow on them now.

As far as coloration, I'm really hoping they are not bleached. I do have rather strong lighitng I think, but I am reducing the photoperiod to about 6 hours this week. They were the same very light brownish color when I bought them. Also, I fed them some mysis today, I'm hoping that will help with growth and coloration.

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Np, fix that red slime son!


Did I mention I have an O Chem exam Friday ;)


I did try to get rid of some of it today, but I don't think its a big deal. Its only along the back behind the rock. As long as the glass is relatively clean, I'm happy.

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For your frogspawn, it's interesting that they aren't inflating. I had some in a frag tank and I would move them around quite a bit but they always reinflated a short time afterwards.


1. How old is the aquarium?

2. Water parameters, specifically nitrate, nitrite and ammonia.

3. What lights were they under in the LFS?

4. Are they directly under your lights in your aquarium?

5. What is the water flow around them?

6. Water temperature and temperature fluctuation

7. Any creatures bothering them?

8. Were they inflated when you purchased them?

9. Did anything happen on the road home?


Usually I found frogspawn didn't stretch out for me when it came from a low light aquarium to my high light aquarium. It shrank to reduce the area available for photosynthesis but eventually stretched out for me.


I really disliked Orgo. Good luck ha ha.

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1. I have had the 10g for about two months, but everything was transferred from a 5g that I had for abourt 3 yrs. (so there was no cycle)

2. As of Saturday, Nitrate nitrite and ammonia were all undetectabe amounts, pH was 8.2

3. don't know, I think its safe to assume that my lighting is more intense

4. yes, I guess you could say that. they are on the sand bed though. basically anywhere in the tank is directly under the lights

5. I have a penguin 150 powerfilter and a k nano. I took the nano out early saturday to see if less flow would help, but it did not and i didn't like having no flow in the tank, so I put it back in on Sunday.

6. temp stays between 77-80

7. not that I can see

8. yes, it seemd like it, although not very much. Regretably, I did not really look at them very closely at the LFS.

9. Nope


I tuned the lights off around 6:00pm on saturday cause I am only running a 6 hour photoperiod this week. The lights came on at 10:00am on Sunday. As of 1:30pm on Sunday, the frogspawn were still completely closed as were most of the zoas. The zoas are usually very quick to open, so I do not know what happened. I am back at school now, so I haven't seen the tank since Sunday afternoon.

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Can someone give me some advice on my lighting?


The two par38s (80* optics) are about 5-6 inches above the water surface. (tank is standard 10g)


I want to know what kind of PAR this setup has (I cannot decipher the par38 PAR graphs), but opinions on if this is too much light or not are welcome aslo.


I am starting to think that I should move the lights up higher (they were originally up higher, but most of the light was spread out so much that it hit the floor, the wall, and lit up half the room. So, I moved them down so most of the light actually goes into the tank.)


I have the 40* optics inserts also, but I would rather stick with the 80*

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Thanks, I really like your aquascaping. I upgraded from a 5g and did not add anymore rock, but seeing your scape makes me want more. I have mosly small rocks with not much room for coral. Hopefully this summer I'll be able to give more attention to the tank, and get it looking better (also get some more coral, if I can figure out what my current issues are).

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I used the same lighting on my pico and had to move it up somewhere between 2.5 and 3 feet off the sand bed as any lower was just too much light for softies and most of the lps I had. Of course the sps loved it, grew like crazy and had great polyp extension. I, too, did the super short photo period and it helped some but in the end, moving the light higher made things the happiest.

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Thanks for your response.


I don't really plan on getting SPS anytime soon. I simply don't have time (or money) to properly care for them. I don't think my water qulity or flow would suite the needs of SPS; also, I don't test for the minerals (alk., mag., cal., etc.) that SPS require.


So, I'll most likely move the lights up if I don't see any improvement when I go home this weekend.

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I'm upgrading to a 20g long. :)


I ordered 20lbs of the "reef saver" dry rock from bulkreefsupply.com, hopefully it'll be here by next week.


I think I have everything I need to upgrade, except more sand which I'll get at petsmart next week.


My last final is Saturday, then I'm home for the summer. :D:D:D

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20 gallon long

Most recent FTS:





  • aqueon 100 watt heater
  • aquaclear 70 powerfilter (floss, carbon)
  • koralia nano (240gph)
  • koralia 1 (400gph)
  • 3 of evil's par38s, DIY PVC fixture


  • 25lbs live rock
  • 15lbs sand
  • blue damsel
  • gold-stripe maroon clownfish
  • skunk cleaner shrimp
  • CUC (not many left)
  • various hitchhikers (clams, feather dusters, sea stars, worms, etc.)


  • various zoanthids (most have disintegrated)
  • frogspawn
  • soft tree coral
  • gsp
  • green ricordia
  • blue acro
  • red mushrooms
  • candy cane/trumpet


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word! mine will be up real soon2! welcome to 20l club =D


Looks good so far what are the water params looking like?

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That didn't take long, haha. Welcome to the 20L club :)


Yeah, my LFS went out of business and had a 50% off sale, I couldn't resist, :D it gave me an excuse to upgrade.


word! mine will be up real soon2! welcome to 20l club =D


Looks good so far what are the water params looking like?


Haven't tested them yet, will do so later tonight. I hoping they're good, cause I want to transfer the livestock tomorrow.


Nice set up larry can't wait to see that 20L mature!


Thanks, I'm hoping that since school is out, I'll have more time to devote to it and get some more coral. :)

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I just tested the water:


pH: 7.8, sort of low I guess, but thats what the old tank was the same way

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 0, or very near 0

ammonia: 0-.25, the test is hard to read, I tested it twice andI still can't really tell but it looks like there is some ammonia present


I have never really dealt with a cycle before, so I guess I'll have to read up on it in case I have one. (I really hope I don't though :scarry: )


I going to test again tomorrow morning and see if there is any difference.

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Just tested again (actually for the fourth of fifth time in the last few days) .


No nitrite

Some ammonia (0-.25), can't really tell exactly. These tests are so frustrating to read.


Should I maybe do a 25% or 50% water change tomorrow and see if it cears up, or wait a while longer and see if I get some nitrite?


A little help wold be much appreciated on this!

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Was just reading through this thread. I was wincing at the thought of a 4 hour photo period. If only one coral was having problems at the time (and a hitchhiker at that), why would you cut the photo period down so much? Especially if those nice looking Zoa colonies were doing fine under the current photo period. There are several ways you could have attacked this problem that would have been much more reasonable than cutting the photo period in half, IMO.


What do I know though :P


If you are still at the ammonia phase of your cycle, it might be a little early for water changes. Don't stop reading! Seems like you have had a few problems with the system. I would suggest taking the cycle slow and really aiming to keep this tank as stable as possible before adding any live stock.

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Thanks for your response.


I never did actually reduce the photperiod, the lowest its been is 6 hours.


I haven't actaully ahd many issues except for the frogspawn frags (which I'm convinced were on the verge of death when I bought them.)


At the most, my ammonia is at .25 ppm.It really hard to tell though.

I sort of let the upkeep go on my 10g, because I assumed everyting would be transferred over sooner than later. I guess I'll have to do some maintenence on it tomorrow in case I have to wait a while before transferring.

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I finally got to hang the lights, its not pretty but it'll suffice...




I'm going to test the water again tonight.

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