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20" NEP okay for a clam


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was it in the live rock?? chances are it's some kind of oyster or scallop.....


and if it is a giant clam you're referring to then yes that light should be just fine.....how deep is the tank??

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It's a clam. I won it at the local reef club's raffle. It's a BC29, I think it is like 18" deep.



more than ok!!



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Here is a pic of the clam.


I just moved him from the corner of my BC29 more towards the middle. It attached to a flat rock in my tank without falling over once, within a couple days of putting it in. It has a more lavender color, but my camera/lighting doesn't seem to bring it out real well. Any idea what type of clam it is?



Also, here is a (fuzzy) side pic that shows how much of the mouth is open. Not sure this would be considered gapping, but if anyone knows, feel free to comment. I'm not sure if I like it in the center of the tank, so I may move it back to the corner and monitor it, if this amount of "open mouth" is normal.



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Here is a pic of the clam.


I just moved him from the corner of my BC29 more towards the middle. It attached to a flat rock in my tank without falling over once, within a couple days of putting it in. It has a more lavender color, but my camera/lighting doesn't seem to bring it out real well. Any idea what type of clam it is?



Also, here is a (fuzzy) side pic that shows how much of the mouth is open. Not sure this would be considered gapping, but if anyone knows, feel free to comment. I'm not sure if I like it in the center of the tank, so I may move it back to the corner and monitor it, if this amount of "open mouth" is normal.




It looks like a maxima, and it doesn't look like it's gaping. How big is it, the smaller ones under 2" have a somewhat high mortality rate.

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def a maxima and a good looking solid colored one at that


nice pick up


should do great under those lights but he should be up higher on a rock....the maximas enjoy being on rocks as well as the croceas

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Do you think it needs to be higher, or just on a rock?

It is attachd to a flat rock that is half submerged in the sand.




on a rock def!!


but the thing i tell ppl is this....if he looks happy and is open normally on the sand then let him be...But if his mantle look overextended and almost pointing upwards than he needs more light....very simple....the reason why i tell you to put him on a rock is b/c if sand gets in to the intake siphon it can kill him, plus if you dont he's gonna dig down to the glass bottom and attach there and then it's a serious pain in the ass to get him off should you ever want to move him


right now he looks open pretty normally so just slide something under him so he can attach himself to it.....save you both a LOT of stress down the road



good luck....he's pretty

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Thanks. Sounds like he has enough light.

As I said, it is already attached to a flat rock that is neseled in the sand, so no problems there.

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It is in the sand of my BC29.


Not sure what kind it is, any way to identify?


I can try and get a pic tomorrow.


I have Clam growing great under my NEP 20".

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Thanks. Sounds like he has enough light.

As I said, it is already attached to a flat rock that is neseled in the sand, so no problems there.




then sit back and enjoy.....all they need is good light to survive and thrive...they are however pretty sensitive to temp and salinity swings so watch out for that.....and they are a GREAT nitrate filter if you have a low level nitrate issue (5-10 PPM) though you shouldn't add them to a tank specifically for that purpose. the other cool thing is they will tell YOU when your bulbs are losing there PAR, especially if they're on the bottom....they will as i said before reach up and overextend.....every time my T5's hit the 10 month mark I can tell they're losing intensity just from what my clams do!! Pretty cool stuff!!


other than that....enjoy...just observe him to make sure everything looks normal and check periodically for things like pyramid snails, PM etc.....


that's about it.....pretty straight forward and simple

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So I woke up today and the clam is looking pretty rough. I turned the rock it was on, to move it away from some GSP yesterday, but I was very careful with it. Now, this morning, it looks like this. Any advise? Looks like the foot has broken off. Could a snail have bulldozed it?






Shot from a day or so ago...


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So I woke up today and the clam is looking pretty rough. I turned the rock it was on, to move it away from some GSP yesterday, but I was very careful with it. Now, this morning, it looks like this. Any advise? Looks like the foot has broken off. Could a snail have bulldozed it?






Shot from a day or so ago...




without seeing the mantle it's hard to say.....any other pics??

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The foot is mostly detached from the clam. This was not the case last night. I held the rock and kept it flat while I moved the clam.


Couple pics.




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The foot is mostly detached from the clam. This was not the case last night. I held the rock and kept it flat while I moved the clam.


Couple pics.






looks fine...dropped the foot to move someplace else

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Cool. Thanks. I didn't realize that they break the whole foot off to moe like that.



well that's not the entire foot.....that's just the byssal threads believe it or not


the actual "Foot" is at the base of the shell.....you'll see that slowly when he finds somewhere else to go he'll start to regenerate those threads....sometimes a clam will hang on to it's new spot by only one or two threads until more start to regenerate


cool stuff....and again nice clam


good luck

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