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Pod Your Reef

d0lph1n's 40G


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One day, looking for vinyl records at Goodwill, I found a 40 gal. corner tank & stand for $50, so I had to buy it without having any idea what to do with it. At that time, I was very happy with my 20 gal. planted tank. It crossed my mind to upgrade it to a bigger tank but my friend suggested to build a reef tank instead. I was scared to try it, especially because I didn't have any experience and knowledge about saltwater. Thanks to the online forums and articles, especially after reading GobyInPeace's profile, I got more confident and few weeks later, here I am...


Start date: Feb. 13, 2011

Photo update: Dec 1, 2011






Tank: 40 gal. glass tank (used)

Light: Aquamedic Oceanlight HQI 1x250watt (used)

MH bulb: XDE 20000K (used) USHIO 14000K (new)


Heater: Eheim Jager 125w 200watt

Filter: Eheim 2212 Aquaball Eheim 3e 2076 on Bio Stream function (used)

Filter media: 6L Seachem Matrix & 1 coarse pad (pre-filter)

Powerhead: 2 x Tunze 6045, Hydor Evolution 750


Liverock: 50-60lbs Fiji live rock

Sand: 40lbs Tropic Eden Aragavive (10lbs live)

Salt: Tropic Marine Pro (during cycling) and Tropic Bio-Actif (after cycling)


Salinity: 1024-1025 by Sybon HD Refractometer FG100sa

Temp: 79F by Sybon Digital Submersible Thermometer

Alkalinity: 4-5 meq/L by Seachem Multitest

pH: 8.1-8.2 by Seachem Multitest

Calcium: 400-450ppm by Salifert


Sump/Refugium/Skimmer: Hydor Slim Skim AquaC Remora

Ro/Di: SpectraPure MaxCap RO/DI 90

Macro algae: Chaeto (in-tank, behind rocks)




Red Sea Pulsing identified as Pom-Pom Xenia

White Pulsing identified as ORA Silver Xenia

"Blue" Xenia

Emerald Cyphastrea

Sun Polyps

Branching Green Hammer Coral

(Apple) Green Hammer Coral

Christmas Tree Worms with Coral (host)

Orange Ricordea

True Superman Montipora

ORA Screaming Green Birdsnest

Purple Haze Montipora

Open Brain Coral



19 x Trochus Snail

4 x Nassarius Snail

3 x Tonga Fighting Conch Snail

1 x Commensal Shrimp (my 1st hitchhiker, identified )

2 x Cleaner Shrimp

1 x Tuxedo Urchin

2 x Emerlad Crab

1 x Pom-Pom Crab

1 x Blue Linckia Starfish




2 x Amphiprion Percula / True Percula Clown (pair)

1 x Paracheilinus Lineopunctatus / Dot-and-Dash Flasher Wrasse (identified)

1 x Paracheilinus Mccoskeri / McCosker's Flasher Wrasse


Photos by: iPhone 3GS & Nikon D40



A little history:

1. Used 40g glass tank & stand, from Goodwill for $50



2. Tested for leaks



3. Removed the top rim



4. Tested again for leaks



5. Got 60lbs of Fiji live rock



6. 1st take of the rock arrangement:



7. Added 40lbs of sand:



8. After 1 week of cycling, under the 20K XDE light.

pH: 8.1 / Salinity: 1025 / Alkalinity 4-5


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Wow... That's an awesome find. I'm totally jealous. lol.


Loving the setup, rock looks great!


Don't be jealous. I'm spending too much money :)


Doubt that will hold without the top rim. But it does look good. Good luck!


It's holding ok. I hope you are wrong :)



Looks great love the scape.

Your tank looks much better. Thank you

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9. Few days ago, I added a Xenia sp. (from vidid aquariums)


It was too much shadow in my tank, so I've rearranged the rocks.


Most of the rocks are full of diatoms. I can see some bubble algae too. Thank you all for helping me identify it.


Today, I got:

3 x Emerald crab

10 x Turban Snails

1 x Pom-Pom crab

1 portion of Macro algae (Chaeto)


Pics here.

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Doubt that will hold without the top rim.


The "trim" on a glass aquariums has little to do with the strength of the seams.

You will notice that the trim is also attached together at the corners and is rarely

if ever one whole piece to actually give any real strength to the sides.

The trim is primarily used for 1) decoration and 2) to hold the glass top on.


A good friend of mine worked at a tank manufacturing company here

in LA and I used to get all my tanks through him, I did a tour once, cool stuff. B)

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The "trim" on a glass aquariums has little to do with the strength of the seams.

You will notice that the trim is also attached together at the corners and is rarely

if ever one whole piece to actually give any real strength to the sides.

The trim is primarily used for 1) decoration and 2) to hold the glass top on.


A good friend of mine worked at a tank manufacturing company here

in LA and I used to get all my tanks through him, I did a tour once, cool stuff. B)


Thank you for letting me know.

I didn't have the guts to remove the lower rim, trim:)...my bad.

I removed the top rim on my 20 gal freshwater. But the reef tank is twice as big and especially twice as high. Hope for the best.

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Cool lookin tank


Thank you. I appreciate it.


I'm looking fwd to improving it. The 20000k XDE is too colorful for me. The 8000K lamp I got from ebay is 'weird': too much light & heat & fatiguing for the eye.


I've been looking for a bulb replacement maybe an USHIO 14000k...but $100 for a light bulb, come on.

Also, I'd like to add some blue LED lamps or I'll put some Cree Royal Blue LEDs inside the MH case.

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Scape looks awsome. I keep hearing how corners are so hard to scape but you and 24nano have no problems.


Watch that xenia, in six months it may overtake the tank.


good luck


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The last tank I took the top trim off,

I secured it with a 'lil extra silicone...

....just to be sure.... :unsure:


I think it's funny when people think rimless tanks are something new....hahaha

We used to build our own tanks in the mid-eighties and didn't have trim...... :P

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Scape looks awsome. I keep hearing how corners are so hard to scape but you and 24nano have no problems.


Watch that xenia, in six months it may overtake the tank.


good luck



Thank you, I appreciate it.

I'm watching Xenia everyday. It's a beautiful thing. I don't mind if it's taking over the tank :)


The last tank I took the top trim off,

I secured it with a 'lil extra silicone...

....just to be sure.... :unsure:


I think it's funny when people think rimless tanks are something new....hahaha

We used to build our own tanks in the mid-eighties and didn't have trim...... :P


and the silicones these days should be better.

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The tank's cycle is almost complete. The water's parameters are looking good. The diatoms are less and less visible. Also, the cleaning crew is doing a great job except one small area of a live rock where few types of green and brow algae are starting to grow. I'm trying to identify them. The chaeto algae is looking healthy.


The 20000k light bulb looks whiter in real life. However, imo, it's too much purple.





This is the "wild rock":



Ohh, I've almost forgot..I can see Coraline forming on most of the rocks, a very nice surprise. In the beginning, It was a bright white and few days later it started to change its color into green or purple.

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looks good. i used to rock the corner bow never thought to take the rim off, that looks hot.


Thank you. I appreciate it. Your tank looks good too. You put a lot of work into it.

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New additions:


1 x White Xenia

1 x Blue Xenia

1 x Tuxedo Urchin

10 x Trochus Snail


30h before and after adding them. Pretty amazing, isn'it?






30h after:


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Tanks looking good. I would take it slow and make sure you are comfortable dosing and reading test kits. The biggest mistake new people make is going to fast and being impatient.

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Tanks looking good. I would take it slow and make sure you are comfortable dosing and reading test kits. The biggest mistake new people make is going to fast and being impatient.


Thanks for your advice.

I dosed, so far, only Iodine but I got concerned after reading about the Iodine overdose. So, I've stopped dosing it until I have a test kit.

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Yesterday i did the first water change. Everybody seems happy so far, especially the Urchin.




In the morning, the water was looking great, very clear. There are still some diatoms on glass and rocks but it's nothing compared what it was before. The CuC will take care of it.



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Looking good. :)


I appreciate your comments, especially coming from you.


I like your scape! Looks great!


Great. Thanks. I'm doing my best. I see that you like rimless too. Nice work :)

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