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just bought 1.5 inch maxima, help me!


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iv wanted a clam for years, but im responsible enough not to get one before im ready. now im doing sps and water is always perfect. im feeding the tank rods coral food every day. so i bought a ORA 1.5 inch clam for $35.

baby clams i hear are hard to keep alive, can you guys help me not kill it. i have 12 leds running at 700ma clustered close together over the center of a 10g no optics close to the water. he is on the bottom on eggcrate is this to much light ? can i raise him 3"? im feeding phyto and rods. any advice/warnings i may be overlooking ?

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iv wanted a clam for years, but im responsible enough not to get one before im ready. now im doing sps and water is always perfect. im feeding the tank rods coral food every day. so i bought a ORA 1.5 inch clam for $35.

baby clams i hear are hard to keep alive, can you guys help me not kill it. i have 12 leds running at 700ma clustered close together over the center of a 10g no optics close to the water. he is on the bottom on eggcrate is this to much light ? can i raise him 3"? im feeding phyto and rods. any advice/warnings i may be overlooking ?



put it in a good spot where it has plenty of light.....it will filter feed off the rods you're feeding your SPS


THAT'S IT!!! don't mess with it!!


clams are NOT difficult!! I don't know why so many ppl think they're impossible

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i think they are just not for the inexperienced saltwater person. Lighting, flow and some kind of light feeding. obv calcium is important too and they are sensitive to salanity swings.

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Keep an eye on it the next few days, it will tell you it needs more light. How???


If the mantle looks like it is stretching upwards towards the light, it may need to be raised. What you're looking for, is the mantle to be extended outwards.


I notice you said it is an ORA clam, I have found them to be very hardy and less prone to pinched mantle disease.

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You also might want to slide a frag tile underneath it if it doesn't attach to your eggcrate. Don't place it on the sandbed if you have fine sand, maximas and croceas are rock boring clams for a reason.

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Keep a close eye on your Ca/Alk. Even a small clam like that will suck a large amount of both out of the water, and will change your dosing requirements real quick.

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