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Wilioli's 20L Sanctum


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haha, experiment man, there is no rule book! I'm going to be doing a sunlit dorm reef after spring break. Should be fun.

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haha, experiment man, there is no rule book! I'm going to be doing a sunlit dorm reef after spring break. Should be fun.

?!?!? whaa? that can work?

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Nice updates Willoli.


Like the front tank shot.

In reply to same of the post from about a week ago..


- Yes, xenia is the stinkiest coral ever.. makes you gag if you smell it outta water.. let alone if it is actually dying.


- I am liking the new coral updates. Your stylo/ cats paw looks more like a birdsnest. It's nice either way.


- Yeah I hear you on Sea U Marine before they updated and got online. Ken is actually pretty good.. I put through my order this week for a few things. I wanted the Pylei Fairy Wrasse but they came back and said it wasn't in good shape to ship. damn!! But I got a Carpenters Flasher and McCosker's Flasher (to aggravate my other one so they flash more), then some more clean up crew for both tanks.. oh.. and a tangora goby for the 20L. I should have these by Thursday.


I find their prices to be rather reasonably actually. Cheaper for the fish, then what I was paying in Gananoque, and since I always had to pay gas plus take my stepmother out to lunch when I went up, it always cost me 50-65 to go up there anyways.


What was it I saw, their Grade B picasso's were $50, and for a pair of grade A's it was $200, which are are really good prices.. I know if I can't get that other little clown out of my big tank in a few months then I am going to pair up Omen with one of the Onyx's he sells.


Oh.. and the fact they sell Mini Carpet Nems..... like damn...


- So your new sps should do just fine without skimming, just as long as you keep up with your water changes.. the ones you got are the easier ones any ways so there really shouldn't be any issues..


Let me know if you get down my way some time, I will hook you up with some red monti cap and a few other things if you want.

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Nice updates Willoli.


Like the front tank shot.

In reply to same of the post from about a week ago..


- Yes, xenia is the stinkiest coral ever.. makes you gag if you smell it outta water.. let alone if it is actually dying.

'fraid not -- ricordea is now the stinkiest... OMG it reeks...


- I am liking the new coral updates. Your stylo/ cats paw looks more like a birdsnest. It's nice either way.


- Yeah I hear you on Sea U Marine before they updated and got online. Ken is actually pretty good.. I put through my order this week for a few things. I wanted the Pylei Fairy Wrasse but they came back and said it wasn't in good shape to ship. damn!! But I got a Carpenters Flasher and McCosker's Flasher (to aggravate my other one so they flash more), then some more clean up crew for both tanks.. oh.. and a tangora goby for the 20L. I should have these by Thursday.

thanks! and thats pretty good -- that they would not ship cause it was in bad shape? very very impressed... let me know how that goes -- ive never shipped livestock and am still weary about it.. well just update it on ur thread, and how long u plan on acclimating ..



Let me know if you get down my way some time, I will hook you up with some red monti cap and a few other things if you want.

very nice of you! i will, and the same goes to you -- except not anytime soon.. let my frags grow out to colonies so i can then frag them and give em out. lol! thanks again!

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"patience young grasshopper" lol -- thanks dude ... yea im thinkin of just leaving it on the sandbed till sunday (that'll be a week) then start to raise it up higher up. I'm gonna have to start lookin into skimmers sometime soon tho....

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yea you're absolutely right -- but i figured for later for the more 'advanced' sps... I can get better vibrancy and coloration (not associated to zooxanthellae) with a skimmer -- and possibly slack on the water changes.. lol


I mean at that point the tank will be a high nutrient tank i think... right now i don't have to dose for ANYTHING.. but i have no demand either... i wish xenia came in 100's of colors.. then id just have a xenia tank... lol

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you dont need a skimmer. I got one because i plan on having a very high bio-load. Granted my skimmer is under rated. It's better than nothing.


just because you want[/] a skimmer, or have a skimmer, doesnt mean you can slack on weekly water changes. A skimmer does not put trace minerals back in the water. it removes them. Especially in a nano setting, it removes them even quicker. Thus the reason why i switched to the "rolls royce" of salts.


shame on you for even thinking of such a thing

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"rolls royce" of salts.




Water changes aren't negated by a skimmer. I have the AquaC and I personally don't think it does a whole lot but I do have to clean out crud from it once a week...so it's doing SOMETHING!


I will most likely change this skimmer to something else way overrated one day.


I will not stop doing the water changes either.

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shame on you for even thinking of such a thing



I will most likely change this skimmer to something else way overrated one day.


I will not stop doing the water changes either.


LOL LOL -- my apologies... by slack on water changes I meant not having to do 5gallon water changes every 5 days. It'll still be frequent water changes.. but I COULD slack on it -- and it would only be for replenishing elements.


ANNNND... It seems the most benefit from a skimmer (it seems) is to run a "ULNS" via carbon dosing. And -- please correct me if im wrong -- but it seems that water changes become a weekly 5% change, as opposed to the 25%+ that I am used to right now...? I have a pail of the 'rolls royce' that the two of you speak off on standby that I will be picking up in a couple weeks.... Stole the idea from the two of you.


Also, I was going to get the aqua remora C as the two of you have -- but I think I'm going to look more into the one by bulkreefsupply -- the reef octopus or maybe the tunze nano skimmer..? I gotta figure out size requirements for the tank... I thought I could get the highest rating HOB aqua c, but you need a min 21" high tank???? crazy... anyways... that was my rant. What say you JBM AND D9hP?

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I think you're reading too much on N-R.com and making unnecessary correlations between different husbandry ideas haha


The benefits of a skimmer have nothing to do with carbon dosing, IMO. You NEED a skimmer to use carbon dosing but I don't dose a carbon source.


It is essentially forming bubbles into a body of water that then 'pick up' particulate matter (fish poop and other organic waste) and then make them rise to the top of the chamber where they are collected. The water just goes right back in the tank. The skimmer oxygenates the #### out of your water column too, so it's great.


Read the second post here:



Bitts is a skimmer genius. He is also a wealth of knowledge for other very important reef / hardware related matters and has helped me a number of times.


The reason you NEED a skimmer for carbon dosing is that you're providing an accelerrant for bacteria to form which feed on nitrates and phosphates. The skimmer then skims out that bacteria. You still need water changes. I don't think there is ever a reason you shouldn't do a 10-15% change per week. It's a great opportunity to observe the tank and the entire premise of the exercise is based on the fact that the water you are introducing is FAR better for the inhabitants, whether that is attributed to the lack of nutrients (assuming 0TDS before salt) or because of the trace minerals and elements that is no longer in the water you're removing.


Nothing changes that. Period. Carbon dosing may be fantastic (I don't know enough about it, but am interested) but it does not do what a water change does. Period.


A skimmer is essential IMO, but mine doesn't do as much as I would like it to. When I take this tank down and add a sump I will most certainly put a 100+g skimmer on it because I think they are awesome and I love stocking the piss out of my tank, as you all know :D

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hahahahah, ok GUILTY... yes im trying to correlate everything with everything.. Initially I wanted to get a skimmer to just 'skim' extra waste -- proteinaceous or what not... Figured I'd wait till my bioload increases, cause right now I have no issues with parameters (nitrates) being off.. But I also have TWO fish.. lol


Then, I came across this article:



check out the 4th subheading "Equipment - Skimmer, An Absolute Must!". Everything you basically said. So I'm just assuming that carbon dosing is an extra benefit, that needs a skimmer that is now associated with a double whammy benefit -- yes that term was just made up.


FINE ILL DO WATER CHANGES! But, check out the coloration pics on that link -- it almost looks fake to me, but it seems to be what actually happens!

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hahahahah, ok GUILTY... yes im trying to correlate everything with everything.. Initially I wanted to get a skimmer to just 'skim' extra waste -- proteinaceous or what not... Figured I'd wait till my bioload increases, cause right now I have no issues with parameters (nitrates) being off.. But I also have TWO fish.. lol


Then, I came across this article:



check out the 4th subheading "Equipment - Skimmer, An Absolute Must!". Everything you basically said. So I'm just assuming that carbon dosing is an extra benefit, that needs a skimmer that is now associated with a double whammy benefit -- yes that term was just made up.


FINE ILL DO WATER CHANGES! But, check out the coloration pics on that link -- it almost looks fake to me, but it seems to be what actually happens!


its quite real my friend. my buddy runs a system like that, and i swear to god, i thought he was running the craziest T5/MH setup inside his 300g's canopy....it was just some 400w radiums.....


I just dont understand how that coloration comes to be.

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its quite real my friend. my buddy runs a system like that, and i swear to god, i thought he was running the craziest T5/MH setup inside his 300g's canopy....it was just some 400w radiums.....


I just dont understand how that coloration comes to be.

yea im still tryin to understand it -- it seems that its the reduced phosphate that produces an enhancement in coral calcification, which gives that coloration -- AND it seems that although Elos and Salifert are the more accurate and recommended testing kits, phosphate is still something that is very difficult to test and is easily skewed by whats available to the general public! And that 'minuscule' amount of phosphate is whats holding us back!?!? lol

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i don't !!! I mean it seems through 'statistics' or by 'popular' vote one should do 10-15% weekly water changes. That seems to be the 'magical' number for adequate trace element replenishing and nitrate/phosphate control in a supposed stable tank. I started doing ~25% water changes because I was worried about any sort of swings in any variables from the 10g - 20g transfer. Just was paranoid and didn't want to fail. I've also been doing it because... ok first, I know I need an ATO... so lets leave it at that. I lose about 1-2g of water a day from evap! thats 7-14g a week! lol So im basically putting back in half of my tanks volume in rodi water -- which im sure is NOT HELPING with me wanting to do less water changes.. hehehe


edit: what I mean is I know I need an ATO AND a fan...

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I lose about 1-2g of water a day from evap! thats 7-14g a week! lol So im basically putting back in half of my tanks volume in rodi water -- which im sure is NOT HELPING with me wanting to do less water changes.. hehehe


edit: what I mean is I know I need an ATO AND a fan...


Wow, and I thought my evap was bad. I am losing about 0.75-1.5litres to evap every day, and that is because my tank water is warmer than the temp in my bedroom.

I need to make an acrylic cover to help with the evap a little more. I am scared to see what summer is gonna be like. LOL

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Thats a crazy amount of evap 0.o, I go through about half a gallon every 3 days. I should top off every day but I get lazy lol

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Wow, and I thought my evap was bad. I am losing about 0.75-1.5litres to evap every day, and that is because my tank water is warmer than the temp in my bedroom.

I need to make an acrylic cover to help with the evap a little more. I am scared to see what summer is gonna be like. LOL

yup, ur almost there tho.. lol -- I got through min 1 of those 2L 'juice jugs' on a 'good' day. Same thing, tank water warmer than room temp. I'm hoping the summer will be better for me. That room is the coolest room on the floor, and should be closer to tank temp..? I dunno we'll see... Either way I need an ATO. We're planning a trip in april, and I don't think my neighbour is gonna want to come in every day to pour water in my tank...



Thats a crazy amount of evap 0.o, I go through about half a gallon every 3 days. I should top off every day but I get lazy lol

hey, if ur goin thru 1/2 g every three days i don't think u need to top off everyday!

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I go thru a gallon a day according to my dad. I need an ATO and I have a float switch, I just need a relay. then again, I have a 46g tank hooked up to a 20g hex with a 10g sump, so about 70 gallons of water...

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I go thru a gallon a day according to my dad. I need an ATO and I have a float switch, I just need a relay. then again, I have a 46g tank hooked up to a 20g hex with a 10g sump, so about 70 gallons of water...

lol so a gallon a day is NOTHING... -- looks like i need to add 50 gallons to my tank.. annnnd done

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