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Animamaster6's Nano Contest FTS Thread


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Thank You very much!


We have lost a bit of contestants but I think we can bounce back!


No worries AM you still have a decent size roster. You can always expect a few to drop out every month as time goes on.


I know in the Pico Methodology Contest we have lost a few every month since the beginning. We are now down to a solid 12 for the final grow out period and if we can maintain 12 till the end I will feel it was a very successful contest.


Most contests lately are ending with only one or 2 contestants so I think you are still off to a very strong start.

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Here's September!

the tank still looks like doo doo butter, but it's okay for now. I need to get my lighting situation sorted out. This pic is under a pair of 24" T5s, BluePlus and an Indigo Sun



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Sorry to post this here...I may have to withdraw. When I purchased my tank I noticed there were some strange marks on the inside of the front pane. I've tried to ignore them...but you know how that goes. All I could see were those stupid marks so yesterday I took everything out, threw them in an empty 29 and picked up a replacement 40B. If swapping tanks is a no-no - I understand...it's going to take me a week to get it painted and running.

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August FTS Officially ended last Night at 12:00


Thank You very much!


We have lost a bit of contestants but I think we can bounce back!



Our Current Contestant Grand list includes these great tanks:


Official Member's:


.Newman.- 10 Gallon Contest Tank

AdrianBryce- Planted Paradise or Adrian's Macro Menagerie

AJ_Tsin- Custom 13.5G Rimless Studio Reef

ajmckay- 40 Breeder Contest Tank

brun129- 15 Gallon LED Contest Tank of Laziness

cody6766- 14 Gallon BioCube

CoolNameGoesHere- 40 Breeder Contest Tank

cuog- 20 Gallon Long

Dasani- NEW 40 Breeder of Epicness

Degener8- 40 Breeder Puppy Tank

DHaut- Play for Blood 40B

Fishdizzle- 20 Long Rimless Tank

franklpyre- Experimental Kaleidoscope Hexagon

got2envy- 20 High Rimless Reef Wonderland

iFISTmoose- Zen Style 12 Gallon Cadlights

Jacobnano- 10 Gallons of Contest Fury

JoeD- 40 Gallon Indecision Tank

Joeygo- Rimless 20 Long No Contest Contest Tank

kdino- 20 Gallon Long of Awesomeness

mbarton2010- 14 Gallon AIO tank

Markushka- 20 Long Macro and NPS Tank

miniwhinny- 40 Breeder Archipelago Contest Tank

Oceanus- 40 Breeder Upgrade

p-daddy- 39G CAD Sig series

Pismo_Reefer- 16G Caribbean Paludarium Rimless Tank

schg- 33 Gallon Long Contest Tank

seabass- 17.4 Gallon Seagrass Nano

shiver905- Wannabe 40 Breeder Tank

SlowGoing- 29 Gallon BioCube Contest Tank

SparksReef- 12 Gallon Long Contest Tank

steely185- 37.4 Gallon Shallow Rimless

steve hwang- 40 Gallon Custom AIO Contest Tank

star27624- 15 Gallon Contest Tank

sweet<3- 12 Gallons of Pirate Infested Waters




Official FTS for the month of September Start Now


oh snap did I miss an FTS for august or something? When did the official FTS requirement start because I know I've posted a couple of FTS already.

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Aww crap :(


Well you did post the FTS.


Let's do a vote! :lol:



Say if you think it should count, or not.


Move this to the main thread though.

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i say keep him. im getting a new light! it should be here soon.when it gets here ill post my FTS



lol its my buddy from way back when


Read before you post please.

- NO comments please!!!!!!! Try to keep it organized!!!!!
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