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Cultivated Reef

How long should you light acclimate crocea?


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I have him sitting on the sandbed for now because I don't want him to anchor down. How long until I should move him higher up? 34 solana with a 150 halide.... Also, I just got him today and never saw him before I ordered. Mantle is mostly brown with green/blue around the edge. Will he color up or it is what it is?

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Put a rock under him. If he attaches to it then you can move him and the rock up as you go. If not at least you will keep the sand from his gills. If he falls over he doesn't like where he is and you need to move him. As to how fast every other day move him closer up to where you want him. As to color most likely what you see is what you get.

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Put a rock under him. If he attaches to it then you can move him and the rock up as you go. If not at least you will keep the sand from his gills. If he falls over he doesn't like where he is and you need to move him. As to how fast every other day move him closer up to where you want him. As to color most likely what you see is what you get.





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