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Gave some of the babies nems today - at first they weren't to sure about them but tonight they are all trying to sleep in them!


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You can see one of the misbar B&W's in the video - they crack me up. I didn't expect any of them to survive. They hatched on the same night as my snows and only 4 hatched and I didn't want to try to run a 10g for 4 fry so I just tossed them in with the snows in the tank next to them. No acclimation - nothing - just tossed them in and sure enough all 4 survived.

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i got a little gsm living with my darwin babies cause he was the lone survivor. good job with all the babies.


do you add anything to the water to help the eggs survive when you pull them 3 days early? i never had luck pulling them. i want to do this cause some of my pairs will wipe the nest out the dat before or day of hatch. frustrating. its mostly my rods pair doing it. clarkii are doing it and darwins too. only ones leaving things alone are the tomato's and the gsm.

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Wow, miracle fish lol. That is awesome though. I would be stoked. :)


I am - it will be a while before I see anymore - I moved the pair and I'm waiting for them to get settled in again.


i got a little gsm living with my darwin babies cause he was the lone survivor. good job with all the babies.


do you add anything to the water to help the eggs survive when you pull them 3 days early? i never had luck pulling them. i want to do this cause some of my pairs will wipe the nest out the dat before or day of hatch. frustrating. its mostly my rods pair doing it. clarkii are doing it and darwins too. only ones leaving things alone are the tomato's and the gsm.


I'm not dipping the eggs in anything and I'm having complete hatches. I just set the air stone on them and wait.

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I am - it will be a while before I see anymore - I moved the pair and I'm waiting for them to get settled in again.




I'm not dipping the eggs in anything and I'm having complete hatches. I just set the air stone on them and wait.

lucky you....

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I first saw these on youtube from this asian guy



Then the guy with the dsps tank in thailand chingchai has this amazing specimen on his youtube channel


I think they are ocellaris and they seem to originate from asia


What do you think are the parents ?

I'd say BlackIce/fancy white but they are almost darwin black. The white outline is smoother than a snowflake.

They are really beautiful clowns


From the same guy: platinum saddleback clowns? wow...


Edited by glibed
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WOW - those are sick... I'd love to know what they are too.


Hey MR CJSCOTT I'd reply to your PM but your box is full.


But just so you know the pair you have was fed:


Small Pellets

Flake Foods

Frozen Mix


and they LOVE cyclopeeze.


I try to mix it up so they get used to just about anything a buyer might want to feed them.

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I got a Q for you pickle. Or any other breeder can help too.

I noticed on some of my hatches that some or alot die right after hatching. I see some dead in the pot and some on the bottom. Why would they die right after hatching?

This has happened to my tomato pair which I hatched last week and again tonight when my Darwin's hatched. I can see loosing a few. But it seems like it was almost half the nest each time.

I know my temps are solid 83. And the last time with the toms I didn't add rots or tint till the AM. This time I did add rots right away cause I did a rot bucket clean out and swap. Didn't want rots go to waste. I went down 3 hours after lights out and seen them laying on the bottom. Some were flopping and still alive. Diet perhaps? I been lazy and to tired to feed my frozen food. Been doing just pellets.

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My guess would be the diet and the fry are expelling their energy getting out of the eggs.


I'd mix up the diet on your pairs - a well fed pair makes for stronger healthier fry from the onset.

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Why are you going back to MH?



For my nems? I just have a cheapo 2 bulb T5 over them - I'd like to give them more light.

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  • 2 weeks later...

T5 use alot of power too. and i bet he is busy and not wanting to rig up a custom LED system to support nems. thats why i removed all of mine and i only use the truelumen 48" led strips from current to light my tanks. trying to save $ anywhere i can. i ran T5 on mine cause i had a nem with a few pairs, but they got too distracted playing in the nem for me and some stopped breeding.


but there is a new led. i seen on ledgroupbuy.com that he has a led star with 3 leds on them. i talked to him about my 12g nano and he said i would only need 3 of them to support a rbta in a 12g nano.

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I am really too busy to start messing with other builds right now. I've got my fish room framed and I"m starting on insulation - Hopefully I can get it dry walled and painted this weekend so I can move on to electrical.

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At some point I'll upgrade the lighting on that tank but it's just for the one tank - the rest of my breeding set up is all t5's - this is just one bulb on one grow out tank that hold nems. It's not an issue.

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Been a while since I've given an update.


First off the fish room is coming along quicker then I thought it would. The frame is done, door is in, the exterior is sheet rocked and I have my plywood top on. This week I'm working on insulation and have my rolls of R13 ready to go. I'd of been further along but someone cleaned up my work area and I can't find a working staple gun. Off to Lowes in the AM to pick one up. I'd like to get the interior sheet rock done and ready for paint by the end of this weekend. May be a little ambitious as I know the ceiling is going to be a PIA to get done especially on my own.


In other news - I had my first pair spawn in my need brood stock set up this afternoon. The true percs spawned a nice tight nest. I'm thinking I'm going to hatch this one out if they let it go to term.


I hadn't moved my spawning O/Snow pair into it yet. I knew it was going to throw them off and I didn't want to interrupt the cycle on all of my pairs at one time.


I'm hoping that the spawning of the percs motivates some of the other pairs that have yet to spawn.


Anyhow, that's it for now!

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