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Beeker's 200DD Par38 Reef-New Pics 3-10-11!


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The PAR levels are high for what i'm used to on my BC29g with the 150w sunpod and the T5's, the PAR38's blow that setup away, lol


but Sps are my favorite corals, i'm happy to know that these PAR38's offer all the PAR i need to keep any Sps i want too, as well as allowing for enough PAR at the bottom of the tank to keep LPS, Scoly's, Chalice and Zoa's happy and thriving, i have them on a track that i can also move up and down as needed, but for now i like the height/PAR ratio

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New pics as promised :]]



















































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i've had the gorg about 2 months, I feed oyster eggs and phyto atleast 3 days a week along with Prawn Roe and PE mysis


So far i think it's non photosynthic but i'm not 100% sure, i had it moved up under the leds for a week but it didn't seem to make a difference, so far it's doing good hope it stays that way :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

should have some new pics up in about 3 weeks, waiting for my corals to shift color to the new all royal blue bulbs i got as well as some 20k's


overall tank color looks great right now, i rearranged my rockwork so i'm still trying to make sure all the sps are getting enough light over them, though i don't have a PAR meter to check this so it's all by my eye at the moment, but things are looking good so far

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dude!?! i just had a cool idea for your tank! you should stick a couple of really nice sps on your back wall and let them just table out the entire rear wall of your tank! it would just look like it goes on forever!!!

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I've had the same idea myself gabe :) great minds think alike


I'm going to have to add another piece of track in the very back to do it but i do plan on lighting up that rock wall for some nice sps in the near future


I've got almost 100% of my tank lit, granted it has taken more bulbs than i thought it would but atleast having the ability to order bulbs whenever i'm ready helps out greatly, as well 20 bulbs themselves allow me to get a great blend of color that is really eye pleasing and the sps seem to be loving the 4 different spectrums i've gone with so far, i still think Cyan would be awesome but not sure if i can get the in a PAR38 style bulb or not yet


So far so good i'm hoping that another 4-5 bulbs will finish out the rest of the tank, the right side itself only needs 2 in the back to be done and if i get 3 bulbs with 60 optics for the left i think it will be perfect

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  • 2 weeks later...
Absolutely amazing! If I have to say one negative thing...you have aiptasia. :(



lol this i know...those bastards haunt me in my sleep i swear


But on a good note i did just buy a Copperband butterfly i'm keeping my fingers crossed that he eats those aptasia...cause i really don't want to rely on pepermint shrimp and joe's juice to do it

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I hear you on the peppermint shrimp. In a tank that big, it's hard to tell if it would get to them fast enough. You would at least know the copperband is swimming around constantly looking for something to eat as opposed the shrimp that spends most of the day hiding out! Good luck!

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So far after a week of having a copperband butterfly in my tank i'm aptasia free!


And damn is it a good feeling to have, lol


now to work on that ####ty bubble algea...bah

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any new pics coming?


I literally just bought a Tek fixture last week however after reading plus seeing your display I'm thinking 1 PAR38 with 80 optics would have been better and cheaper for my 29g :-(. Maybe next year when its bulb replacing time.


Don't feel too crazy with your love of LEDs as we have a local reefer in our area who decided to go all out with AI's LED fixtures. I lost count after 12 over his 500gal?? He complained because they bleached all of his LPS even though they sat on the bottom of his almost 3ft tall cube.

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new pics will be up tomorrow, i've moved some sps this past weekend and wanted to give them some time to settle in, they will be up tomorrow i promise! (i'm taking pics tonight when i get home, lol)


LPS need tons of time to acclimate to LED's, Im still noticing this with my Acans that i'm not too happy about, they are still out and looking decent but some of their colors have paled and a few colonies haven't shown any growth in months, not sure if this is 100% lighting cause i also think it could be a stability issue as well, but i'm still trying to figure that out


So far my light cycle is only 8 hours long, anymore and i think my corals would be hating me cause i can see that photoinhibition occurs around the 7 hour mark for my tank, but was hoping that the increase in photoperiod would help sps colors out some and improve growth a little, even now i'm still debating to keep it at 8 hours or to move it back down to 7


right now my lights run from 2:30pm till 10:30pm


yeah this setup has been expensive but honestly i know i won't have to do it over again once it's all said and done, these bulbs 7 year lifespan when i've only been in the hobby 5 years total is awesome to me, it means i have a lot of time to work with my setup before i have to think about the lighting again

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New pics up as promised, Although with the extra 8 bulbs over the tank taking these picture and having them look decent is almost impossible but i did my best, lol


















































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WOW WOW WOW!!! Tank looks absolutely stunning with the additional bulbs. Probably one of the most dramatic looking full tank shots I've seen in quite some time.


I've been following the LED aesthetics thread and I think you've nailed the right mix...at least in my opinion. Great coloration on all of the SPS and the mix really brings out the best in each.


You'll have to grab a video of this beauty at some point. I bet the shadow vs. lit areas is stunning in person.



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Deleted User 6

Nice - I agree with Adam, you really pulled out the full dramatic effect those LEDs can accomplish. Well done. Here's hoping for long-term growth and success as well.

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Awesome tank! I think this is probably the most dramatic tank I have ever seen put together. Corals look great. I love the zoathids growing on the clam too.

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Thanks for the comments guys, it truly means a lot to me :)


I'm still working on about 4 of my sps pieces trying to figure out if lower light/higher light yields better color as well as seeing if Cool blue is more effective for color on these piece's than the Royal blue is, so i still have some work to due


it's wierd though cause Royal blue typically yeilds the best color from purple corals but some purples do have better color under the cool blue, it's just finding out which spectrum they prefer and placing them accordingly, but so far it hasn't been too hard to get the colors to be correct cause it's the same method as a MH setup with sps placement but with spots you have to move those sps under the right bulb as well as moving them higher and lower to see if that has a big influence on the color as well


the only downside i'm having is with my Acan lords, i don't know if i have too much PAR over them or not but i have moved them into a more shaded area hoping they'll improve, cause they looked like they bleached to a degree, and after seeing my friends low lighting setup and how expanded his acan's are it leads me to believe they need a lot less light than i have over them, lol

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for the comments guys, it truly means a lot to me :)


I'm still working on about 4 of my sps pieces trying to figure out if lower light/higher light yields better color as well as seeing if Cool blue is more effective for color on these piece's than the Royal blue is, so i still have some work to due


it's wierd though cause Royal blue typically yeilds the best color from purple corals but some purples do have better color under the cool blue, it's just finding out which spectrum they prefer and placing them accordingly, but so far it hasn't been too hard to get the colors to be correct cause it's the same method as a MH setup with sps placement but with spots you have to move those sps under the right bulb as well as moving them higher and lower to see if that has a big influence on the color as well


the only downside i'm having is with my Acan lords, i don't know if i have too much PAR over them or not but i have moved them into a more shaded area hoping they'll improve, cause they looked like they bleached to a degree, and after seeing my friends low lighting setup and how expanded his acan's are it leads me to believe they need a lot less light than i have over them, lol



Beautiful tank. Really an awesome 'dream' project you've put together.


As for the acans...mine really didn't enjoy the LEDs. They didn't show any growth in a month under them and lost a lot of their color. I put a big piece of monti cap over them and within one week they had better color, far more extension, and constantly had their feeding tentacles out. Still doing well. Essentially they get NO direct light now.


Anyways, love the lighting system!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm still working on the acan issue's, although things have seemed to improve 3 colonies still look a little bleached


So for i've moved my lights up from 33 inches to about 34, i now run a split photoperiod from 1pm till 5pm then off for an hour then back on from 6pm till 10pm, i'm doing this because i think it will lead to better color as well as allowing for the corals to have a short break, so far it seems like i'm getting the results i was looking for


new pics should be up on the 15th or 20th of this month, been working hard to get things stable and consistant, so far i've stoped my Vodka dosing and am just doing Alk/Calc and Mag for the moment as well as weekly water changes

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