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Newman's Picotope


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Mr. Microscope

That rock in the middle has some nice color on it. Is that teal coralline on it with the purple stuff? I can't wait to see the new FTS.

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What did you have to do with your white balance to get your pictures to come out that good? I guess you might just have a better camera then me, but those seem way better than the FTS pics I try to take :(


and yea Microscope is right, that color caught my eye on that middle rock.

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Thanks :)

I use a Nikon coolpix 4600, so it's not the best quality in the world lol.


Idk if that's teal coraline or just the signs of pink coraline appearing...


and a big thanks to all of you for the compliments :D


Pic time-







Left side:



Right side:



I know I went a little crazy with the zoas but it made no sense to mail order just one or two, and this 5 pack (in cluding the palythoa) caught my eye...

The zoa placement is far from final, I just kinda threw them in there at the bottom and did a little arranging :)

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Nice selection so far


Are you planning to throw in any fishes? Just curious what will you select for a tank this size.

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ZOAS!!! omgomgomg Just an opinion, but I think it'd look cool if you attached the colony on the far left center and the ones on the far right (look like whammin' watermelons mixed with something else) to the rock on the left. Then as they grow that rock would look awesome.

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I hope everything does well!

That rock on the left was actually planned to be an Acan rock but I'll see how I can implement that zoa combo suggestion ;)


If I do decide to add a fish, it's not going to be anytime soon for sure, and I'm going to try to make it a surprise lol.


I moved them around today. the frag on the far right was moved next to the left rock. rather than list, the next FTS should explain more-next Saturday that is :)

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Hello "'.Newman.'"


not you too! lol


thank's I like them as well, and I don't even know if I am going to get any more zoas. I think I already have all I need to start the tank in terms of zoas ;)

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lol it's reign has stopped for now. It hasn't opened fully in two days now so I reduced the problem to too much flow and I have moved it under the powerhead. we'll see if it likes that place enough.


Not sure what the next coral addition should be...any suggestions?

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lol! I like the sound of that. I shall see how these do with one weekly feeding...if nothing much happens, then I'll know that I will need to feed them mysis every few days..

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Today we had some heating/plumbing people working on our heating system and they cranked the heat up in the house to 80F. I was not home at this time, I was also not warned that they will be working today, so I could not turn off the heaters in my fish tanks. My pico is going to suffer the most because it's temps have shot up to 86F. my FW tanks are 2 degrees lower, but none of my tanks are gonna benefit =/

I just hope everything pulls through today...

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That really sucks. I hope everything comes through OK.


Things like this is the main reason why I got a RKL to dual control a heater/fan combination (vheapest dual controller setup I could find). That way if things get too hot the heater kicks off and the fan for some evaporative cooling kicks on. Usually in the spring I try and keep the house AC off as long as possible so I am planning for a few hot days in the house.

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Today we had some heating/plumbing people working on our heating system and they cranked the heat up in the house to 80F. I was not home at this time, I was also not warned that they will be working today, so I could not turn off the heaters in my fish tanks. My pico is going to suffer the most because it's temps have shot up to 86F. my FW tanks are 2 degrees lower, but none of my tanks are gonna benefit =/

I just hope everything pulls through today...

Well, hopefully it will all be okay....today was just an unusually hot day on the reef :)

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seems as everything is still opening during the day and closing most of the night. the rhodactis shroom also likes it's new location under the pump and I finally got it to expand daily now :)


Also I'm thinking of getting a Blastomussa frag and a GSP frag...someone stop me now! stop me or forever hold your peace ;)

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if you are going to get gsp get the tiniest frag you can so it can actually fill in due time. not a huge colony that is already softball size and people complain about it growing a lot in 6 mo. Blasto sounds soild

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