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Alright I have a 20L with nova extreme 2x24w t-5ho and a corallife 2x24w t-5 for lights. I have around 700gph of flow. I do not have any skimmers, reactors, or anything. I do 2 4 gallon water changes a week.


Some things I would like to know are placement, feeding tips, if my light will work, and any other hints or tips you may have.




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That depends on what kind of clam you want, and (to a lesser extent, given its only a 12'' deep tank) where you want to place them. Clams generally need powerful lighting. I think you have enough light over that tank to handle any clam, regardless of placement.


As far as feeding - typically small clams (under 3'') need phytoplankton supplements. Larger clams obtain most of their nutrition from light. All clams will need calcium supplement. You might consider a 2-part dosing regimen.


In terms of water quality, clams are moderately hardy, and if you're keeping up with water changes you should be okay. In fact, some claim that clams enjoy a little bit of nitrate in the water (however, I still shoot for 0 ppm nitrate).


When placing a clam on rock, be certain that you are happy with the placement. It is very difficult to move a clam after it attaches to rock.


Another helpful hint - if you see clean white growth at the tip of the shell of a clam, it is an indication of growth, and usually, of a healthy clam.


Having said that, I would go to the invert forum and read some of the good articles/posts there.

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How old is you tank? What are your Calc, Alk, and Mag levels? What is your stocking list? Need some more info... Light is important, but not the end-all-be-all.


There is lots of good information already available in other posts, btw. Try searching through the forum for old(er) threads pertaining to clams.


Good luck!

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Most of what I'd recommend, others have. However, you may want to think about upgrading your lamps to ATI, UVL, Gesimann, etc. From what I've heard, coralife bulbs drop in par ratings very quickly, and thats not happy times for clams.


oh wait... you have two fixtures over the tank? Or do you have a nova extreme with coralife lamps?

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Most of what I'd recommend, others have. However, you may want to think about upgrading your lamps to ATI, UVL, Gesimann, etc. From what I've heard, coralife bulbs drop in par ratings very quickly, and thats not happy times for clams.


oh wait... you have two fixtures over the tank? Or do you have a nova extreme with coralife lamps?




i have two fixtures. And yes I do agree with you on the corallife lamps.


Is there anything that will eat or pick on a clam. I have a serpent starfish and some crabs no shrimp.

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Any reef safe crabs shouldn't bother clams. But keep an eye on them anyway, as sometimes good crabs go bad.


Looks like you have plenty of light though :) How old is the tank?

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