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Couevas' 20G Tall Mixed Reef


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FTS as of October 22, 2011


(30% Royal Blue, 15% Cool White)


Well, I am back in the game.....I have a 2 year old daughter and her absolute favorite movie is Finding Nemo (She watches it every single day....sometimes twice a day). Excellent!! Now I have an excuse to get back into reefing. I am just providing for my daughter....right?


A little history:

I have been reefing since about 2002 (man, I was dumb back then) and got out in 2007 with a move from San Diego to Las Vegas. My tank progression went like this:


1. 90 gal custom shallow acrylic (hand-me-down; joint venture with college roomate - we had no idea what we were doing)

2. 72 gal Oceanic Bowfront - 40 gal sump (joint venture with college roomate - we had no idea what we were doing)

3. 24 gal JBJ Nanocube (on my own after graduation)

4. 72 gal Oceanic Bowfront - (bought equipment from former roomate)




Today. 20 gal Tall AGA




Unlike all my other aquatic adventures (read that I needed something, figured out a way to integrate or fab my own equivalent), I am starting this guy off fairly well from the beginning. So far, I have the tank running with the following equipment and additions....


Eshopps PSK-75H Hang-on skimmer

AC70 filter modded into small refugium

Marineland Stealth Pro 100W heater

Hydor Koralia 1 powerhead

Aquaticlife 24 inch 4x24W T5HO + Lunar Led fixture


20 lbs Caribsea Live Oolite sand

22 lbs Tongan Live Rock (PRIME 2 month cured from A Red Sea Aquarium in Seattle!)


Sand has been in water for about a week now with all equipment running except lights. Rock and light added last night. I am not expecting a long cycle at all....then the stocking can begin!


I will post some pics tonight when I get home from work......




BTW, some of you older members may have seen me on here years ago....but I doubt you remember me.


I was Quavecube (and Quavecube2) back then.....




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Hey welcome back Chris.


Sounds awesome. I love the kid excuse too. I have involved my sons in helping me with my 20 high and they love it. They want a nemo fish too.


I'm on day 5 and they keep asking me when they get to get a fish. If anyone around here thinks we all have very little patience try talking to a 4 year old.


Can't wait to see some pics of your setup.

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...impatience from the kids, I hear ya.


At least with my daughter I can say they are sleeping when she asks, "Where's Nemo?"




Next mod, figuring out how to adapt the intake on the Eshopps skimmer to pull from the surface.......

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Here are the first round of pics after the equipment, LS and LR added....


All 3 lights on (10,000k, 440-460nm and LED)



10,000k's only



420-460nm's only



Lunar Led's only



Digital timer



Fuge with PAR20 Halogen Spot and Eshopps Skimmer



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Thanks Bill!


I am trying to set this one up right from the beginning......other than my other reefs. :P (figuring out what was needed after the fact)

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I made an attempt at surface-skimmer modding my eshopps PSK75-H. It was last night before school (yeah, I work 50-60 hours a week at my job and then another 40 or so in grad school).....it is functional but ugly as sin.


I cut off the slitted cone intake and built a "U" out of elbows to bring it back up to the surface. I will post a pic tonight, but it ain't pretty....


Tonight I am going to start on a lexan overflow box that will just sit over the back lip of the tank and the intake will sit inside the box. Should be simple and effective and a heck of a lot better looking.




I also added the first complex lifeforms to the community....a mated (seems that way at least) pair of Ocellaris Clowns. Not too special, but one is a misbar. Sure made my daughter happy......


Will post pics of them tonight too.

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Here is my ugly a$$ surface skimmer mod........




I am not in any way happy with it, other than the fact that it is functional. I have already started work on an acrylic overflow box that the intake will sit in. I will post some pics of that in a couple days after the silicone fully cures and I can put it in the tank.

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And the new guys......


A pair of Ocellaris Clowns....one standard and one misbar. Pardon the pictures.....I have had my Rebel XT for 4 years and am still only using about 10% of its capacity.








Here are some hitchhikers as well.....pretty tough to see but they look like some sort of star polyp or possibly xenia. Neither of which I would buy, but I will not eradicate them right now.







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Yeah.....I agree.


However, I was a little cautious about going from zero bio-load to two garbage truck clowns overnight. In a day or two I will see how the system has adapted and take a look at some simple softies and a cuc.


.....slow goes this one.

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Yeah.....I agree.


However, I was a little cautious about going from zero bio-load to two garbage truck clowns overnight. In a day or two I will see how the system has adapted and take a look at some simple softies and a cuc.


.....slow goes this one.


Good plan. I would wait a week and then add some softies.

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Got a CUC last night and a Cleaner Shrimp


CUC so far...


10 Nerite Snails (very small - about 1/2 inch)

10 Blue Leg Hermits (even smaller)


I will try to get pics up tonight...

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Just ordered an RO/DI.....


SpectraPure ProPlus


Lurking for a while....seems like AZDesertRat is the guy when it comes to RO/DI and this was the unit he always recommends. Seems pretty nice and a great deal. 149 with an inline pressure gauge, and dual-probe TDS meter. Nice built-in functionality for help in maintenance cycles and QC. 90 gpd is plenty fast enough for me...


The unit I had years ago had no gauges, put out 50 gpd and cost 50 bucks more!


Thanks AZ!

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