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16Gal Biorb Life 60 converting to Marine


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Thanks for the snail advice, I will go and check what my LFS has got and I will act accordingly :)


Now for fish I really haven't decided yet but I definitely want to add a pair of clown fish in there... now for the other 2-3 we are still thinking about it! So far it seems like the fire fish and the royal grammar are high on the list!


They should be pretty compatible right?



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I probably would say no given the dimensions of the tank the fact it's taller than wide and you'd need to stock it according to surface area rather than volume imo. Clownfish pair will be fine, but if you're set on 2 further additions look into something smaller, i.e. Yellow Clown Goby and then a small bottom dwelling goby like a Green Banded Goby or even one of the Hi-Fin Gobies like a Yasha.

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I probably would say no given the dimensions of the tank the fact it's taller than wide and you'd need to stock it according to surface area rather than volume imo. Clownfish pair will be fine, but if you're set on 2 further additions look into something smaller, i.e. Yellow Clown Goby and then a small bottom dwelling goby like a Green Banded Goby or even one of the Hi-Fin Gobies like a Yasha.


Cheers buddy!


So 4 should be the absolute max number of fish in the biorb 60? what about other inhabitants like shrimps, crabs snail etc?

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Yeah i'd say 9" of fish at max mate. Snail wise, maybe 3 sand sifting/detritus snails and 3 algae eating snails and see how they get on. Crabs I would look at maybe a Porcelain Anemone Crab or Pom Pom Crabs are interesting, if you want something that's gonna eat bubble algae then looking into Emerald Mithrax but some become a pain when they grow bigger. Shrimps just depends what you want out of them, probably not room for multiple unless you get a 2/3 sexy shrimp. Other than that i'd go for 1 True Peppermint (to hopefully eat any aiptasia that should sprout) or 1 Cleaner/Blood Shrimp assess what you think you'd prefer.

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Two sand shifters and two turbo snails added and they look pretty happy! Cheers for the advice!


Can't wait for the cycle to finish so I can start adding the fishies now :)


I saw the eye spot goby today and it looks pretty funky, any experience with the species??





Also, what do you think about duster worms? are they easy to keep??

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No hands on experience with that particular goby mate, and duster worms will be easy yeah. You should have maybe held off a week with the snails to let ammonia and nitrite get to zero if they aren't already but hopefully they should be alright, just keep an eye on them bud.

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now for the other 2-3 we are still thinking about it! So far it seems like the fire fish and the royal grammar are high on the list!
I probably would say no given the dimensions of the tank the fact it's taller than wide and you'd need to stock it according to surface area rather than volume imo. Clownfish pair will be fine, but if you're set on 2 further additions look into something smaller, i.e. Yellow Clown Goby and then a small bottom dwelling goby like a Green Banded Goby or even one of the Hi-Fin Gobies like a Yasha.


Barry is bang on there George, When deciding on a fish list I consider the area of the tank each fish would likely adopt as their territory. I would suggest a bottom dweller as your Clowns will be pretty much dominate anywere but mainly middle/top.

I would look for small fish that dosent grow more than 2"-3" max. maybe another two peaceful fish. My grammar was a pain in the neck and just wouldnt stop attacking my clowns. I struggled to maintain my nitrates with having five fish and four really does make a difference when it comes to keeping the tank healthy. If your get a royal grammar then I would get the smallest one you can get your hands on...



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You are very helpful guys, cheers!!


Tomorrow I will do my 1st water change as it has been like a week now and nitrate is getting a bit high. It was about 8-10 if I got the colours right.


I didn't manage to get the ammonia and nitrite to zero yet which makes me a bit worried...




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Nothing to worry aboute put off the water change til your ammonia and nitrite hit zero mate so you don't disturb the cycle, nitrate at 10 isn't that bad at this stage. See what your readings are like over the weekend and put them up here for us to take a look. :)

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These are my reading from today:


Ammonia 0.00650 p.p.m

Nitrite 0.10000 p.p.m

Nitrate 8.00000 p.p.m

pH ph 8.0

Alk normal/high


Ammonia went a bit high and now its on its way down to zero. For some strange reason nitrite has been pretty much the same. Nitrate is going upwards which seems normal. pH looks stable and so is alk.


What do you think guys?


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up to you mate that one.


So there isn't a rule about this? I am very surprised!! :)


It made sense to me to add the corals after the fish, once all the tank parameters have become established to reduce the stress factor but on the other hand fish could start attacking the corals being put in there 'territory'... Just need another opinion :)


How did you do it?


By the way a tiny starfish just made its first appearance, happiness all around hehe

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Good Evening!


One of my turbo snails was carrying a little anemone which I found very exciting but after some reading I did I am all worried...


Is it what I think it is??


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Cool tank! I've never seen one like that before, it's kind of retro looking. It's going to look great once you get osme corals in there. Forgive me for not reading your entire thread, but what kind of lighting are you going to use?

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Cool tank! I've never seen one like that before, it's kind of retro looking. It's going to look great once you get osme corals in there. Forgive me for not reading your entire thread, but what kind of lighting are you going to use?


If the comment was for my tank cheers pal :) So far I am using the existing lights that contains 3 white and two blue LEDs and produces 11W I think... not amazing for corals but I am looking for other solutions at the mo.

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Whoa I didn't realize there were like 3-4 tanks on this thread... Anyway Yes GPill, It was yours I was looking at, I like your aquascape.


Is this a new style tank? are these the ones made for jellyfish?

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Whoa I didn't realize there were like 3-4 tanks on this thread... Anyway Yes GPill, It was yours I was looking at, I like your aquascape.


Is this a new style tank? are these the ones made for jellyfish?


Well it is called Biorb life, I think it has been out for a couple of years... I must tell you it doesn't have a very good reputation among reefers and pet stores purely because of the design (and the poor filter) ...it's like trying to talk to PC people about Apple... they just dont get it...


Now for your jelly fish... I am not sure, I am fairly new here :)

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Nothing wrong with Biorbs as long as you don't rely on their pure excuse of a filtration system, it just doesn't work. That being said you're then paying a premium for an empty tank that looks the bees knees!

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Argh - at the point of looking to set up now all my equipment is here and essaying is done, but I'm confused by which sand to use. There are so many to choose from, I was going to go with the CaribSea fiji pink but then read a bad review... what did you all use?


Will put some pictures up once it's set up!



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