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Violinist's 20 Hex


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Figured I'd start a second thread to track this tank instead of yapping about it in my 20L thread.


I've had this aga 20g hex tank for 5 or 6 years and have kept a variety of freshwater fish in it. Today the freshwater livestock found a new home in my dad's tank, and I tore the tank down and rebuilt it as a saltwater tank.


My initial plan was to run this as a FOWLR tank, but if I'm honest with myself I know it's probably going to end up being another reef ;)


Things are pretty bare right now:


Lighting - 150w MH


Rock - I bought 3 large(ish) pieces of dry marco rock and used zip-ties to make the scape. Hidden behind the marco are some small pieces of LR from my reef tank which will seed the dead rock.


Sand - Fiji Pink


Flow - MP10.


Things have cleared up enough to snap a couple pics. The back pane of the tank is black. The heater is hidden behind the rock column, but of course you see it's reflection in every other pane (as well as the temp probe and filter tube).


From the front:




From the right:




Rough tank to take nice pictures of, but there it is.

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Dude, sweet talk to wifey and put that MH clip on that thing and make a nem tank with the clowns. It would be sick.


I think my advice will get you in trouble eventually lol.

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Nice start. The scape screams reef! I've been toying with some concepts for a SPS hex with a pillar scape like yours. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

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Dude, sweet talk to wifey and put that MH clip on that thing


Well, unfortunately the nearest power outlet runs the entertainment center, so there's that obstacle to deal with. But as far as the wife obstacle, I was thinking I could tell her A ) I need a better light B ) it's going to cost a few hundred bucks and C ) but hey! I already have that other light sitting in the box.


She'd see 'C' as being smart with money so it might work out lol.


Nice start. The scape screams reef!


I know, I already have visions of sps crowning the scape heheh.

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Well, unfortunately the nearest power outlet runs the entertainment center, so there's that obstacle to deal with. But as far as the wife obstacle, I was thinking I could tell her A ) I need a better light B ) it's going to cost a few hundred bucks and C ) but hey! I already have that other light sitting in the box.


She'd see 'C' as being smart with money so it might work out lol.


let it sit and cook for a few months and then get some nems!!! you know you wanna :)


Choice "C" is very fiscally responsible as well lol, you should run that MH

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Metal Halide fixture is on the tank. Looks pretty good and no complaints from the wife so I think a lot of options just opened up. Tossed in a K-1 (for now) and pulled the AC30.


Nice to see some shimmer again!


Pics later...

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You should, they are very cool. I plan to get at least one shrimp for this hex. It's perfect because there wouldn't really be anywhere they could stay out of site.


So I spent 5 bucks and added a 4 stripe damsel to this hex. There won't be a cycle since the marco is dead, and I didn't want to lose the nitrifying bacteria on the LR I have hidden in the back by starving it to death - so the damsel should keep the bacteria happy and give it the food it needs to reproduce and coat the marco.


One thing I am not happy with is the MH is kicking the tank temp up to 81.5. Our family room is underground, so the temperature down here is cold and stable year round, but I don't want to run the 20L at 81.5 and would have preferred both tanks to have identical sg and temp to make transferring things around (if needed/desired) hassle free.


Hoping that pulling the HK ph out and adding the mp10 when it shows up will bring the temp down a bit. Not real confident, but hoping nontheless.


Also wondering what the variance is between temperature at the top (where the probe is) and the bottom of the tank, if any. I'll have to check it out tomorrow. The 20L never rose above 80.1 with this same lamp over it.

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Wow, i missed this thread. Awesome scape, makes me want to redo mine. did you mod the stand or just let it be?


So I had a guy show me 400 pounds of rock sitting on a glass bottom 3 foot x4 foot tank that was only supported around the rim, and he asked me if I was still worried about 20 pounds of rock sitting on the bottom, lol. I did verify the bottom was tempered glass, but no I just left the stand as-is.


Glad you like the scape, I need to get better pictures up.


Great start. You are addicted to reefing, just admit now and tell all of us that this will be a reef tank.


Haha, guess I am and guess it will!


To me this scape is begging for some montipora sticking out from the edges and I can see some of SoCal's nems making a home here and there. I want to keep it very clean looking though. I like how my 20L looks, but I see this tank being much less populated.

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So I had a guy show me 400 pounds of rock sitting on a glass bottom 3 foot x4 foot tank that was only supported around the rim, and he asked me if I was still worried about 20 pounds of rock sitting on the bottom, lol. I did verify the bottom was tempered glass, but no I just left the stand as-is.


Glad you like the scape, I need to get better pictures up.


wow. now that guy's crazy or he's gotta have some really thick glass, but 20lbs doesn't seem like a big deal at all now. :) Can't wait to see this tank develop, whether it becomes FOWLR or reef.

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You ever think about cutting the rock? Or do you plan on having it stacked.


Some acro,millis and monti would look great in there. Along with some acan or fav at the bottom.


Always wanted a hex tank. Highly doubt the woman would let me have one.

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I was able to get the scape together without cutting the rock. The guy I bought it from had a saw at hand, but there was no need. It's balanced, despite being sort of a helix shaped column, and I used zipties to make sure it wasn't going anywhere. If it ever tumbles and the tank busts open, you'll never know because my wife will kill me and dead men don't post.

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I was able to get the scape together without cutting the rock. The guy I bought it from had a saw at hand, but there was no need. It's balanced, despite being sort of a helix shaped column, and I used zipties to make sure it wasn't going anywhere. If it ever tumbles and the tank busts open, you'll never know because my wife will kill me and dead men don't post.


Yea that would be the end of me if that happened. So true...

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Can't wait to see this tank develop, whether it becomes FOWLR or reef.


Reef, just sparsely populated.


The look I'm envisioning would be like a combo of ImCosmoKramer's nem and sps tanks but with less nems and less corals lol.


We'll see what it grows into!

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Haha, I wouldn't fare much better if my rock went crashing down.


Reef, just sparsely populated.


The look I'm envisioning would be like a combo of ImCosmoKramer's nem and sps tanks but with less nems and less corals lol.


We'll see what it grows into!

I'm liking the sound of this. :)

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To me this scape is begging for some montipora sticking out from the edges and I can see some of SoCal's nems making a home here and there.



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Just a quick shot under the halide. You can (barely) see the 4 stripe up top. Hosts the mag float like the clowns used to when he's not zipping around the tank.



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