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PAR38 SPS BioCube 14g


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I have a biocube 14g. I have completly mod the whole system. Removed the bioball, cut the tab larger from chamber 1 to 2, chemi pure elite, filter floss, heater, new pump. I removed the plastic black rim. I added the black egg create recently to keep my new grade A picassos from jumping. The fan on top of the egg is from target. It goes on the back of a playstation 3 for $20 :lol: . The light is a used 150w 20k mh I picked up for $150. I bent a piece of aluminum and bolted it through the biobube stand. What do you guys think?? The tank has been running for about 9-10 months. Its My first SW tank.


My picassos are the the identical on the opposite sides. Meaning ones left is the same as the others right and vice-versa.





















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Pics are fixed. What do you think?


Like your mods, that PS fan is a good idea lol.


Not so crazy about the egg crate beneath the rocks, sort of spoils your otherwise cool looking scape.

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Like your mods, that PS fan is a good idea lol.


Not so crazy about the egg crate beneath the rocks, sort of spoils your otherwise cool looking scape.


Well Im going to cover the egg create on the sides of the tank with zoas and green star polyps to hide the egg create.

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I like it.


I think the lighting is great, the livestock is perfect and the tank looks good.


The crate would drive me insane...but if your going to cover it...who cares!

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Well Im going to cover the egg create on the sides of the tank with zoas and green star polyps to hide the egg create.



+1. Can't wait to see it covered, it's sure to look pretty cool.



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figured set the rock on the egg crate to make a cave. I just bought green star Polyps tonight to cover the sides of the egg crate. Ill get some more zoas and polyps this week and take more pics when they open up.

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Very nice set up. I do like the eggcrate. :) I think I might do the same but paint it black and cover it with gsp and some rock. I would think the part that shows will eventually be covered with coralline. It looks like it makes a nice cave. How is the flow throw it? Ditto with the picassos.

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Update. 12/05/09 I just bought a sebae anemone. I put it in my tank were the clowns hang out. hours later I came back and it opened up nicely. Then like less than a hour after getting home my 1 Picasso is all over that thing! :happydance: The other one is still a few inches from it and haning out. so hopefully the other will join fingerscrossed







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