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Coral Vue Hydros

What Salt Do You Use?


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Hey everyone,


Was just curious to see the salts being used for reefs.




No complaints at all!

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Hey everyone,


Was just curious to see the salts being used for reefs.




No complaints at all!


List of salts used before:

Instant Ocean

Reef Crystals

Red Sea

Red Sea Coral Pro


I used the love the Red Sea products ... until I tried the RS Coral Pro ... stuff just didn't look the same after that.


Before going to college I had multiple tanks ... and used IO and RC on a couple of them ... and am using it now on my 120G until today when I try the new Brightwell Aquatics NEO Marine salt. Just keep hearing and reading great things about it ... so I thought I would give it a try.

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Deleted User 6

DD H2O Pro


I was pissed at it for a while because the levels sucked...but then I realized my refractometer was off and my salinity was way low. After that, it's been good.

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I have used Ocean Pure, Red Sea, Instand Ocean and Oceanic. I use Oceanic now or mix it with Instant Ocean for a better calcium/alk balance.

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Militant Jurist

I use IO. My LFS apparently buys in massive bulk quantities and then repackages it. I'm able to get a good sized bag of it for $9.99 and that will probably last me a year.

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I have used many types of salt. I have without a doubt had the best results with TM.


That being said, I have never had two batches of salt from any manufacturer that tested out the same as far as alk, ca, mg, ect. go.

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I've used TM, IO, Seachem and now RC and I haven't seen any great difference in my readings in terms of pH, Ca and Mg. I have not seen the perfect salt, or maybe I should just get rid of my test kits for new ones :D

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I have used Ocean Pure, Red Sea, Instand Ocean and Oceanic. I use Oceanic now or mix it with Instant Ocean for a better calcium/alk balance.


i did this for a while....im stuck with RC till i use it up..

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I have used marine environment and seachem. The seachem is handy because it comes in a big bucket. The best salt available in my opinion is Marine Environment though.

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I have used oceanic and now use marine environment. I like the ME except for the gimmick second part so I'll probably go with Bio-Sea next time.

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I have used oceanic and now use marine environment. I like the ME except for the gimmick second part so I'll probably go with Bio-Sea next time.



Whats so gimmick about the second part? You must not keep a nutrient stripping system.


I use M.E. obviously.

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I've used I/O, Tropic Marin, Red-Sea Coral Pro, and most recently CoralLife. I just finished the last of the CoralLife and am ready to crack open a bucket of D-D H20 brand salt. I hear it's the "king" of salts right now, lol! I've really curious about Tunze salt... Oh, and FWIW I started my 30g tank back up 3 weeks ago, and started it using pretty much a 3rd each of CoralLife, Red-Sea Coral Pro and I/O. 3 weeks later with NO w/c yet, everything is good!! I've never personally noticed a differance in my tanks between salts used, just higher Ca readings is all, but nothing else.

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I've read their reasoning behind the second bottle and have done a couple tests and have decided its marketing BS. You are correct though none of my tanks need any kind of dosing etc yet.

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Word to the wise:


Pick a salt and stick with it. There are very few things more stressful to a tank than continually changing salt mixes.

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Word to the wise:


Pick a salt and stick with it. There are very few things more stressful to a tank than continually changing salt mixes.

I'll stress your tank and change your salt woman.

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Word to the wise:


Pick a salt and stick with it. There are very few things more stressful to a tank than continually changing salt mixes.


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I agree that it is a bad thing but you must have poor imaginations if you can only think of a few things more stressful to a tank than changing salt :)


Putting complete tank in a cardboard box and UPSing it to yourself with a "this side up" sticker for no reason would be up there but salt changing is in fact near the bottom.

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I agree that it is a bad thing but you must have poor imaginations if you can only think of a few things more stressful to a tank than changing salt :)


Putting complete tank in a cardboard box and UPSing it to yourself with a "this side up" sticker for no reason would be up there but salt changing is in fact near the bottom.

You obviously have never kept SPS.


As for the salt I use, NSW. No problems at all, switched to DD for awhile then saw how much it differed from batch to batch and decided NSW was a cheaper and more consistant option, I do however use filtered NSW not straight NSW with all the nasty crap in it. I use to get it filtered for free from a turtle rescue but they moved and no longer let the public get water, so I get the water from there but I have to ay $0.50 a gal at the LFS since they service their tanks and get free NSW from them.

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