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Cultivated Reef

pismo's 9.5g [Rimless] ReEF b0x....


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I was just walkin thru mah hallway and glanced over at the tank....

Guess who was lookin right back @ me.... :happy:



My lil' Angler Wannabe... :happy:







her home and the reason i couldnt find her for 3 days....

(she's actually in there if you look close enuf.)






So, after 3 days bein' MIA.... She just pops up outta nowhere.

She's still as fat and healthy as she was at the store, so she must be eating.


* I do general tank feedings of PE Mysis and Silversides, so its not farfetched.



Im just happy she's okay!

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Just got a "belly-bump" from my 4 yr. old son.....


[kinda like the chest-bump thing football players do....]


Prolly the best 2 seconds of my life. :happy:


I love my boy. And I appreciate every moment.

just thot you shuld know. :D

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Just got a "belly-bump" from my 4 yr. old son.....


[kinda like the chest-bump thing football players do....]


Prolly the best 2 seconds of my life. :happy:


I love my boy. And I appreciate every moment.

just thot you shuld know. :D

Go kid go! Your tank is pretty killer by the way.

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Go kid go! Your tank is pretty killer by the way.


Ya.... mah kid rox!

Mah tank is Peezing me off tho.....

Bits of cyano here & there....Eww. :rant:




I know how you feel!



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Militant Jurist

Cyano sucks da biggun. That and bubble algae.


I hear ya on watching paint dry. Everything I get comes from small frags, so there's a lot of waiting to be done.

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Cyano sucks da biggun. That and bubble algae.


I gots both....



Bubble i can deal with. Bubble gets big, I remove it.

np there....


Cyano sux the big one, cuz i dunno why i have it.

Nor, how to solve it.... i HATE cyano. :rant:

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your tank is looking sweet! :happydance:

what's your secret to keeping the curved corners clean? i have such a hard time scraping that part.


hope that cyano clears up soon for ya. suck some of it up, get more flow in that area? i've got my vortech mp10 cranked almost 100% now. i'm sure that helps prevent cyano. :lol:

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Militant Jurist

I've got my MP10 cranked up nearly all the way, but still no help. I just suck up the cyano when it gets bad. I recently read an article about cyano's cause being so difficult to address. In an overfed rich system, the problem is obvious. However, the article talked about even a nutrient poor system being overrun with cyano because apparently it can bind sulfur and even nitrogen and use it as a food source. Essentially, cyano is the devil!

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what's your secret to keeping the curved corners clean?



thanks for the compliments.... :happy:



i use one of these.... http://www.aquacave.com/replacement-blade-...rine-2192.html#



I just use the blade (no handle), and some elbow grease..... ;)

both corners on the top are rounded, which makes them perfect for the corners of the tank!


I highly suggest them for this brand of tank!



Cyano is the devil. Aging light bulbs can also cause it.



Hmm... My actinics are OLD. :o



I bet thats it.... <_<

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Cyano will go with time. eventually tank parameters will become more consistant sort of like an equilibrium type deal and Cyano won't be able to survive. Just suck it out every wc and expirment with obvious possible causes.


My tank had cyano issues for several months but time eventually brought it to an end.

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Hey Pismo, Cyano does suck, it took me 4 months to get rid of my outbreak due to a heat incident before Air conditioning was added. I still have a hair algae problem from that! Good luck man, your tank looks absolutely splendid, keep up the good work!

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Hmm... My actinics are OLD. :o


I bet thats it.... <_<

The wavelengths supposedly approach the red spectrum further as they age. I have new bulbs in route to try and fix my 29. It was cyano free for a month or so, but the bulbs aren't great :(

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Thanks for the advices and compliments guys....


I moved a few things around so I can put my other Koralia Nano back in.

It was blowin' the heck out of a few things with 2x Nanos... but that should be fixed now.


The weapons I will use against the Cyano:


- Moar flow.

- Less light.

- Less food.

- New Actinics.


Its on, Cyano! :eek:omgomgomg

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Good luck getting rid of it. I frequently decrease my photo period anytime I notice any "bad stuff" sort of algae growing. That coupled with the other methods and hopefully you can beat it. Good luck.

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Just an FYI on cleaning the glass. I have a Super Nano Nimble. Cleans well except for that darn hard green algae that without fail grows right along the sand bed line. I took the Velcro pad off the inside magnet and attached a pc. of scrubby pad to it with a few strategically placed dabs of Super Glue Gel (the reefers friend).

Just pulled the scrubby part off of the sponge. It is amazing how well it cleans.


These pads.



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