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Pod Your Reef

Just hanging....


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He did it to himself.. can he correct himself?


I've never had to detach him since I got him.. how would i go about doing that without hurting him to move him?

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It wasn't happy with the amount of light and or flow it was getting where it was. The 'foot' is very strong and quite capable of supporting the weight of the clam just as it is.


Leave it alone and let it figure out where it wants to be. If it wants to be higher it can pull itself up by its foot. If it likes where it is it will stay there without a problem.


If you absolutely can't stand the idea of where it is then you could point a power head directly at it and hope it lets go or take a very clean and sharp razor blade and cut the foot as close to the rocks as possible. Both options can hurt/kill the clam so be careful.

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