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Ribbies Rimless 15G Reef


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Well thanks for the offer but im good. Im feeding mysis, pellets, and spot feeding corals with oyster feast which all of my corals love. Its so much fun to watch them get all puffy when u spot feed :P

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Cool, I'll have it for a year at least lol so let me know if you change your mind! I love my SPS addition but I dont have anywhere good to put it in my tank... Might have to take it back and get smaller frags. :(

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:( its soooo nice though. But it is big. ugh, its so hard to find nice frags in winnipeg, everything is colonys. I think we should orginize a frag swap, or sale or something :P. with a bunch of people. I could frag my zoas and my ric preety easily.
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The problem I find is that everyone has the same stuff. Same monti caps, same digitatas... same ricordeas. I'm going to call ewing tomorrow and see if I can exchange it for some smaller pieces. Hopefully he will.


I totally love my two spot goby though. I think I called it a blenny earlier and that was incorrect. He's just awesome to watch!

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Ya, i asked him about what his return policy on fish is and he said there is none :S but maybe he will make an acception. Ya ive always saw those at the store and htought they were liek madarins, thats so cool that they will eat frozen/prepared food cause they look amazing.

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Ya, i asked him about what his return policy on fish is and he said there is none :S but maybe he will make an acception. Ya ive always saw those at the store and htought they were liek madarins, thats so cool that they will eat frozen/prepared food cause they look amazing.


Oh, I'm not looking to return it though. I just need something smaller. This was the smallest SPS colony he had and if it wasnt for the monstrous frag plug it would work. The only place I have for it is on the sand bed and that's in too low of flow and not enough light.


I saw some smaller digi frags and he's got some ricordeas I like so we'll see.

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Oh cool. There was some birdsnest at jw last time I was there. And he said he could frag me a piece so I'm gunna try and get there tommorow and see if they have any nice rock. I'm sure Ewing will trade in for corals. They seem to fly outta there.

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So I went back to my LFS and returned my beautiful purple acro colony for some sps frags. The owner was very accommodating and even supplied an in store credit which I am very pleased about.


Please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm going to attempt to ID my frags :P



Branching Monti


This one's tough to see. It's a light pink with white polyps


Not sure if this is an acro or a birdsnest?



Birds nest



some sort of porite?


I also got a green acro but I cant really get a good picture of it because of how it's mounted.






And you might have noticed in the FTS that my skimmer has arrived! :D



I'm probably going to move it from here and dont mind the wires :o



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When were u in fishgallery? I was there today too :happy: Sweet frags, i almost bought one of those monti frags myself. I was trying to find birdnest all day, at jw and fishgallery and couldn't find any, i guess you looked harder :P

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Did the power head come with a strainer for the front? I keep losing snails to my power head. Stupid snails want food then they get sucked in and then sucked out... of their shells :angry: . It does look good though. Nice corals too!

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When were u in fishgallery? I was there today too :happy: Sweet frags, i almost bought one of those monti frags myself. I was trying to find birdnest all day, at jw and fishgallery and couldn't find any, i guess you looked harder :P


I was at the fish gallery yesterday night with my girlfriend. There was a second piece of the birdsnest there but I got the smaller frag. It's actually turned half green in just a day so I'm pretty stoked. The white polyp'd pink one there is sweet too I think it's going to look awesome if it can flourish.


Did the power head come with a strainer for the front? I keep losing snails to my power head. Stupid snails want food then they get sucked in and then sucked out... of their shells :angry: . It does look good though. Nice corals too!


The powerhead came with two types of covers for the front. the shortest one is about a half inch. Thanks for telling me that because I didnt even think about it. I'm going to go cover it right now. :D


How do you find the noise level on the Remora?


I wouldnt want to sit in a room with it. It's a lot louder than my ac70 but apparently it runs loud during the break in period. There's a sound mod that people have done so I figured I'd just save the $$$ and get the Remora with the 1200. I'll let you know in a couple days if it gets any better.

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Guess im quite blind -_-

Check out this canadian website for sps, i unno if you've seen it before but theres some wicked stuff. www.coralmaster.com

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Guess im quite blind -_-

Check out this canadian website for sps, i unno if you've seen it before but theres some wicked stuff. www.coralmaster.com


Haha well it was in the aqua cultured acro tank so I'm not surprised you missed it. Probably looked like a brown turd compared to all the gorgeous green yellow and purple acros!


I've checked it out before and thought about ordering from him but I decided to just buy local for my first frags. I"m pretty pessimistic and pretty much expect them to die :lol: But, if they do flourish I can always sell them. I put all my frags on with putty that just pops off with a pull.


I want to make a frag tank at some point and eventually get a bigger tank going but I really need to get my own place first.

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awesome watermelon zoas, i want :D


Check out the growth in my tank Ribbie, my frog is crazy. my tank looks a lot like yours but i need more corals! (think yours is still better)

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Haha well it was in the aqua cultured acro tank so I'm not surprised you missed it. Probably looked like a brown turd compared to all the gorgeous green yellow and purple acros!


I've checked it out before and thought about ordering from him but I decided to just buy local for my first frags. I"m pretty pessimistic and pretty much expect them to die :lol: But, if they do flourish I can always sell them. I put all my frags on with putty that just pops off with a pull.


I want to make a frag tank at some point and eventually get a bigger tank going but I really need to get my own place first.

Ah ya, there sps are soo nice, but, its so expensive and if they were to die :S. Dont we all want a bigger tank? :P i would liek to build a bigger tank, but in like 2 years ill be going off to university, etc etc, and wont really work lol. Im just gunna stick with this tank for now, and maybe upgrade to a 40br eventully, if i can convince my dad, lol. But i want to see this tank flourish and fill up with corals. Did you see some of the acans he had?(Ewing) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i almost went nuts. There were these ones, that were so nice, i almost lost it. He even had a frag of acans, and i wish i had got it. But my dad wanted the shroom rock :P

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Ah ya, there sps are soo nice, but, its so expensive and if they were to die :S. Dont we all want a bigger tank? :P i would liek to build a bigger tank, but in like 2 years ill be going off to university, etc etc, and wont really work lol. Im just gunna stick with this tank for now, and maybe upgrade to a 40br eventully, if i can convince my dad, lol. But i want to see this tank flourish and fill up with corals. Did you see some of the acans he had?(Ewing) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i almost went nuts. There were these ones, that were so nice, i almost lost it. He even had a frag of acans, and i wish i had got it. But my dad wanted the shroom rock :P


Yeah it's not a cheap hobby that's for sure. I could spend a lot of money in there haha. The acans are sweet but I'm a little suspect on getting anything else for a while. I'm going to leave the tank be for a couple months now and see how things progress.


There's pretty much no way I could have kept a reef tank going when I went to school. You're probably right that you're best to stick with what you have. The 40br could be your grad present! B)

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ahh, that would be sweeet. But then i would be gone in 2 years, cause i want to go into marine biology, and uofm offers the first 2 years, then i gotta go out of province. Dorm room pico :D

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I wouldnt want to sit in a room with it. It's a lot louder than my ac70 but apparently it runs loud during the break in period. There's a sound mod that people have done so I figured I'd just save the $$$ and get the Remora with the 1200. I'll let you know in a couple days if it gets any better.



Thanks... I am looking to get one of these for my tank. I have a coralife 65 superskimmer, but I don't use it because after more than a week break in period it still releases a ton of microbubbles into my tank and that is with the bubble trap. It skims great, but I think those skimmers are really made more for in sump than HOB even though they sell them as both.

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That's a cool tank you have there. How do you like the Remora skim production? How much production per week are you getting?



Thanks :)


I hooked up my skimmer yesterday for the first time so as of right now there's nothing in the collection cup. Apparently it takes a while to break in but I'll let you know when it starts producing.

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The skimmer is noticably more quiet today. Very little skimmate and a little water over flow into the collection cup. I basically took it out of the box, wiped it down, and put it in the tank. I will play with the adjustable screw after it's ran for a week or so.


I'm currently researching ATO units for my tank. Since I've added the protien skimmer I have noticed a dramatic increase in evaporation. I will need to figure something out so I can maintain a solid water line.


So far the best option looks to be a ghetto gravity fed ato using a water bottle and holder. I'll post pics if I can get something together this weekend. I have a couple side jobs to do that might take up most of my free time but I have to get this issue addressed within the coming weeks.

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Gravity feeds are prone to not work correctly sometimes, and require a lot of adjusting and fiddling with in my experience. Changes in room temperature and humidity levels as seasons change will have you fiddling with the drip. You should consider a small float switch and an aqulifter pump, or battery powered air pump ATO. The battery powered ones work flawlessly but are noisy.


The battery lasts forever. I had mine for 6 months before replaceing the battery. If you go via aqualifter. You will need a realy. bit more expensive but better in my opinion. I have this on my 40g right now and works perfectly

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Skimmer Video


The video makes it seem louder than it is but it's pretty close. The lid being off makes a huge difference.


I also found out that my two spot goby likes to dig! He's created a cave for himself in my tank:




I noticed my palys are getting picked apart. You can see the two with the missing skirts here:



Going to have to start feeding more.


And some shots of the skimmate being produced after about 4 days:




I'll have to do some tweaking I think but I'll leave it for a bit longer as it needs another 10 days or so break in.


Oh, and a bonus shot of my emerald out on the substrate during the day:



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