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Lani's 40 Breeder


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:) Canon T2i!


sweet tank! you got some awesome creatures in there.

Gracias. :D


Get them Palys under some light, woman! Useless without actinic!

Ya ya, I got a light over them... sorta:







Heh, they're actually in a 15gal tank now!

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animal: Love the 100mm lens. Can't live without a macro lens! The Sigma 150mm might have been a slightly better choice though because of the length.

Awesome thanks!


It's great for insects too right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remember how I was complaining I couldn't get nice Blastos a while back and was sad you couldn't send me a frag? Check out what I got for $3 last night...




Living near the GBR has some perks... :lol:

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Deleted User 6
The Sigma 150mm might have been a slightly better choice though because of the length.




Oooooh, so now you want one from me again, eh? :P



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Just got back home from a trip and the tank is FULL of that fluffy red algae. Couple of heads of frogspawn and couple of the hammer have died, for various reasons. Other than that, everything looks hunky-dory. The magicians palys settled in quickly and look beautiful. I'll try to have some pics tomorrow of the good, bad, and the ugly..... then I've got to start doing some big water changes. :/

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I had to overload with blue hermits to get rid of that stuff. Turbo snail might do it.



your avatar is too funny! :D


I'm sorry about your loss.

Duncan! :flower:


Duncan, Christmas is over.




Ugh, I haven't really touched the tank except to try and stop both the MP20 and surface skimmer from making annoying sounds... This weekend I'll try to rip out as much of the red algae as I can before doing a water change. I promise I'll have pics soon!

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Duncan, Christmas is over.

xmas is never over! NEVER.




Duncan! :flower:




Ugh, I haven't really touched the tank except to try and stop both the MP20 and surface skimmer from making annoying sounds... This weekend I'll try to rip out as much of the red algae as I can before doing a water change. I promise I'll have pics soon!


Hi Lani~ I've been out of nr for the longest time. Did a checkup on my tank and thought of visting nr again. Your tank still looks as great. and wow! you got a mp20? i need to check the rest of the posts again. :)

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Clean your shizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........



































oh hai :flower:


















I :luv: u

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Thanks, redstripe. :)






This is before pulling out a TON of red algae.


And after:





Oh, heh, yeah I'm in the process of scraping the blue paint off the back. :P

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Lani, when you are taking macro shots of your zoas and stuff are you using a zoom lens on a tripod or a macro lens and getting real close to the tank?

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