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Nick's 40 Breeder

Nick's Reef

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I love jawfish! great addition Nick :D those blue hornets look happy too...I was kinda skurred when I bought mine because I heard stories of them melting away...I have mine in a shaded area and took 2 off of the frag and put it on another frag in another spot to see which are happier...an expirement lol

post pix of the fishies in the tank :P

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Nick's Reef
I love jawfish! great addition Nick :D those blue hornets look happy too...I was kinda skurred when I bought mine because I heard stories of them melting away...I have mine in a shaded area and took 2 off of the frag and put it on another frag in another spot to see which are happier...an expirement lol

post pix of the fishies in the tank :P

When the lights come one!

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Nick's Reef

Well I took pics of the new fish and pretty much everything else in the tank, here they are.


Green Toadstool



Was supposed to be of the chromis but they swam off, still a good pic of the leather.


Sunset Monti



Angry cause I knocked it over with the mag-float.


Forestfire Digi



Mean Greens



Aussie Prism



German Blue Digi



Putting on some nice growth.


Toadstool and Chromis
























Crappy video of chromis



that's all for now, going to get the pom-pom soon! :)

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Nick's Reef
Nice stuff! I like the video :)


coralz look very happy and so do the fishies


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Nick's Reef
Looking good.



well the lfs was out of pom-poms, one of the employees took all of them home. :angry: They're gonna get me one for free though and got two sweet rics! :)

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i love my pompom crabs :)


mine picked up a ric and used it as a pom pom for about a week

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Nick's Reef
i love my pompom crabs :)


mine picked up a ric and used it as a pom pom for about a week

If mine uses corals for pom-poms, that thing is losing an arm! Well maybe not since all my corals are glued down.

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Nick's Reef

May 4,2009 Water Parameters



Alkalinity: 9dkh


Phosphates: undetectable

Nitrates: 0ppm


Also snapped some pics of the new ricordea:





Also forgot to load the picture of my jawfish on Saturday:


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Nick's Reef
Great pix Nick! how are the blue hornets? I have 2 that look like they wil not make it :(

Thanks, the blue hornets are just fine, still have all 4 polyps.

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Nick's Reef

Well maria I think you jinxed me on the blue hornets! The next day they looked ucky and today only one poylp left all shriveled up covered un white fuzzy stuff. I tossed them out. :angry:


On the other hand besides some fuzzy red slime like algae from overdosing the reef biofuel, everthing is doing fantastic and it really makes me feel good after losing some of my favortie sps. My garf bonsai is encrusting like mad along with the tri-color. My sunset has put on decent growth since chopping the tile it was on up to get rid of that wiry maroon algae all of us have it seems like, there's still some that I need to keep scraping off. My german blue digi has exploded as I said in the last set of pics, and my spongodes I thought I'd lose is pretty much back to normal except when it colored back up it got even more neon green on the base! :) The red planet I'm iff on, it doesn't have as much pe as it used to but is turning a ver light pink/peach color instead of the bone white it was a month ago. My chromis are all still alive, the mandarin is really putting on wheight and chubby, but not like my dad's green mandarin that actually has an "beer belly" or in this case a "brine belly" lol. Als say the jawfishe at for the first time since I fed him the night i got him which was nice.


Next weekend there's a frag swap so I'm going to that and what I do get I'm being very cautious with as the stuff I got at the last one mostly died due to my stupidity and not mounting them perfectly straight up or laying down. Still have all the best stuff i got except the abro which is known to be a hard to keep acro after reading a few posts by ez and tj.

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Man sorry :( my last blue hornet was getting eaten by an asterina...the plug they came on is still in there I was bummed

Have fun at the swap, I can't make it I have to go to my nieces first communion <_<

I am broke anyways lol

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Nick's Reef
Man sorry :( my last blue hornet was getting eaten by an asterina...the plug they came on is still in there I was bummed

Have fun at the swap, I can't make it I have to go to my nieces first communion <_<

I am broke anyways lol

yeah, oson as you said yours melted I was like mine better not then next day I was like damit!


Swap should be fin, sorry u can't make it. -_-

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Nick, your tank is looking absolutely beautiful....I'm afraid you cannot have e frag og my Blue Tort just now...It totally bleached out about a month ago.....I had a UV shield glass blow up on one of my pendants and it got roasted....unfortunately it may be a long time coming back..... :angry:

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Nick's Reef
Nick, your tank is looking absolutely beautiful....I'm afraid you cannot have e frag og my Blue Tort just now...It totally bleached out about a month ago.....I had a UV shield glass blow up on one of my pendants and it got roasted....unfortunately it may be a long time coming back..... :angry:

Awe man that sucks, I think I'd cry if that happened to me. I was about to throw my red planet at the wall but knew it had pe and should come back. Hows the superman? Has it finally grown? I remember last time it just wouldn't grow. Hope your tort comes back good as new.

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Nick's Reef

well swap is a no go, fishing a tournament benefitting florida oceanagraphic. It's photo and rslease for snook, tarpon, reds, trout, sheephead, black drum, pompano, and flounder with a special prize for largest treasure coast slam (snook, red, trout, tarpon) and any of the above fish on fly except for tarpon which doesn't go by longest fish but by most releases. Gonna be fun. Hopefully will catch at least one fish that qualifies for an award, I really don't care if I win (well I do) just don't wanna catch nothing but jacks or ladyfish, i wanna shot at this thing. :)

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Nick's Reef
Good luck at the tournament Nick! sounds like a lot of fun :happy:

there will be other frag swaps....

Thanks, josh ended up getting 3rd place for sheepshead.


as for the tank I've had this nasty maroon fuzzy crap for awhile, it's from overdosing the reef biofuel I think. I stopped dosing about 5 days ago. Another problem might be that I didn't do a water change for a month, but did one now. I cut the lights for three days and it did knock it back a bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks, josh ended up getting 3rd place for sheepshead.


as for the tank I've had this nasty maroon fuzzy crap for awhile, it's from overdosing the reef biofuel I think. I stopped dosing about 5 days ago. Another problem might be that I didn't do a water change for a month, but did one now. I cut the lights for three days and it did knock it back a bit.


$5 its cyano ;)

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Nick's Reef

David ur right, it was from the reef biofuel, just like last week did I it go away. Took alot of water changes and scraping the rocks with a tooth brush. Nothing has changed really except the jawfish jumped, 1 chromis got beat to death, and I added a new clown which the female proceded to beat the crap our of then chase into the overflow box where it got sucked to the return pump. Also got a baybies breath or whatever you call it favia.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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