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Nick's 40 Breeder

Nick's Reef

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Nick's Reef

Well the ELOS Mg kit came today and my Mg level is 1150meq/L. A bit low but I'm not worrying about it right now. Swung by a LFS really quick and they were butchering a rock of blue hornets, going back tomorrow to get a frag! :) They also had a yasha goby :wub: but only a yasha goby, not the pair I want. ;) Going to get a pair from LA DD when a nice one pops up and I have the cash. They also had some other neat fish but trying to hold out for another week so I can get the whole dosing routine figured out since it changes everytime you add livestock. They had nice TR Truwe percs too but they were TR so they didn't have the nice colors of an SI true perc, if the other LFS gets more percs like they have for the past month then one might come home with me since their's had super nice coloration and thet's where I got my pair (now lone female) from.

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Nick's Reef

(Sighs) Well I went to turn the skimmer back on after dosing and remembered I hadn't fed today. well normally the mandarin is going nutsn chasing me around. I couldn't find her well I thought no big deal she's under her favorite ledge hiding in the cave it creates, squirt some brine in there nope not home. I look behind the tank to see if she jumped and she didn't but worse, she swam through the eggcrate and behing the rock wall it just barely leans forward and the could sqeeze her way around. Finally after about 30min of trying to get her back into the display I coaxed her out through a hole by getting her attention with brine the taping the glass to spook her out. She went back into the display like nothing happened and started to chow down on the brine the snails missed. I gave her a nice pipette full and she pecked at that. So glad she's alive, I really need to stop getting these tiny fish! This also makes me NOT want to get Yashas or any burrowing fish knowing they just have to dig there way back there. It's sad but true. Larger fish like dwarf angels and anthias seem really apealing atm but I think anything that swaims in the water colum won't go back there. I'm just happy the mandarin is alive and eating right now, also moved some corals off the sandbed but still no pics til' I get everyting situated since it's pretty much the same except some alge as the last set of pics.

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Here are the long awaited pics of the finished product!


Ready for the tank!



Here's before i shook the loose sand off it



As you can see alot falls off but what sticks looks amazing!


This is the resin I used



what do you use to make that rock wall

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Nick's Reef
what do you use to make that rock wall

Take eggcrate cut it to the perferred size of the wall. take your rocks and with a masonry bit drill holes in them and ziptie them to the eggcrate. Spray the foam in the gaps and let expand and sit for 1-3days. Then paint on the fiberglass resin then sprinkle sand or crushed coral over it. let it sit in the sun for about a week then it's ready to go in the tank.


I also picked up my blue hornets tody, and they're sweet! :D I'll take pics when they open.

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Nick's Reef
blue hornets :eek: I wantz a frag when they grow out prz :flower:

No frags for you! :angry::P


Sure thing, it's only 4 polyps, if you hurry your a$$ up to juno by 7 there was a frag left but it was $20 for 2 polyps. This is at unda the sea. I don't think it's worth it, wait for a frag of mine. lol! Also, when u wanna meet to get the screen cover and I can get lani's zoanthids?

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Nick's Reef
I'll wait...lol I am at work in Boca <_<

I am off next Monday and Tuesday :P

Hmmm, I'd be at school and if we were going to meet up, you'd have to come here after 3.

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Nick's Reef


Damn frag nazi!!! :lol:





Glad the mandy is ok bro!!!

Dude, I don't have anything big enough to frag anymore! Half my acros died and everything else are tiny frags. My red cap is three pieces cause of my clumsy a$$. I need to frag stuff so i can get some money!

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Dude, I don't have anything big enough to frag anymore! Half my acros died and everything else are tiny frags. My red cap is three pieces cause of my clumsy a$$. I need to frag stuff so i can get some money!

You'll be selling frags in no time bro!

Look at all that room you have now for growing out!!!

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Nick's Reef
Look at all that room you have now for growing out!!!

True dat!


Well almost all my algae is gone! :happydance::happydance::happydance:


I'll post pics of the hornets this weekend, I need to do a water change and wipe the outside of the glass, there are so many fingerprints and smudges.

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Nick's Reef

Sorry about not getting pics up, was so busy i forgot. I went out to lilredneckman's to pick up some hammer and green toadstool. Then he came with me and we went bass fishing all day. then sunday i did absolutley nothing except play madden all day lol!


I've had a couple problems with the tank lately, I've thrown out three sps in the last 4 or 5 days. my kedd redds got zoapox, I've dipped them a few times and it did nothing, and the corals i bleached still aren't doing that well and my cap frags turned pink and won't get pe after i moved them a bit. These t5's pack a mean punch but what's odd is the few SPS I've had issues getting them happy in the ap24 absolutely love the new tank. i did sell my light and might get a few easy SPS to try to get my confidence back. My LFS has had a nice red cap for a few weeks no one wants that if they still have when i go to get h20 i might get. Once I get everything under control I'll also try to get a few ORA acros like the pearlberry and red planet since mine looks like a goner since it's so damn bleached. Also going to get a fish this week probabnly a male mandy but we'll shave to see what the LFSs get.

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Nick's Reef
I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties.

Do you have any theories as to what's causing the problems?

it's the light, but the 3 I recently tossed weren't doing well to begin with. My bn started to recede when i had a very high salinity in the ap24 when 2 acros rtn'd, and I think the change just killed it. I threw out a browned out pruple cap cause i found some sort of eggs under it but no where else luckily and my reverse pokerstar just didn't like this tank or the ap24, I think it was fresh cut anyways since it hadn't encrusted at all and it started to shed tissue and got this slimy brown crap all over it. Kinda pissed that certain things didn't do well but got cheered up when the LFS called to tell me they finally got the pom-pom crab i wanted since I was on the list for one for like 6 months! :D

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Are you saying the light is too strong, not strong enough, or what?

Do you still have the stock bulbs in it, or have you upgraded them?

Upgraded bulbs should make a big difference.

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I had a few things start to bleach to Nick...I took out 2 10k bulbs until I can buy some good bulbs and everything is happy again :unsure:

I even acclimated with eggcrate and glass tops for almost 3 weeks

I tried cutting the photoperiod with all six bulbs on to 5hrs and stuff was just mad until I took out 2 bulbs...give it a try, it can't hurt till ya get the new bulbs

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Nick's Reef
Are you saying the light is too strong, not strong enough, or what?

Do you still have the stock bulbs in it, or have you upgraded them?

Upgraded bulbs should make a big difference.

To much i think since if I move something up off the sand a few inches it gets pissed.


I had a few things start to bleach to Nick...I took out 2 10k bulbs until I can buy some good bulbs and everything is happy again :unsure:

I even acclimated with eggcrate and glass tops for almost 3 weeks

I tried cutting the photoperiod with all six bulbs on to 5hrs and stuff was just mad until I took out 2 bulbs...give it a try, it can't hurt till ya get the new bulbs

To much i think since if I move something up off the sand a few inches it gets pissed. But everything i have up higher that didn't bleach is happy. i might break down and just get the new bulbs with the money Imade from the light. I might try taking out a few aswell maria. i thought since I had everything under a 150 they'd be fine but this tank is shallower and from talking to a few people 6 t5's on slrs are alot more powerful!

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Nick's Reef

Well I think i know what's causing my problems, yes it's partially the light but after doing some reading on rc, it sounds like I need more phish. Since I'm runiing a unls with only two fish and very little nutrient addition the corals simply are starving and can't take as much light it sounds like so, possibl;y gettinga school of chromis since they're $5 a piece.

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Nick's Reef

Well i got 3 chromis and a yellowheaded jawfish acclimating right now. I'll try to get pics asap! :)

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Nick's Reef

Finally a pic of the blue hornets



New Fish Acclimating



The chromis and jawfish both ate already, and the jaw has set up shop in the back but hopefully will move into a better spot.

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Nick's Reef
i love my jawfish... i hope yours is as much fun as mine.

My dad has one an itt's a real character, this guy also seemed to like attention at the store and for $15 had to get him.

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Nick's Reef

Everything mad it threw the night thankfully, I had no doubt that they would but just happy to not see $300 getting eaten by crabs. The chromis are already out in the open schooling and it seems like the clown has stopped chasing on with a torn fin (black occy at LFS beat up on him) and decided to become part of the school, it's funny to watch, he just swims sided by side the chromis like he's one of them. :)

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