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How Many People Here Support Purple Up?


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i like it and a firm believer in it. It has calcium, strontium, iodine, and magneseum. i have seen an improvement over not using it at all.

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Too those who say/think it works.....wonder how much coraline you would have in the same length of time if you did nothing? My guess... about the same using Purple Up or not.




p.s. I hate coraline anyway...its nothing but a pain in the a$$.

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I have a bottle of it, I used it religiously for awhile, now every once in a while I'll put a small amount in. I don't monitor magnesium, Iodine. Call me irresponsible, or whatever. It works fine, its just another supplement, not a magic snake oil. Calcium levels I do track, and those make a bigger difference than purple up does.

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I like to dose PU once a week...


I did this in my Nano's...also dose to my 75 gal with a CA reactor on it B)


Its just a boost of CA and S I ...

Just dont over do it like anything else you add to your tank.



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so much blind faith in the noob population these days...


I think it's just the number of them using anecdotal evidence as fact, then spreading the word.



The two main ingredients in Purple up is water and Aragonite powder. Aragonite adds nothing to the tank. PurpleUp= An expensive Calcium additive with an iodine kicker.

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its just thousands of really really small bits of calcium, with some magnesium in solution.


its powdered aragonite....from lable; 10 micron aragonite powder derived from natural seawater

i guess thats why it wouldnt have a dramatic impact on a tank if someone were to put too much in....hence no bad reviews


i used it, and it was ok i guess...wasnt impressed...im dosing just ca and other trace elements and im getting good results..


dang beat me to it!

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I thought coraline algae was supposed to be a good indicator of ability to grow corals with skeletons...


...it's not like coraline algae does good stuff for your tank...just makes it look all funky and purple and doesn't come off of stuff.

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i keep my calc and alk up by dosing 2 part and having great success with coralline growing all over my rocks, not so much on my walls...but i dont want it on my walls anyways.


they are growing so well they are plating. ill snap a few pictures tonight.


I thought coraline algae was supposed to be a good indicator of ability to grow corals with skeletons...


...it's not like coraline algae does good stuff for your tank...just makes it look all funky and purple and doesn't come off of stuff.


they will come off if you scrap/soak in vinegar

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I dunno...I used it in my 29 but not in any of my other tanks. I noticed more growth in the growth then in the other two...but then again, each tank is different. I did notice though, it did maintain my calcium and iodine levels pretty well. As stated before, if somebody wants to try it and see for themselves, I've got a half bottle...just pay shipping and you can probably do a study for yourself.

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I see there are many different opinions about the Purple Up i myself am really not sure if i want to use it or not i have coraline algea growing and my tank has only been running since 12-10-08.. I did notice that none of you stated that it would hurt anything so if i decide to try it later on down the road i can do so without caution.. Thanks alot for all the opinions and the ones to come.

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I guess my take is that if I want optimum ca/alk/mg/sr/i levels, I'm going to test for them and dose with individual supplements to bring them to optimum levels. I'm not going to toss a mixture of all (which is what purple up is) and hope it comes out right.


As far as whether dosing pulverized aragonite is better than two-part, I don't see why it would be. In both cases, you end up adding ca and alkalinity to the water, just through slightly different mechanisms.

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from what i heard, purple up is just a watered down version of bionic,

i bought it and wasnt too impressed with it, i would dose my tank with it, and my calcium levels would stay at 400 ppm for only about 10 minutes and dropped down to 360, and my tank was only a 20 gal and had like 5 corals in it.

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I guess my take is that if I want optimum ca/alk/mg/sr/i levels, I'm going to test for them and dose with individual supplements to bring them to optimum levels. I'm not going to toss a mixture of all (which is what purple up is) and hope it comes out right.


As far as whether dosing pulverized aragonite is better than two-part, I don't see why it would be. In both cases, you end up adding ca and alkalinity to the water, just through slightly different mechanisms.


Aragonite won't break down until you tank water drops below a pH of 7.

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You read all over Nano-Reef how you should take your time setting up your tank but then everybody rushes in to have the tank completely stocked and looking like a 3 year old reef tank. What about the joy of taking things slow and watching how your tank changes over time? As you watch your tank grow you gain knowledge and experience. You then can pass on your knowledge to others.


Noob - "How did you get your tank to look like that? Was it a lot of work ?"

Reefer - "No it was no work at all. I just poured a bunch of stuff in my tank and it looks like I know what I am doing."

Noob - :o


Meanwhile 2-4 months later the whole tank crashes due to the reefer having no knowledge.

We need to learn how to enjoy the hobby and not be so competitive. The joy of reefing is a labor of love not labor of chemicals.

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Meanwhile 2-4 months later the whole tank crashes due to the reefer having no knowledge.

We need to learn how to enjoy the hobby and not be so competitive. The joy of reefing is a labor of love not labor of chemicals.

Amen, i couldn't have said it any better :D:D:D:D

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I've got a bottle. Never tried it. I think I will try it during my cycle on my new 15gallon. I'm going to brush off some coraline from a rock and then dose away before I stock. We'll see if it grows any coraline any faster than sitting around waiting for it.



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