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Cultivated Reef

How Many People Here Support Purple Up?


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Hello everyone i've been curious about the product purple up, my lfs guy says he's commited to it but im not a big fan of chemical additives. I'm posting this here because i know i will get alot of mixed feelings about the product and i dont wanna put anything in my tank that will cause problems down the road, so if you dont mind i would gladly appreciate everyones opinion leaning towards or away from this product. Thanks in advance everyone.......

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I use it for the first couple weeks in a new tank to boost coraline on the rocks. After I start adding coral I stop and strictly doe ESV 2-part.

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I use it for the first couple weeks in a new tank to boost coraline on the rocks. After I start adding coral I stop and strictly doe ESV 2-part.


Did it actually help grow coralline?

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I used it for about a month and kind of noticed an improvement...at this time (Tank was on an extended cycling) I also ran strictly actenics...I don't know which helped more but I had more growth then I did afterward....

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I think so:




With that picture I'ld say I am 100 percent sold. I even picked up used rocks with coralline just to get my tanks seeded and it would not spread. Using 6x24watt t5ho on 20gal long with seachem reefsalt. Bulbs are 10k and one actinic.

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anyone know what's in it?


i'm inclined to think you'd get the same results by just keeping your calc, alk, and mag up and occasionally scraping some coralline

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I have never seen a NEGATIVE post on the product other than just personal preference . I have seen people say wait let it happen naturally. Seems like nobody has had a bad experience with it. I have been thinking about trying it out in my nano's that use BLACK sand. My coralline growth is maybe 1/10th of that with white sand

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anyone know what's in it?


i'm inclined to think you'd get the same results by just keeping your calc, alk, and mag up and occasionally scraping some coralline


I'll post when I get home....

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It's almost like having breast implants :o


or like spending a ton on dirt cheap chemicals because someone puts it in a slick package


unless of course there's something legit in it


I'll post when I get home....



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I always thought it was crap in a bottle but got a free one in a gift bag and figured I'd give it a try, seemed to really help. My calcium and alk were fine but maybe my mag. was off because I don't have a test for that. I'm too cheap to buy another bottle though, honestly coraline is such a pain down the line but it looks nice.

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anyone know what's in it?


i'm inclined to think you'd get the same results by just keeping your calc, alk, and mag up and occasionally scraping some coralline

its just thousands of really really small bits of calcium, with some magnesium in solution.

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It's just calcium, isn't it?



theres just no reason for this product....I would think an alk. and calcium test kit would be money better spent.



anyone know what's in it?


i'm inclined to think you'd get the same results by just keeping your calc, alk, and mag up and occasionally scraping some coralline



I definitely would not use it without testing Calcium.



its just thousands of really really small bits of calcium, with some magnesium in solution.



+1 to all of these people... they are all correct



-1 to everyone else (cept Kraylen)... the rest of you need to rethink your causal connections between "PurpleUp is awesome" and "I have lots of coralline." I think a more accurate statement would simply be "Dosing calcium is awesome"

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I don't see any advantage to it over using other products to maintain calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, and iodine (all it really purports to do).


I wouldn't use it.

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