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Cultivated Reef

Lani's 5.5gal.


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I promise I had something epic to add to your tank thread, but I had to get up to pee first and now I forgot what it was. :angry:



great tank though!

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I promise I had something epic to add to your tank thread, but I had to get up to pee first and now I forgot what it was. :angry:



great tank though!

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I promise I had something epic to add to your tank thread, but I had to get up to pee first and now I forgot what it was. :angry:


great tank though!

Lol! Now that's pretty funny. :D


So what are nitrite and nitrate at




I actually bought a new test kit while I was browsing the LFSs today. :happy:

I'll letcha know in a little while...

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wtf is a test kit?

I'm not really sure, but according to it (API), amm, ite, and ate are all at zero.....................



omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg


Might throw one of the hermit crabs from the 20H in there to test this theory... he won't be staying though.


Oh, get this people... during my jaunt to the LFS today, one of the things I bought was a few stalks of pompom xenia for mom's sexy shrimp tank and lo and behold there was a hitch hiking *****! I was like zomg! This little ***** will most definitely go into the 5.5gal tank with the rest of the *****s I will be getting from an NR member... as well as the *****s and ******s. It's so cute. :wub:

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why? are you looking for more to add to your 5.5 mini nem tank?

Yes......... hehe, yup I think it's obvious the mini nems are going into this tank, but that's not all. ;)



Wanna sell/trade? :)

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Oh, get this people... during my jaunt to the LFS today, one of the things I bought was a few stalks of pompom xenia for mom's sexy shrimp tank and lo and behold there was a hitch hiking *****! I was like zomg! This little ***** will most definitely go into the 5.5gal tank with the rest of the *****s I will be getting from an NR member... as well as the *****s and ******s. It's so cute. :wub:


Um, owned by the filter?

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