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28g JBJ HQI Club....


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Are the pictures of the tank that you just put the CUC in?




NO, I put the CUC in the 14 gallon that finished cycling about a week ago. This is my 28 gallon it has no life in it other than live rock and live sand.

Readings for 28 gallon is

Amonia 0

PH 8.2

Nitrate 20

Nitrite 1.0

Temp 80 (I try to keep at 78)

Salinity 1.025


The 14 gallon (who I added the critters) Just took that reading

Amonia 0

Nitrate 0

Nitrite 0

Calcium 380-400 ( does this need to be higher?)

Copper 0



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It looks like mostly normal diatoms. However, there appears to be some red stuff; is that cyano? if so, check source water presuming that you are not feeding.


I generally keep the light cycle relatively short while cycling the tank.

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It looks like mostly normal diatoms. However, there appears to be some red stuff; is that cyano? if so, check source water presuming that you are not feeding.


I generally keep the light cycle relatively short while cycling the tank.


Thanks, and I have been running the lights quite a bit so I will cut back on them. Not sure what cyano is or if it's good or bad, will have to google that :) I have been reading tons of info on cycling and some people say to do no water changes and others say do water changes during the cycle, what do you suggest? This 28 gallon is with mostly uncured rock though I soaked and scrubed it in a seperate barrel for over a week before putting it in the tank. I never saw any life attached and I never got a bad smell. So far I haven't done any water changes since it's been in the tank . I have rinsed the sponge in the back , removed the rings and added live rock in the back chambers. Do you think I should do a water change? I'm really in no hurry for the cycle since I have my 14 gallon it is keeping me amused for now ;)

Thanks Nancy

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Looking Good! I am starting to really really want a Midas Blenny!

I still want my six line wrasse so that would be 5 fish total over time


Still up in the air



not adding any corals till local frag swap next month

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Thanks, and I have been running the lights quite a bit so I will cut back on them. Not sure what cyano is or if it's good or bad, will have to google that :) I have been reading tons of info on cycling and some people say to do no water changes and others say do water changes during the cycle, what do you suggest? This 28 gallon is with mostly uncured rock though I soaked and scrubed it in a seperate barrel for over a week before putting it in the tank. I never saw any life attached and I never got a bad smell. So far I haven't done any water changes since it's been in the tank . I have rinsed the sponge in the back , removed the rings and added live rock in the back chambers. Do you think I should do a water change? I'm really in no hurry for the cycle since I have my 14 gallon it is keeping me amused for now ;)

Thanks Nancy


Tank Numbers for 28 Gallon Oct 18th

Amonia 0

Nitrate 0

Nitrite 0

Temp 78

I'm so excited that my 28 has cycled! Maybe I wlll take a couple of snails and crabs out of my 14 and add to this one. There is a lot of brown looking algae on the rocks and starting on the glass so I think it's about ready. Can't wait to add corals to this one. I have some arriving on Tuesday for my 14 gallon .


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a little update... cleaned it up a little more... hopefully by next month, I'll be done with getting rid of the other frags I wanted to let go... I wanna see a little more sand when it's all said and done... it should be a good winter coz I'm letting the tank grow and am glad that I won't have to fiddle with it much... yay! finally a reef tank, not a frag tank... ;) most of the corals are still adjusting so they don't have their full vibrant coloration yet... hopefully in a few more weeks, I'll have a better updated shot of the tank... :)


actinic shot a week ago.. 10-11-08



daylight shot today.. 10-18-08



and a quick video...



you can find out more info about my tank on my signature.... :)

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Thanks for the great comments!



I have not made any mod's or upgrades to my tank I am running it stock!

Using a sponge and purgien in the ref.

I am using a fan to keep the temp in check and have plans to purchace a chiller.

I have 23 lbs of LR and 25 lbs of LS, 6 corals, 3 fish, 5 snails, 5 crabs and a lobster.


Temp 76 - 77

PH - 8.2

Am - 0

NO2 - 0

NO3 - 0

So far so good, keeping my fingers crossed!




Hey Allen

Looking at your setup

I see you have 54Watt PCs in the hood

Could you show me a picture of the inside of the hood

I am trying to figure a way to Upgrade the lighting in the hood



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Sorry I can't help you with that I don't understand why you thought I have pc lighting because I have MH HQI 150W -14K lighting!




Sorry Allen

It was Pudge1515

Here are his specs he has listed on page Two





Tank: 28g JBJ w/ 54 watt actinic pcs

Lighting: 150w MH DE (20k Ushio bulb); (2) 54w PC actinics; (4) Moonlights

Skimmer: none

Fuge: none

Controller: Neptune AC JR

Top Off: JBJ ATO

Chiller: none

Birthday: 5-15-08

Mods: Fan blowing across back chambers and I also lifted the hood about 4 inches

Circulation: stock pumps, koralia nano, koralia 1

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Anyone have pics of their non-chiller chilling solutions? I have a 12v DC power supply and fans to do evaporative cooling but wanted to get an idea of what others are doing before I mod/fab something for this tank.



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pudge, any pics of the lifted hood? I like the idea just can't think of a way to maintain the hinge if its lifted 4 inches unless you did it pendant style...



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Hey guys sorry for taking so long to respond been busy...


Thetiler Ill get a pic up for you tomorow of my light mod. The 54 watts of pcs is just like the 2x18 watt pc upgreades that you can get from nanocustomes.com but I got my from my old AP 12 hood. They are pretty simple to install and I even think they have a video on there site showing how to install the pcs.


Hey badbread my hood is lifted but it is not connected to the hinges anymore. I went to petco and bought some coralife legs made for a pc hood and just screwed them onto the stock NC hood with tiny screws. It makes the tank still look stock but now I have a cooler running tank with more oxygen exchange :D . As for the pics of the hood being raised I posted them on my tank thread in my signature if you want to see how I did it.


If you guys have anymore questions just let me know. Everyones tanks are looking great and keep up the good work.

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Hello everyone.

I'll be setting one of these up in the next couple of weeks. This will be my 1st reef tank. I had a marine FO, but thats been about 15 years ago.

I'll be back with pics and updates in a few months. :P

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Hello everyone.

I'll be setting one of these up in the next couple of weeks. This will be my 1st reef tank. I had a marine FO, but thats been about 15 years ago.

I'll be back with pics and updates in a few months. :P


Same for me! Although I probably won't start setting up til after Thanksgiving at the earliest. I'm still doing my research, but this is the system I've settled on.


Keep up the great info everyone, this helps a great deal. :)

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Question for you all. I want to upgrade the stock pumps cause I feel that the flow is not good enough. What fits in those spots?

I just want some more power?

Do the MJ's fit or too big cause the 1200 for my skimmer seems too big?


Thanks, and love this thread




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hey guys, I have the same tank. Where do you get replacement airstones for the stock skimmer? I saw some on nanotuners but I dont really want to pay $10+shipping for one...

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I upgraded the pumps with maxi-jet 1200. I still felt that there was not enough flow so I added koralia nano and koralia 1. I am now happy with the amount of flow.


I dont know about the airstone as I upgraded skimmer as well. I know that petco has some red sea max stones. Not sure if they will work though.

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Hey thetiler heres a pick of what my hood looks like. I got this from nanotuners.com and thats also were you can find the kit to do it too. http://www.nanotuners.com/product_info.php...products_id=435.


I also got some new coral added to the tank. You guys should check it out and let me know what you think.


And when I was using my stock skimmer I just went to petsmart and got their ceramic airstones and I think they worked better than the wooden ones.

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I have not upgraded my pumps yet but I read on one of the forums that the MJ600 fits just fine!



I get my airstones from my LFS he carries them!

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Hi Everyone! Just started my first SW tank, 28g JBJ HQI. I'm looking forward to this new adventure. Right now, I have a bucket-'o-saltwater. I was a little concerned about some package dents from shipping so I filled it up right away to be sure everything was intact and working properly. Over the next few weeks I'll be picking up the heater, and water testing supplies, and other basic equipment. Mostly I'll be running stock as I learn. The plan is to start FOWLR. great to read about all you experiences!

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