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Cultivated Reef

To Target Feed or Not?

Big Sushi

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I have a 2" crocea. I heard that you should supplement feed them some phyto when they are that young.


So, my question is, should I target feed it; or is it good enough to drop the phyto into the water column at the recommended dose?



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You can just drop the phyto in the water, they filter feed anyway and will get the food. I recommend DT's phyto -- it is a quality product that basically everyone uses, and the great thing about it is that it's a live product, so if you overdose it will not foul the water. My feather duster loves the stuff.


Dead phyto will start decomposing as soon as it hits the water, so if the clam does not eat it fast enough it will start fouling the water.

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There's no need to supplement feeding. If you have fish and you feed them, the clam is getting what it needs, plus through good lighting. I have a maxima clam and I do not feed it.

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I do agree with dosing phyto for young clams - they will use it, however they can also survive without it. IME it is always best to do whatever you can to aid in the health and success of a baby clam, as they can go tlts up pretty quick sometimes.


Primary sources of sustainment are going to be light, and nitrates (obviously you will not be dosing nitrates, nor should you allow them to get high in your aquarium).


I have a 1.25" squamosa right now, as well as having had many 1.5" maximas (now almost 3") and I did dose phyto for all of them.


There is no need to target feed them though.

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Thanks for all of the input.


I have a JBJ NC 28g HQI which has a 150W 14K bulb. I think that is enough light for it. The clam seems to be happier when I add phyto to the tank; but I have been hesitant to target feed for fear of attracting bristleworms to where the clam is stationed.

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