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Mr. Fosi's drilled 20H

Mr. Fosi

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I'd never heard of the book, so I went to Amazon and read through some of the reviews. Wow. What a collection of opinions "Love, Hate, boring, inspirational"...


It is interesting when you find a book that illicits such a range of reviews. However, it generally doesn't tell me anything about what I will think about it.


The review for Questions of God were also interesting. The people who rated it low complained that it was biased in favor of Lewis and people who rated it higher complained that it was biased in favor of Freud. Perhaps such contradictory complaints indicate that the book is well-balanced?


One phrase stuck out as a frightful representative of some people's attitudes. "....as far as smoking weed, it's illegal so probably not something God wants us to do....."

Maybe that's what's wrong with me, (and I hadn't really even realized there must be something wrong with me...) I didn't know we lived in a militant Christian state, where all laws were laid down by God, with the penalties sharp and clear.


I'm not sure that particular quote indicates that you are in a militant Christian state...


Jesus (and the apostles after his ascension) directed Christians to honor the authorities put over them. This apparently wasn't a blanket provision since when Paul was directly ordered by the Jewish authorities (who were recognized by Rome) not to preach the Gospel, he deliberately disobeyed and said that it was more important to "obey God then men".


By that logic, in instances such as pot smoking where the law isn't in any way contrary to the clear word of God, the law should be obeyed. So then, that person who so disturbed you with that quote could have just as easily been talking about speeding or pirating software.

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Ooooh, now you've all got me wishing I had picked up BLJ instead. So many books, such a limited budget. Sorta like frag shopping. :lol:


Since I haven't read the book, I can't comment re the review that refererenced smoking weed, and how it relates to BLJ specifically. That said, I'm not putting much stock in that one review. There are always intolerant people (whether they consider themselves Christian or not), who forget that there are many cultures that practice Christianity, with different secular laws, and even *gasp* laws that change over time.

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I haven't read it but from what I was able to gather about it via reviews and such online I got a weed-impression as well. Doesn't mean anything, just a feeling.

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what's your angle, Fosi? I don't think all this "feeling" you're doing.


Uhh... You totally lost me there. :unsure:


more to the point, how's the tank doing?


Doing well. Still missing that frag of candy apple zoas but I finally fixed my sump light...


As you may or may not be aware, I use a 20W halogen puck light over my sump. I have it screwed to the center of a block of wood that spans the short length of the tank, casting light directly over the middle of the chaeto/rubble chamber.


As you also may be aware, I designed my sump to accommodate the water that drains out of the display through the return in the event of a power outage. Because of the design, the water fills the display almost to the brim and this (unfortunately) submerges the halogen fixture. I had planned to use another type of light. *shrugs*


Aside from the fire-hazard issues, this also ruins the fixture because the copper contacts inside the ceramic housing corrode past usefulness. I've been through two fixtures this way and I never fixed the issue because I am lazy. <_< I finally took the time yesterday to add a couple blocks of wood to each side of light-mount so it the light now sits an inch or so above the high water level.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So... I'm about halfway through Questions of God and it's ok so far. It feels weighted toward Lewis, which I admit I don't mind from a content standpoint, but it I'd be happier if it felt more even. In the Beginning is next then after that... I'm not sure.


And on that note, here are some pics.


The brothers frog. I need to get rid of at least one of these frags... Probably two. Anyone in the market? They originally came from yardboy.










The rics that I haven't taken pics of in a long time. I just moved the group of three out front because they were reaching for light where they were in the back. It was tough to get a good pic of the second one cause the glass is overgrown at the bottom.








The green gorg. I love this thing. :happy: You can see that it is finally beginning to spread onto the larger valonia-covered rock. I can't wait till the whole rock is covered.






Last week something shifted one of the brothers and it stung/killed some of my Madracis. :(






And a closeup of the funky corner. The toad and kenya slow the current down so much that it drops out a lot of junk in this corner. The palys love it and the sand is covered in Corynactis anemones, much like my sump.






Some "from the top" shots across the tank. Generally shot and presented from right to left. Helps to give some perspective to the size of the frog brothers and zoa frags. Also the Madracis... You can see that it has covered almost half the rock.












I know, I know... There are no pics of the acan but that's because I pissed it off just before I shot the pics and I thought it better not to present a pic rather than present one where it looks terrible. Maybe next time.

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Looking Good!!!

Glad you're so happy with the Encrusting Green Gorgonian, it's always been a favorite of mine.

I'd love to take a Froggy from you, but my tank just isn't ready yet.

It's having a seriously bad Pest Algae outbreak right now, and I really need to get that under control.

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If you're talking about your pico, I'd be concerned that the frag would be too big and would dominate the others.


Not talking about the Pico, and yes it would be much too big in there.

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Great pics, Mr F! Those frogspawns look great, I love mine. :D


The green gorgonian looks amazing, a wonderful piece. :)


I don't remember Questions feeling weighted, but I started it immediately after reading Mere Christianity. It's all perspective, right? :P

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Deleted User 6
Great pics, Mr F! Those frogspawns look great, I love mine. :D


The green gorgonian looks amazing, a wonderful piece. :)


I don't remember Questions feeling weighted, but I started it immediately after reading Mere Christianity. It's all perspective, right? :P



you should check out Surprised by Joy if you're into Lewis. Also, The Last Battle always makes me cry at the end.

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you should check out Surprised by Joy if you're into Lewis. Also, The Last Battle always makes me cry at the end.


I don't think I ever got to The Last Battle, I'll have to add it to my reading list. Do you have Surprised By Joy?

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Wonderful shots Isaac!


You and that Madracis have had quite a run together. Seems like I have been reading about it in your threads since I began stalking NR years ago. :happy:


I have some of that green Gorg as well. Took some time to settle in, but now seems to be really taking off.


Great stuff.


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You and that Madracis have had quite a run together. Seems like I have been reading about it in your threads since I began stalking NR years ago.


True dat! :lol: It came in as a hitchhiker on one of my initial purchases of LR for my 5.5g. Back then, it looked like this:






Also, in case you guys care, I keep a txt file of books that I intend to eventually acquire. It is subject to additions/subtractions and is in no particular order, but right now, the list looks like this:


Treatise on the Freedom of the Will - Johnathan Edwards

Hammer of God - Bo Giertz

The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors - James D. Hornfischer

Warranted Christian Belief - Alvin Plantinga

The Analytic Theist: An Alvin Plantinga Reader

God, Freedom, and Evil - Alvin Plantinga

Naturalism Defeated? - James K. Beilby (Editor)

The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski

The Everlasting Man - Chesterton


EDIT: to fix IMG links.

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Yeah, I figured that might be the case... Probably worse than Darwin but I figured I'd give it a shot. It may fall to the bottom of the stack.

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