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Cultivated Reef

Mr. Fosi's drilled 20H

Mr. Fosi

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Sorry to hear about the outage Fosi. This time of year I get freaked out because up here in the central valley we tend to have blackouts during heat waves. What is the status on the digi after the outage?

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I haven't been home yet since I reset everything so I don't know. The lights don't come on for another 1.5 hours or so they are still just under the LEDs.


I'll post an update later tonight, perhaps with pics.

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The FTS. Note that all the coralline on the spraybar and a bunch on the inner side of the overflow is bleached... The top 4.5 inches was exposed for all 14 hours. None of the corals were though. I hope all the bubble algae that is taking refuge on the walls won't recover either but that's probably hoping for too much.






Well, everything looks good except the digi. Not sure what I can do for it.






Not sure what's going on with these guys either... I think they may be due for an set of iodine or furan 2 dips.






I think two of my favs are the Euphyllias. Even the pale refugees from the lab tank are looking better... Still not great though considering they are from the same individual as the pink and green one that looks so nice.








Other LPS and softies are fine as well.








Clown is hungry and all up in my face with a "What'choo lookin' at?!"







The new stockman drain is a whole lot quieter as well. Now the loudest part of the setup is the water running down the PVC drain.


I had the presence of mind to mark where the water drained to when I got home after the power went out, so I was able to estimate how much water drained into the sump... It was about 5.4g which is more than twice the capacity that I designed it for. I guess I should have roughed up that acrylic before I siliconed it in. :slap:


With the new stockman, this will never happen again since the drain is now higher than the spraybar and the height of the spraybar was worked into the design.



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I have two other montis: one plating and one encrusting. The plate isn't looking well either but the encrusting one is coloring up from bleaching due to shipping stress.


Aside from those, there is no other SPS.

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I wouldn't "do" anything for wither of those corals.


My guess is they are still a little stressed from the outage. Anything you do to try and help them will just be stressful to them, and would probably hurt more than help, ime.


Just make sure they are getting decent flow, and hope for the best.

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  • 1 month later...

Nothing much guys. -_- It's the field season so I have been very busy.


I'm back in Columbia after 10 days at our field station in Georgetown. Before that, I was very busy preparing for the bioassays that were to be done while I was down there. And now that I am back, I have a pile of sediment bacteria and photopigment samples that I need to process/get data from and that data will need to be analysed and rolled into the O2 and DIC flux data I already have... Hopefully in 3-4 months I will have data to have put together a manuscript that I can submit for review and future publication.


Lord knows I need a publication, as I am coming into my 4th year as a PhD student and I haven't completed any chapters of what will need to be at least a 4 chapter dissertation.


As such, my hobby projects have been put on hold and my tank is in a holding pattern where I am doing nothing aside from the daily dosing (which is a major PITA) and weekly-to-biweekly waterchanges.


- My chalices are both mostly gone, the digi is hanging on but still doesn't look good.

- All other LPS look great as usual.

- The zoas that looked diseased are making a full recovery.

- I think my sump-bound emerald is also gone, as I haven't seen him for a long while.

- Because the emeralds are gone the Valonia is making a full-blown recovery, meaning I will probably have to get another emerald from John Maloney.

- Two of UH's frags brought Gelidium with them (no offense UH :lol:) and some of it has spread onto my overflow. <_<

- The top of overflow started to peel away from its silicone so I had to cut a block of wood to hold it in place and keep it from getting worse and that is working well.


I'll see about getting some pics up tonight if I am able. We have a friend staying with us right now, so it is two women, four kids (infant up to 3) and me in a 2-bedroom apt... That makes it tough to get anything worthwhile done when I am home, especially if it involves the tank b/c all the kids swarm me to see what I am doing.

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Here are some pics from tonight. I'm too tired to do labels so ask questions if you have any.






























Also, I'm beginning to hate this place a bit. All the questions I see have been asked and answered a million times, stupid noobs are being rude to people who try to help them and the Lounge is full of nothing but trolls.


I think it might be time to take a hiatus.

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Also, I'm beginning to hate this place a bit. All the questions I see have been asked and answered a million times, stupid noobs are being rude to people who try to help them and the Lounge is full of nothing but trolls.


I think it might be time to take a hiatus.


Amen Fosi. Nothing wrong with a noob, but when they argue your answer, It makes you not want to even help. "Test kits? What test kits?" "I bought this coral, What does it need?" Some people have like 3000 posts in 3 months and not even a tank thread. Hope you come back if you go. Your research and input are always really helpfull. Tank is looking good!

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Sometimes we all need a break. I belong to a few different sites and kind of bounce around when I get to the point you are. Lave N-R for a while and go to another almost exclusively for a while then come back sometime down the road to see what's up.


How so ever!!!!! This is a gorgeous picture!!!!!!!



And those zoas on the top left are beautimus!!!!


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I'm sorry to hear that Fosi, but I do totally understand.

Just know that your contributions here have always been greatly appreciated. :flower:

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Thanks for the encouragement guys. :happy:


I guess I have a love-hate relationship with this place... I hang around for a couple months, answer questions, update my thread and then I start to get poisoned by the attitudes of a few people. Then I start getting irritated and short with people when I post and then I realize I need to step away for a bit.


It was nice when Diane was still around and we could spit-ball about this stuff via PM but that avenue isn't open anymore. :(


I think I'm just going to cut back on my posting for now. I'll finish out any threads I am involved in but I'm not going to go looking for new threads to post in. Probably a good thing to do anyway 'cause I am so busy IRL with stuff that is actually really important life/career-wise.

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I appreciate all of the advice and encouragment you've shown towards me. I agree that some of the comments and posters on the forum get a little annoying with their responses. It's too bad there wasn't an ignore list feature for the forum where I could censor who I want to read responses from.




love the hammer

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Corals look great as always!


Sorry for your frustration about the forum. I always thought that I could get above the idiocy of noob questions, but recently I've been even more annoyed with some recent members who give information that has been proven false time and again to noobs.

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Looking good fosi, looks like everything bounced back well from the "dark ages" you were dealing with a few weeks back..

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So... Here's the deal: I'm moving over the next two weeks and I just found out a couple days ago.


My mother-in-law (who is disabled) has finally managed to sell her house for her asking price. She has been "trying" to sell it for the last 4-5 years and now it is all but done with the closing to take place on Sept 1. My wife has always planned to have her mom move in with us when/if she was able to sell and I don't have a problem with this because we have all gotten along just fine when she's had extended stays in our 2-bedroom apt.


At the same time, my wife's best friend is getting married (in Pennsylvania) in August and my wife is the matron of honor, so we will be going up there during the middle of Aug. On top of all this, our current lease is up on the day we head to the wedding (about 2 weeks from now).


SO: We have paid a fee to nail down a 4-bedroom apt in the same apt complex we currently live in ($$ for a great price $$) and we'll be signing the lease come Monday. Once we have the keys, we are going to start moving our things over (only ~a city block from our current apt). We are going to have everything over there by the time we head north because mom-in-law will be coming with us when we come back down.


That means that my life is going to be crazy for a while and I am going to have to move my tank.


Here's what I'm thinking and I welcome suggestions:


- Tank to be the last thing moved over.

- This Tuesday: remove several bits of LR from 20H system and transfer to a holding tank in the new apt (10-15g); leave holding tank alone until it is time to move the whole system.

- When it is time to move the system, bag/bucket corals/fish/crabs/snails and place in holding tank.

- Remove all rock and most (all but 1") water from 20H system.

- Disconnect all equipment/plumbing.

- Move rock, water and system to new apt.

- Re-assemble 20H system, except for the contents of the holding tank.

- Let system run for 1-3 weeks to get past any mini-cycle.

- Move corals and additional rocks back into the system and pray nothing kicks over.


Do you think I don't need to be as cautious? I don't want to lose corals or other livestock but I'd like to avoid having a holding tank if possible.

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Well, it looks like I might have a bit more time, but without access to the new apt... Perhaps I should start the holding tank anyway.

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