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Coral Vue Hydros

Lizzie's RSM


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I miss my Mohawks...They never seemed happy and finally withered away. Same with my PPFU, PPRPE, bambams, etc, etc, etc... shame.gif

new smiley? :P





He's full of da new smileez!!! :lol:


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Thanks ryan!! do you have a tank?

thanks david :)

you and your smileyzz!! :P Yeah my lunar eclipses just randomly melted...it was weird. but the mohawks seem to be sprouting new babies along with the horizons. :)


so I picked up a new frogspawn, 2 heads, some cool stardust paly things, and some......blue hornets!!! I got about 10 heads for 5 bucks cuz they fell of a big rock.. I glued a bunch down to different pieces and hope they survive!!! fingerscrossed

I can't get a good pic of them but i got some other cool pics. frag tank soon to be up! I now have a light(when I get my moohlah tomorrow) and a K1.
























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hey sweetie,


nice new stuff. just checkin in to see how its goin! lookin lovely as allways! do ya have a new fts to show? if so i wanna see!


tc and ttyl

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thanks guys! I will for sure take a new fts. I need to put one up.... My parents surprised me when I got back from camp with a newly painted rrom, and they moved my tank and I have a kickin' frag tank my friend set up for me while I was gone.


Thanks so much Frank! It looks awesome! :lol:

So i will have more pics soon with a fts :P

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thanks guys! I will for sure take a new fts. I need to put one up.... My parents surprised me when I got back from camp with a newly painted rrom, and they moved my tank and I have a kickin' frag tank my friend set up for me while I was gone.


Thanks so much Frank! It looks awesome! :lol:

So i will have more pics soon with a fts :P


Good looking stuff! Looking forward to the FTS....

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thanks guys! I will for sure take a new fts. I need to put one up.... My parents surprised me when I got back from camp with a newly painted rrom, and they moved my tank and I have a kickin' frag tank my friend set up for me while I was gone.


Thanks so much Frank! It looks awesome! :lol:

So i will have more pics soon with a fts :P

Wow Lizzie, how cool it must have been to come home and see all that! B)

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Woo! fts!

bad news though.... my horizons are melting!!!! I don't know why, all of the sudden yesterday they started melting... all others doing great, Mohawks are multiplying like crazy! so that stinks :/


but n e way here is the fts. I can't really get the lighting quite right but oh well, this is my best attempt :P







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Thanks! I picked up a new coral today. its a purple rim monti about 3" by 5". really pretty, hopefully it settles in well.

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hey lizzie,


thats really cool the suprises you got when you came home. always nice to have a bonus!


tank looks lovely. glad to know im not the only one that struggles with taking fts's :lol:

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haha, thanks! I never seem to get the colors right :)


p.s. The purple rim monti is pretty big and still looking good, I'll take some pics later.

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  • 1 month later...

monti didn't make it :/ I think i have issues with sps because i don't keep good track of all my levels. But I like not having a lot of upkeep other than water changes. so yeah lps and softies are for me :)


I got some clove polyps, they are super cute. and I have a nice xenia frag and a small leather and some new zoos from a guy on marsh. No pics for now cuz i am having an algae attack after most of my clean-up crew died off :P


so thats all for now :)

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Looking good lizzie, I still need to figure out how to take good pics with heavy lighting. All mine seem to come too blue and washed out, your look good though.

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Thanks! The algae is slowly getting better, and I am buying some dibs turbos on wed. most likely. So yeah. The frag tank is coming along well and should be up and running full force pretty soon.

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