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Innovative Marine Aquariums

xbwolfx's 30g Cube - PICS 3/21


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Great tank! last time I checked this thread photobucket gave ya the boot lol :P


that red cap is the chit. nice pics!

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  • 1 month later...

tank looks like crap.


i've only done like 2 water changes in 2 months or so.


i have dinos. to be honest, i think they're the result of the heat more than the lack of water changes. i ordered a chiller today. we'll see if that does anything. the temp is at least like 84-85 b/c our a/c went out. meh.

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tank looks like crap.


i've only done like 2 water changes in 2 months or so.


i have dinos. to be honest, i think they're the result of the heat more than the lack of water changes. i ordered a chiller today. we'll see if that does anything. the temp is at least like 84-85 b/c our a/c went out. meh.


chiller really stabilizes the tank. i have one for my cube. I'm getting a sump in a few weeks. crossing fingers that everything will work out.. haha.

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Did you get your chiller yet? Make sure you use BLACK tubing for it, unless you want it to get clogged up with internal algae growth in the lines in no time, the clear ones grow algae from room light like no ones business.

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wtf?? fan and ice bottles. get some little waterbottles and freeze them and put them in the tank.

for a week?


no thanks.


i've been using two fans and going every other day on the lights (and a reduced schedule when they are on). it's brought it down to 83-84F.


how did you make that screen?



Did you get your chiller yet? Make sure you use BLACK tubing for it, unless you want it to get clogged up with internal algae growth in the lines in no time, the clear ones grow algae from room light like no ones business.

it is ordered. with memorial day, it probably won't be here until late next week. black tubing was also ordered.

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i got the chiller hooked up.


water is now 77-79 at all times.


hopefully this helps with the dinos if that's really what's plaguing my tank. i'm gonna order a new membrane for my ro/di. it's about a year and a half old....but the tds meter still reads 0.

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i just have too much going on in my life.


between school, finding a job, the bar exam, the wedding, buying a house, etc., i don't have as much time for doing things i enjoy. throw a reef tank in there and i have even less time.


when we move, i'll probably just sell everything instead of taking the tank with me.

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  • 2 months later...


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