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Coral Vue Hydros

Josh's 34g Halfmoon


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Well I guess its time for a short update. We've all been preparing for the hurricane and its already a category 4 and still has 2 days before landfall. So it sounds like it will be category 5 when it hits, they are saying it will hit between High Island and some other town in west Louisiana. This is gonna be close, if it hits here then my tanks are goners because we live in an apartment and electricity could be out for weeks like when Rita hit. My wife, daughter and I are going to stay with relatives that live less than 10 minutes away. This isn't going to be good, hopefully next time I post I'll be able to say all is ok. Thanks for everyone's support and encouragement, you guys are great...

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I really hope your tank makes it. It's so gorgeous!

But I really hope it doesn't hit Houston too hard. Cuz then we're both in trouble. :scarry:

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Thanks Lizzie, we all just gotta stick together and be strong. Safety and family comes first. Things are looking better though for us (Texas), however it looks like Louisiana won't be getting the easy end of it, I hope the best for all.

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Hey, looks like we managed to avoid anything bad. In fact we didn't really get any rain or anything here. So yeah. How about some new pics ? B) Oh and what were the plans on our trade/donation? I don't mean to rush you, but I have some shipping stuff and a nice frag of the orange centered zoa's. Probably about 10 polyps or so. So yeah... :blush:

Haha, sorry for the hijack!


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Yea thank goodness that one missed us! But what about these other 3-4 headed our way now?! LoL the ride isn't over yet! I'll take some pics sometime this week, but I'm not sure when. I got my new CUC from John @ ReefCleaners.org and they are working great at getting my tanks back in order. I'm not sure when I'll be able to do the frag donations because as of now I am working 7 days a week for 12 hours a day, and those are actual work hours (not counting all the things I gotta do at home)... I'm wore the hell out... Give me a while, because my finances are a mess and I gotta concentrate on work and rest right now, thanks :mellow:



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I know, I really hope we can dodge the bullet a few more times! lol. No problem. I'm just super excited about getting some new stuff! Dang, thats a lot of work! I could never do that! So no worries, just take your time :lol:

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my oh my when am i going to get some free time to have an alcoholic beverage or 2.... hundred...... :lol:


personal life update, im overworked and overpaid... i guess thats better than notworked and underpaid huh? i need some shiner, and vodka and everclear... im opening my liquor cabinet tonight god damnit, i need a drink......

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Ok I just wanted to say that I made an amazing drink in my margaritaville mixer. 4oz strawberry daquiri, 1oz absolut ruby red, 1oz peachtree schnapps, 1 oz shustoff vodka... Not really strong but it makes 3 drinks, and tastes awesome...

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Hey I posted my new shots of my zoa's.

But now I'm freaking out about Ike! I really hope we don't lose power for a long time..I would cry for a very long time if my tank crashed.... :mellow:

So yeah. Sorry for the hijack. And I think you need some new pics! :lol:

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Well guys, this storm is headed more for us... I hope we don't lose power, because if we do then I am losing 3 tanks... Nothing I can do about it, just hope and do a spell :)


I'll say this right now, if my tanks crash, I'm not rebuilding them. I'll do everything in my power to keep them up and alive even if we lose power, but I will be too heart broke to try and rebuild everything that I've put into these tanks for the past 3 years...


Thanks everyone, here it comes, and here we go...

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Hi ddr_phish, I feels for you. It will be painfully to lose something you love and have been putting alot of time, effort and commitment into it.


Pray and hope that you, those affected by the storm and your tanks can pull through this difficult time.

Hang in there ddr_phish. :happy:


It would be sad to lose a nice reefer with nice tanks -_-

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