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Advice on Clam Price


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So im gonna get one, im plannin on getting a calcium test kit on friday, doin a water change n testing

im then gonna buy a clam from my lfs

heres the thing though

hes gonna sell me a small clam for $40, n i mean pretty small. its probably about 2" at most, which yes i know everything that comes with a small clam

the clam is also pretty plainly blue, its just blue, no cool patterns or nethig

my question is

is this a good deal?

will it color up later?

should i get a clam from somewhere else?

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ha, thanks for your straightforwardness uh


well, i need somewhere good to get a clam then

if anyone knows any places in ct that sells em let me know

also any good online places would be nice

id rather not do that, as i dont wanna pay more for shippin as i do for the clam

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+1 on zoanuts and cherrycorals.


also check out liveaquaria in the divers den. they have nice specimens.


and also atlantisaquarium.net the few they have are generally very nice.

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fragglereef has some nice crocea clams for $19 plus shipping


yeah but thier shipping is $34, i mean thats almost double the cost of the clam

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You're welcome. Don't forget clams direct either. And you will face a shipping issue because they are live and fragile animals so you want them to get there fast. If you are local to Socal PM me and I will point you to some LFS' that have better clams for better prices.



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yeah look like id be better off just finding somewhere around here that sells salt


or some one could help me out n frag me a piece of clam?

i mean, you can frag just about anything cant you? :P

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Extreme Corals. If you buy one of their "new arrivals" you can add a clam for $7.99. Not sure where you are located. They are Arlington Texas. Dallas/Fort Worth suburb. They have local pickup or they will ship.

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yeah so im not getting a clam, not now atleast

i was talking to the dude n i said, u know i think im might try a sps frag

next thing i know, i got 5 frags for $20

kinda more then i wanted, but i figured some will die probably, or i could sell em to someone

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wow thats a lot of sps for $20 are they clippings or nice pieaces and what types did you get?


ha, i have no idea

some are bleaching a lil but still have polyp extension

they are all kinda the same color

i mean its not like the best deal ever as far as varity, but as a starter pack its not back

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  • 1 month later...

you can hassle them for a cheaper price.

wat kind of clam is it? did you ask?

the clams at my lfs sells for i think $35 for a small before but i think its higher now. they had hundreds before. they were croceas. i wanted a maxima...another lfs near me sold a small maxima for $40...

if you really want to save money find some local reefers. they'll sell it for dirt cheap. trying to get a friend to get me some rics and clams. he said rics will less then $8 a pop. clams im not sure if its lower then $30 im happy.

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You're welcome. Don't forget clams direct either. And you will face a shipping issue because they are live and fragile animals so you want them to get there fast. If you are local to Socal PM me and I will point you to some LFS' that have better clams for better prices.




Id say they got the best

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  • 4 weeks later...

wait untill sunday for Fraggle reef to update then place a $200+ order with a few friends and get free shipping me and urchin head are in there all the time and they have nice clams and online it is all WYSIWYG.

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when i went to a fragswap i got a really nice t.maxima for like 35$ and i think it was totally worth it.

might want to try a local swap if there are any

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