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yeh i saw those when i put the shadowing up it showed up a little. I put the image in light room and hit auto correct it looks much nicer.


Do you guys do 3 layers and mask them one by one after you get the hdr?

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yeh i saw those when i put the shadowing up it showed up a little. I put the image in light room and hit auto correct it looks much nicer.


Do you guys do 3 layers and mask them one by one after you get the hdr?


you're using CS4 to do hdr?



were it me, i'd increase contrast, decrease vibrancy a smidge.

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No i first put it in cs4 (if the photo is a single image) most are since i do not have my camera yet.. I then pull out 2 layers -2 and one +2 and save so i have 3 pictures. Then put them in photomatix from there i go back to photoshop bring in my hdr and the 3 other layers i used earlier and on 30% opacity start shading away each layer mask and join them.



I got these instructions from hdrcreme.com tutorials

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No i first put it in cs4 (if the photo is a single image) most are since i do not have my camera yet.. I then pull out 2 layers -2 and one +2 and save so i have 3 pictures. Then put them in photomatix from there i go back to photoshop bring in my hdr and the 3 other layers i used earlier and on 30% opacity start shading away each layer mask and join them.



I got these instructions from hdrcreme.com tutorials



o, that sounds complicated.


i make the +2 and -2 files in Lightroom, since it already imports them and save all 3 (+2, 0, -2) as tiffs. Run them through photomatix, and then reimport into lightroom to adjust exposure settings and contrast. Exposure blending on top of running photomatix is just too much work for me (and I'm usually the one that lani rolls her eyes about with my processing time).

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that sounds simple lol. im trying to do it the proway the first time IDk all of the really good ones seeem to go the way I explained above but problem is half of the #### im just guessing...

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that sounds simple lol. im trying to do it the proway the first time IDk all of the really good ones seeem to go the way I explained above but problem is half of the #### im just guessing...


if you really want simple, skip the hdr and look up the gritty effect. then go less extreme on all the steps (for example, if they want you to go to 100 on recovery, try going to only 30...same for everything else). you can get a pretty good facsimile just using lightroom.


end result though, you'll still have to play around with it. guessing is the best way to learn imo.

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thanks bro i just got light room not sure how to use that either.. i just want to get an idea on how to use most things with photoshop and such since im new at this.


and yes i think they look way better than the originals

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seriously, though - people are still making HDR images?




and putting them on their walls too...


bathroom walls seem a popular choice




thanks bro i just got light room not sure how to use that either.. i just want to get an idea on how to use most things with photoshop and such since im new at this.


and yes i think they look way better than the originals


figure out LR first, imo. it's the more intuitive program and the one that you'll find yourself using more often since it'll do all the common photoshop adjustments and streamlines things by keeping track of the files and letting you switch between them quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't there a setting on some cameras...maybe called "bracketing", or something, that takes a shot in the -2, 0, and +2 stops for you? Or something like that, then you can do what you need in the post? I found the bracketing or whatever on my camera just not sure what to do with it...or how to use it.


Yeah here I found something on it...in respect to my camera, I'm sure a lot of cameras have this...

If you do HDR work, you'll probably find the 5D Mark II's bracketing implementation a mixed bag. It's incredibly flexible compared with most--in some respects. For instance, you can bracket in any increments of 1/3, 2/3, 1, 1 1/3, 1 2/3, or 2 full stops, centered around any EV up to +/- 4 stops. Unfortunately, it limits you to three exposures where other cameras let you do five or seven. Argh.
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Some cameras do offer those settings, mine will allow me to adjust the bracketing as well. There are several programs out there that will process the multiple images to give you the HDR result - I believe photmatix is one that I've used and works pretty well.

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Oh ok, so I'm new to HDR, so software is what blends the different exposed pics to give the HDR look?

I thought most would just use Photoshop to layer it and get the effect? Or is Photomatix something for those who don't have Photoshop?

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You should read this thread. Photoshop does a poor job on HDR's - Photomatix is free and it does a great job. Image stacking and HDR are two different things all together... but essentially yes... the program will ask you to select multiple images, it works some voo doo magic and produces the HDR image.

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You should read this thread. Photoshop does a poor job on HDR's - Photomatix is free and it does a great job. Image stacking and HDR are two different things all together... but essentially yes... the program will ask you to select multiple images, it works some voo doo magic and produces the HDR image.


Ahh ok, I see, I'll go check out some of the past posts, was just trolling along and was curious about the HDR topic, came in on the last page...oh an free is good!

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Manually blending layers in Photoshop will always trump anything Photomatix can do, but the HDR function of Photoshop supposedly sucks.


I stopped bracketing my photos because it just takes up space. Now if I need to I just make 2 virtual copies and adjust the exposure to get the -2, 0, 2 or whatever I want.


Also, this seems relevant


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where is all of this free photomatix?


the only free photomatix I can find leaves watermarks on the photos



I don't remember where I got it... It was so long ago. Sure it isn't a watermark setting you can turn off?




Woops... I just looked it up.. looks like it isn't free anymore.

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