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Hey Guys.

Just wanted to let everyone know that this week has been MUCH better than what I've seen in a while.

Still have a ways to go and a lot to figure out, but I am feeling more hopeful than I have in a while.

Thank you to everyone who has given me suggestions or encouraged me, lets continue to do that for each other when we fall.

thats greats news & an awesome idea weets. been meaning to write out some more things that help keep my head straight. so will do.


Ohmigosh, I just saw this listing on craigslist and I already emailed the guy! http://knoxville.craigslist.org/pet/2058093332.html

That is unreal, that would be so ubelievably ideal if our 2 families could help each other.

A and I are really hoping he calls, I'm almost teary-eyed.

this sounds like a great opportunity. could turn into a very interesting experience.

have you heard back from him with more info.

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I heard back from him.

He said he had a lot of ppl respond and he has to sift through and see what would work the best for them.

I'm thinking he may not pick us cause I think we're farther away from him than some other ppl that responded.

Bah, I prolly got all excited for nothing.

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I heard back from him.

He said he had a lot of ppl respond and he has to sift through and see what would work the best for them.

I'm thinking he may not pick us cause I think we're farther away from him than some other ppl that responded.

Bah, I prolly got all excited for nothing.

:( and you guys sounded exactly like what he was looking for too.


In other news, My mom wants me to keep one tank with the little clowns and the nem. My sister expressed an interest in taking care of a little tank. I dunno I may be setting up an AIO for her if she shows her dedication. I'm still out tho. We'll see I guess.

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I heard back from him.

He said he had a lot of ppl respond and he has to sift through and see what would work the best for them.

I'm thinking he may not pick us cause I think we're farther away from him than some other ppl that responded.

Bah, I prolly got all excited for nothing.


Never sweat the details, Weets. Whatever will be shall be :flower:


Never sweat the details because the Universe in all of its mystical infinity has an incredible way of throwing unexpected restorations of faith in a greater good. Still early days yet, but it's looking like something which was the furthest from all scientific possibility is in fact possible - that zygotes are possible in a desert atop a stormy sea. It's a rare occasion, but I'm at a loss for more eloquent words or notions, but hotdamn... THANK YOU UNIVERSE.


Never sweat the details because sometimes while you're caught up in the little shrubs in the forest, the forest will creep up from behind you and you'll be made to realise all the worry was making you miss what's truly important in life.



Never sweat the details.

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:( and you guys sounded exactly like what he was looking for too.

Sure did, bummer. Sowwy L


In other news, My mom wants me to keep one tank with the little clowns and the nem. My sister expressed an interest in taking care of a little tank. I dunno I may be setting up an AIO for her if she shows her dedication. I'm still out tho. We'll see I guess.

Maybe she needs a 46 bow?? :huh:


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Less drugs, nork. Less drugs.

Oh, c'mon D- It's the weekend, leave poor nork alone. :P




That just made me wonder.... If I OD'ed on my arthrictic meds- ya know, anti inflamitories...


Would I implode?? :huh:

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Less drugs, nork. Less drugs.


Man, I'm so hepped up on antihistamines and beer and Scotch at this point everything is a daze. No sleep in a good week or so hasn't helped.


But for realsies, the Universe has a remarkable way of throwing unexpected #### into the mix to really make you step back and say, "Well, damn. I didn't see that coming." Just about everything has gone wrong in the last week for me that could, but somehow I'm smiling through it because of one little bit of news that's not even my own. Odd huh?

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Deleted User 6

Anyone have experience with brain aneurysms here? They run in my family (3 males on my mom's side had them that I know of). I've been tested twice before - the last was 5 years ago. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to get tested again. Just wondering if anyone knows more about them than I can find out from a quick google search.

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you prolly should just try and tell us what happens. :D


Ever seen a lone tree in a desert? :)


Anyone have experience with brain aneurysms here? They run in my family (3 males on my mom's side had them that I know of). I've been tested twice before - the last was 5 years ago. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to get tested again. Just wondering if anyone knows more about them than I can find out from a quick google search.


Always get tested if you're unsure. Funnily enough it's kind of what I'm gibbering on about...

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AHHHH a newb!!!! I'm not the newest in WL anymore!!! omgomgomg



Sure did, bummer. Sowwy L



Maybe she needs a 46 bow?? :huh:



If it comes with a nice stand and top and stuff, she'd totally have that over my DIY 20L stand. I think it just may be a bit overkill for 2 clowns and a nem......


on the other hand, more water volume = greater margin for error while my sister learns the ropes.


I'll run it by her, and I'll try to make it down to your area on friday. Are you available on fridays during the day?

Edited by Markushka
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If it comes with a nice stand and top and stuff, she'd totally have that over my DIY 20L stand. I think it just may be a bit overkill for 2 clowns and a nem......


on the other hand, more water volume = greater margin for error while my sister learns the ropes.


I'll run it by her, and I'll try to make it down to your area on friday. Are you available on fridays during the day?

Sorry, just tank and stand -_-


While both thoughts are valid ones, I would go with a smaller AIO as a starter. JMHO -_-


And I'm not available until 5 or so most evenings. <_<

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AHHHH a newb!!!! I'm not the newest in WL anymore!!! omgomgomg



Who said you were a member?



















btw, found the mantis I want. Trying to get in touch with Roy Caldwell right now.

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Yeah, I have been there. He also did an interview with coral magazine this issue, accompanying an incredible 30 page spread on stomatopods. I am needz hiz halp.

I thought it was an interseting interview. I wish he wrote the articles on them, Professor Ellen Thayer and Daniel Knop did a good job though.

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Sorry, just tank and stand -_-


While both thoughts are valid ones, I would go with a smaller AIO as a starter. JMHO -_-


And I'm not available until 5 or so most evenings. <_<



yeah thats what I meant. I was thinking of the exoterra I was pming someone about.

Well my thoughts are a larger tank & sump set up w/ an ATO is a more stable option. small AIOs require much more attention than I think she's ready for. I also have all the equipment to set up a larger tank, and I don't want to sell and have to buy equipment for a smaller tank.


ps- I never said I was a member adrian, just not the newest. I also haz yur box, and I hazn't shipped it yet. I don hav to... :slap:


pps - you have small hands. loser imo.

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