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new pics of my 20g reef


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Hi all, not sure about this yet, but I might be taking a leave from the "nano" category and upgrade to a 40g so the clams will have more space, and the corals will too. Anyways its still on the drawing board so we'll see.

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Cal, go for it! I have a 40 gal fish only tank that I will be taking down and converting to a reef after I move.


I'd love to hear what you have in mind for a new 40...


I figured with mine I'd install a internal overflow, either center mounted or maybe in the corner, drill some holes in the bottom for a drain and return.... and then have the back drilled out for closed-loop for awesome circulation. I will have a fuge and want to try it out without a skimmer, but we'll see.

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Yea for mine I am buying the tank from a friend, its a 40g 36x15x16 and I plan to give it an open look, like the japanese style aquascaping, with maybe two or three man structures and an open sandbed for clams and corals, and add a couple more pc's to the mix from my current lighting. The tank is a blue back with a built in overflow, if I can get a return pump I can probably get a closed loop going or maybe a sump, depends on money constraints.

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