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new pics of my 20g reef


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Brooklyn Johnny

Looks great Cal... when I get my other tank up I'm definately gonna trade you something for a piece of that formosa. Keep up the work as one of the nano greats...



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I think it might be a tad too blue, but moreover I'd suggest a 10k DE since with the 20k the growth really slows down.

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damn cal, looking good dude. looks like you have more room now ??? did u clear out some corals to make room for more :D anyhow, its true, tank looks a hundred times better in person. shoots braddah!

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Very nice tank:woot:


How do you do it? I want to learn too...;)


Do you happen to ever trade or sell some of those frags?:

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I just keep it very simple. Good flow, good lighting, water changes, a little carbon and phosguard, and I let the corals do the rest. Also testing regularly is good to do.

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Brooklyn Johnny

Hey Cal I am for trying to clear the glass as much as possible. The glass should go as unseen as possible, so that you think you are looking at a piece of the reef. I am all for keeping the tank as natural as possible, but the glass I keep as clean as I can. I'm for scraping...

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Cool, yea I scraped some off of the glass so that I could see, and the places I scraped looked real good, I'm going to keep the back covered for now though because I don't have a background lol. Do you have any glass tanks? If so do you know how to get the coraline off the silicone seals in the tank?

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Brooklyn Johnny

I use a razorblade for that too Cal being really careful, sort of brushing it off with the tip and not applying too much pressure. Yeah definately like the look better with it taken off...

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Must have grabbed the sledge hammer and chisle eh?!


I try to scrape the coraline of the back bottom corners and usually have to give up because my hand gets tired of scrape'n the stuff. So I just gave up, besides no one looks through the bottom back corners anyway.


But man thats a beautiful tank!


Edit: Ooops I see Brooklyn Johnny's tip. I'll have to try that. Johhny ever worry about rust or any metals getting into your tank? I suppose its a one time, one razor blade deal huh?

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Brooklyn Johnny

Floppy there's no problem in using a razor blade in your tank, as long as you obviously don't leave it in there. Looks good Cal... I'm all for the clean look...

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A fresh view... very nice Cal. Your nana colony (in the foreground) has coloured up nicely. How long have you had it?... and what colour are the polyps?

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I've had the nana for about a year, started off as a little frag. The polyps are a whitish color, the body is a green tinge, and the tips purple.

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Just got an A. tenuis, unidentified dark purple acro, and an A. suharsonoi. I'll get pics up later tonight. Also I'm expecting another couple of maximas either Thurs or next week, depends when I can get them shipped.

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