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Coral Vue Hydros

Imisky's custom 30g sps tank


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deacon hemp - there is a store in Langley called Petzoo i got tank custom made there. i believe he gets a guy he knows to make it as he doesnt make the tank itself.


Uhuru - there was a few reasons for no sump. #1 being i didnt like having all those plumbing PVCs all over the place even though i wont see it (i mentally know its there haha). #2 is i wanted to keep the evaporation level low along with less electricity consumption.

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IMO it would have looked a lot cleaner sumped! PVC's all over? one for return and one for intake....



Nice build though, really digging the ADA knockoff stand!

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I'm going to keep an eye on this thread... oh and for lights you could usethisand hang it with a PVC light stand like cestma's oh and abou your parents not leting you hang lights from the cealing my mom's worse every time i hang up something new my mom freeks out :lol: good luck



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thanks guys for the reply


for the sump i didnt really like the idea of having alot of pvc behind the stand and etc so that was a main thing i didnt like. although i know it would be better which allowed me to put all the skimmer and etc in and not on the display. but i think for a tank that is only 30g along with a nice skimmer this fuge will pull out almost all the excess nutrients thats inside the water. either that or visversa with the skimmer. although im sure i'll try a sump if i ever get a change to upgrade to a bigger tank as i think they are awesome.


on a side note i personally dont think its that messy then compared to a tank with a sump :P might just be me though.


ive been keeping my light out on a pair of aquamedic oceanlights but cant seem to find any locally so i might have to wait a while before i upgrade haha..not enough budget. im thinking to go with an aluminum stand which from my understanding doesnt corrode but i'll have to do more research either that or stainless steel rods if i can find any.


ah another question came to mind, what should i use in the fuge LRR or DSB along with macro algae of worse

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I would think you're best off just keeping macro algae in there and rinsing/cropping it every week for nutrient export, anything else would just become a nutrient trap over time - would be great at first but you will have problems down the line if you're trying to keep sps. Just too small to be effective as an RDSB, plus an RDSB (or LRR for that matter) should be getting detritus free water. JMO

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hey guys,


a quick update


i went to ocean aquatics and picked up the via-aqua calcium reactor, i heard its supposed to be very good at doing its job for only $60 so we will see how that works out. it has a pump built into the top so we will see how that works! heres a picture of it.




uhuru thanks for the tip on the fuge i'll go with only macros for now

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i have a via-aqua, not using it but it is pretty cool. If i can't use it for Ca (i don't have the money for the equipment) then i could always use it as a phosphate reactor or buffer filter.

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for the sump i didnt really like the idea of having alot of pvc behind the stand


nice tank! loving the dim of the tank. I miss acroogie..... ayways.... PVC is SEXY!

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i'll definitely let you guys know how the via-aqua reactor works out it seems decently built for $60. as for the stand i used 3/4" red oak plywood although i heard birch might be stronger? im not sure. Now the only equip to get is ph controller lol...the list just keeps going and going and going....

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys a quick and short update, i made some light hangers from aluminum rods 3/4" which will side right next to my tank. the height of the hanging rods are 7' tall and 3' long. connected via PVC 90d joints so i am able to quickly remove the upper bar if i needed to do something light taking the pendant lights fully off or something. i coated the aluminum rods with clear coat incase it does contain some elements which i didnt want.


heres some pictures:( i havent bolted it on yet )



what it would look light from the side:


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i love the tank, stand and the equipment you're using, although i have to say i really don't like the light bracket much. It would look much better with a wall mounted bracket I think.


Tagging along!

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  • 1 month later...

its been a while since i updated my thread so,


the last piece of equipment is now here, i bought 2x 150w aqua medic ocean lights and 2x phoenix 150w. im sure this will provide more then enough light to a 36" spread without having weird shaded areas.


so the move over to this 30g will happen next friday!! im getting excited about it, any advice on moving things over? in terms of water preping and etc? actually any advice would be good :mrgreen:




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thats hott.



hows the via aqua calc reactor working?

is it worth my money?


i actually havent setup any of these equipments yet, i will be on comming friday. so far ive heard great things about it from everyone ive talked to who own one so im hoping it'll be good.


no advice on the tank moving? :mellow:

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Awesome setup i was wondering who made the tank? Im local to you and am in need of a custom tank.


me too! i just saw you were from Langley and my eyes lit up :) lol.


great start so far!

maybe in the future we can trade some frags :)

the setup looks awesome, cant wait to see the lights on there!!

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hey guys,


heres an update on the tank. Its been setup for roughly 48 hours now and everything seem to have survived the move over :) it was a LONG day for the move but i made it! my first move ever.


i am still configuring the Ca reactor but so far everythings good so im not complaining!! at the moment i only have the FTS but i will get full system shot sometime tomorrow and post it. tell me what you think



the tank currently looks like this


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heres an update on the tank, i tried to set the white balance of my camera to represent the real thing as close as possible but in person the tank is actually a little more blue then white.


here you go enjoy






right hand side




left hand side




side shot



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This looks great! Your stand looks so much better than all the standard pre-made ones. I love the open top and the tank dimensions. Excellent work. BTW: I totally get not wanting to deal w/the sump and all the plumbing. I see a lot of tanks with all the PVC behind the back and I think 'why did you bother with all that, a simple hang on back would have looked about the same.'


thanks! i can see benefits of having a sump and everything in a bigger system, and if i ever upgrade will most likely go that direction but..with such a small system the benefit would be minimal IMO... mostly for the looks of the tank not having something hanging. but im sure theres a ton of other small benefits of having a plumbed system for a system thats only 30g big

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  • 2 weeks later...

heres a little updates:)

i recently added 4 new fish to the tank


1 drawf white tail pygmy angel, has yet to nip at my SPS

2 chalk bass

1 cleaning wrasse


the tanks been doing extremely well..the skimmer is pulling out some crazy colored skimmate and every parameter seems to be stable


Ca: 380ppm

Mg: 1350ppm

NH3:undetectable on salifert kits

NO3: undetectable on salifert kits

PO4: undetectable on salifert kits


colors of the SPS has improved tremendously and the growth rate is unbelievable..on my millipora colony it has grown a good 1/8"+ on every tip...heres some pictures of the tank.




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  • 1 month later...

heres an update:


The tank has been running without a problem other then some on my end...(like not washing the GFO for long enough) Everything is coloring up fast and some of my corals in the 2 months its been running now has grown a good 1/2"+ But all parameters stay steady Ca at 380~400, Mg at 1350~1400, Alk now at 10.5 instead of 13 which it was at about 2 weeks ago. The only parameter which swings is the temp as right now its cooled by fans from 76~ sometimes 80 if the fans dont turn on for some reason. Im looking into a chiller now..im looking at the JBJ 1/15HP or 1/20HP, but i wonder how i can run that chiller without another powerhead in my tank. Last night i took out about 10lbs worth of LR..now none of the rocks are touching the 4 sides of the glass i like it more for maintance now!.


heres some photos enjoy guys


a front tank shot:









and some top down shots of SPS:




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