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Siwelk's 30g 'Reef Theatre'


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i am proud to announce that due to maxium surface movement, i am seeing shimmer lines from the T5s.











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I added 10lb additional seed rock on 3/16. I also began supplementing the cycle with Prodibio BIO CLEAN.



heres a few pics of the new seed rock and aquascape. im not sure im feelin the new larger piece in the upper right corner. im thinking about breaking it into 2-3 smaller pieces. what do you guys think?














Edit: i know the glass is dirty. im waiting on my nimble super magnet to arrive so i can get a good cleaning.

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Cycling shots, mostly for me...since everyone thinks i suck at reefing and doesnt want to be my friend.


awww ! I like your tank we can be friends ! That live rock looks like some good stuff . Good luck & keep us updated .

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water params as of yesterday



temp: 80F

salinity: 1.025

PH: 8.0

amm: .0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 5-10



i also fired up the 9002 yesterday to see if i can get nitrates down to 0. so far im really impressed with the Tunzes performance. i had it dialed in very quickly and its already produced a good amount of nasty skimmate. ill post some pics after its ran for 24 hours.

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had a busy weekend so i didnt get to snap any pics of the 9002 until today. this is after 72hrs of skimming.






this is my first skimmer but im pretty sure ive got it dialed in. i expect it to be more effective once its out of its "break-in" period.



my nimble super that arrived friday. AMAZING piece of equipment. if you dont have one, get one.





looks like this little shroom will live on to fight another day, hes beginning to look healtier every day.





FTS w/ actinics only & flash on



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how are the nitrate now?


i havent checked yet. ill probably see where theyre at later today or possibly tomorrow. i dont plan on adding any more rock so i wont be introducing any more amm. i used live sand, fully cured live rock and really really clean marco rock so im expecting to have a somewhat shorter cycle. i have supplemented the cycle with Prodibio, but im not really sure if its doing anything. i didnt do it to shorten the cycle, but rather help facilitate the spread of bacteria in my marco rock. if my nitrates are around 0 this week, i may start adding my CUC the first week of April, as I am noticing the beginnings of a diatom outbreak.

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tank looks great!


get that fish, for that price it would be a nice "testing" of the waters buy for ya!



i really really want it, especially at that price. im only afraid that adding it first will cause me problems with later additions. i dont want the wrasse to kill off the pair of onyx clowns and yashia goby i want to get.


I'm digging the rockwork!



thanks, ive been thinking about adding a few more pieces, to accomodate a wrasse at a later date.






water params


temp: 80-82F (ive discovered the lights running raise my temp a degree or two)

salinity: 1.025

PH: 8.2

amm: 0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 5-10




diatoms are all over the place, and starting to accumulate spots on the front glass. CUC next week maybe.

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i know i know, you dont make impulse purchases right? well...so i paid for a yashia goby/tiger pistol pair at my LFS last week. the yashia was the last of five gobies they got in about 6 weeks ago. they had also just gotten a few tiger pistols in their last order. so i made my deposit and expected to return in 2-3 weeks to pick them up. well i went in today to get my CUC and they were wanting to redo the aquascape of the tank that the yashia was in and since they had to net him once already, if i would take the yashia today theyd throw in some mysis. well i know that in reefing FREE = GOOD so i figured what the hell. my levels are in check and things have been running smoothly, the pistol would help keep the sandbed clean. these are the things i make up in my head when trying to justify my dumb decisions.




ANYWAYS, im a n00b so what.




the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, so yeah. i did it.




heres a vid of my new tiger pistol shrimp Dozer, making his new home in my tank.






Edit: yeah i know its shaky.

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that shrimp is so sweet. Get that thing a job with all of the union benefits he deserves



its amazing to watch this guy start building his new home. fascinating little creatures. the yahia is still in hiding, i expect him to come out in a few days.

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I really enjoyed and learned a lot reading through your tank thread. I love it when people document things like how they do their plumbing. I'm working on a 30 gallon oceanic that I want to plumb with the herbie method and I like to see as many pictures of that setup as possible before I work on it. How is that toothless overflow working? Any surface scum?

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I really enjoyed and learned a lot reading through your tank thread. I love it when people document things like how they do their plumbing. I'm working on a 30 gallon oceanic that I want to plumb with the herbie method and I like to see as many pictures of that setup as possible before I work on it. How is that toothless overflow working? Any surface scum?


the toothless overflow works great. i have a lot of turbulance from the K3 and it keeps the surface free from any film. the herbie method really is silent, it takes some time to dial-in but once its set it should run without any adjustment if you have an ATO. the only place in my system where i have some surface film is actually the drain side of the sump. the submerged flex pvc drain line and Tunze skimmer dont put out any bubbles so i hardly get any surface agitation.

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Sweet setup man- I have been following closely-- I actually plan on buying the same tank and stand from the LFS this week-- they are offering about 20 bucks off the tank and 10 off the stand, which is pretty good IMO. Could we see some video of the plumbing and sump setup as well as the water movement in the tank? How are you liking that light so far, even though you don't have corals? I am planning on building a custom hanging enclosure with an IceCap T5 retrofit.

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Sweet setup man- I have been following closely-- I actually plan on buying the same tank and stand from the LFS this week-- they are offering about 20 bucks off the tank and 10 off the stand, which is pretty good IMO. Could we see some video of the plumbing and sump setup as well as the water movement in the tank? How are you liking that light so far, even though you don't have corals? I am planning on building a custom hanging enclosure with an IceCap T5 retrofit.



thanks. i also got my tank and stand on sale. ill try to get some vids of the plumbing/sump up tomorrow. i do like the light so far. the stock bulb coloration isnt too bad, but i think i might swap out a couple bulbs out sometime soon. im looking for a little more blue.

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stopped at an Uncle Bill's Pet Center in naptown on my way home today. they had a yellow tang in a 12g aquapod.

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stopped at an Uncle Bill's Pet Center in naptown on my way home today. they had a yellow tang in a 12g aquapod.




Some live & learn some just live ! Thats sad :o

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