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bonsai reef


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I grew up in Malaysia... after high school, I went to UT Austin (class of '91)... hook'em horns! ;).


Thereafter, I worked in various parts of the US (i.e. Dallas, Boston & LA) until end '95 before moving back to Kuala Lumpur. Then moved, got married and settled down in Singapore a few years later... so here I am :)

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Brooklyn Johnny

Neato Dan... Dustin I think they're called the Petronas Towers... my wife and I saw them on the Travel Channel a while back... tallest I believe until the new structures go up to replace the Twin Towers... not sure though...



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Yup, the Petronas Twin Towers in KL are the tallest... until China completes theirs in Shanghai.


Hey Dustin, I've been to NC... Durham to be precise, and dropped by the Chapel Hill campus as well.


Johnny, I drove thru the mountains in VA during peak foliage, absolutely stunning!


Back to reefing... day 3 and my new tricolors appear to be doing well :)

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Your tank is something from a dream. So good.


What is the name of the smooth, white coral (I assume it's SPS) to the right of the tri-color acros in the last pic you posted? And what do you use to glue/putty down your SPS frags?

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Chapel Hill is cool, Duhram is really fun if you know what to do there, lots of family lives there. Johnny, we need to do some thermos trading sometime, I cant do any acros except M. Digitata but I would love some LPS, or ricordea frags. I will PM you in a few months and see if you are interested. Anyways, danano, your tank is gorgeous, I would love to see it live and alive

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Kalani... it's not an SPS although it calcifies and resembles one. It's a Fire Coral and belongs to the genus, Millepora, which is comprised of calcareous hydrozoans.


Thanks Kalani, Dustin... for your generous feedback.

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Millepora (fire coral), a light tan/mustard color with whitish growth tips... hardy and a fast grower... bottom right

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Danano, simply amazing dude, your tank is an inspiration to us all!


And i thought people in Singapore/Indo only raised Arowana's and Flower Horn's :P

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Thanks Heuerfan.


Many fish farms out here do focus on tropical fish such as koi as well as arowanas and flower horn like you mentioned.


Nevertheless, we do have about half a dozen or so marine fish/coral farms. They do both wholesale and retail... which is good for reefers here :). There are also about another half a dozen LFS that do marine.


Here's a pic I took 2 days ago... did some re-scaping on the right to make room for two new 3-4" acro colonies.

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a. cerealis and a. secale...


bali slimer in the middle and green hairy on the far right.


*** notice the new 1/2" whitish growth tip/branch in the middle of the green bali slimer... also, the body and growth tips of the hairy green have a somewhat lavender color.

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damn man, it keeps getting better.


best line ever:


did some re-scaping on the right to make room for two new 3-4" acro colonies


how the hell did you find the room to squeeze those puppies in there?

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Originally posted by Crakeur

damn man, it keeps getting better.


best line ever:


did some re-scaping on the right to make room for two new 3-4" acro colonies


how the hell did you find the room to squeeze those puppies in there?


well... I fragged my green bali slimer and super glued the main colony to the LR near the front, moved the hairy green and built a shelf on the right-front for the pink tip colony. The slimer frag is now in front of the purple tort on the left. Also... I moved my birdsnest to the top-left.


I picked the smallest puppies... and I was very fortunate that they fit nicely into the spaces created.


All this took me about 2 hours to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Kalanianaole

It's been over two weeks since the last post.  Any new pics or developments from my favorite tank?


Will take some pics tomorrow and post em. Developments... on Sunday, I got a 1" frag of a pastel yellow branching porites. Besides that, I've just been kicking back and watching the babies grow and color up!:)


I've also been busy setting up my new GIANT NANO. It's a 30gal. Dimensions are 2'x1.5'x1.5'. I moved my 5g nano over and added about 20lbs of Fiji and Vanuatu LR. I plan to add another 10lbs of cured LR to complete the reefscape. It's got a 4" DSB. Complementing the main tank will be a 12g DIY sump/fuge.

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Thanks tsalter.


Here's a pic I took today. Picture's a little blurry... the acrylic is due for cleaning.:P


My new pastel yellow branching porites frag is to the left of the pipe organ.


Birdsnest frags continue to grow like weeds.


New corallites are sprouting everywhere!:D

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