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Cultivated Reef

fewskillz' 180 gallon adventure!


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I took this with my blackberyy, but it's better than nothing...



There is still alot of rock to add, probably double what is already there. After the additional rock I'll smooth out the sandbed. That's a 70w Viper on the left and a 65w retro on the right, gotta love mix-n-match. I've got a few ideas for a retro for the whole thing, I'll probably work on that over Thanksgiving.

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Today I added most of the rock and started evening out the sand bed, that's why it's cloudy.


All of the new fish are doing well except for the male lyretail, he's just doing ok. He doesn't swim much yet. I have hope though since he doesn't look bad, he just kind of chills on the sand.




Also, my Sailfin Tang isn't doing so hot in the 55. I check on him one minute and he looks ok, come back a little later and he's laying on his side in the corner. I'm not sure what's wrong, I've been feeding them like normal and I thought he's been eating. He looks really skinny. We'll see if he makes it through the night.

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Male lyretail seems to be doing ok now. The sailfin didn't make it. :tears:


Speaking of losing livestock, I couldn't find my skunk cleaner last night. Thinking back on it, I hadn't seen him all week. Weird.

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Some of the new additions, sorry some of these are fuzzy. A combination of fast fish and sand dust on the glass...


McCosker's Flasher Wrasse



Falco Hawkfish








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that male lyretail looks nice, so does the hawkfish. I used to have a lyretail mail (photo) that was one of my favorite fish. He didn't make it out of the crash. I had 1 male and three females and would probably go 1 and 4 next time.

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would probably go 1 and 4 next time.

Thank you, and good to know. I think one of my females may be turning male, so I probably need to get a couple more females and get rid of one if it turns out she is already a he.

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current stock:

2 occelaris clowns

3 lyretail anthias

2 yellowhead jawfish (haven't seen the female in over a week though :( )

1 falco hawkfish

1 niger trigger

1 mccosker's flasher wrasse

1 coral beauty angel

1 yellow tang

1 Powder Blue tang


Still want to add:

a cleaner shrimp or two to replace the missing one (just gotta find adults because I have so many carnivores)

Another anthias or two

another tang or two

and maybe a few blue/green chromis, the tank just needs that green color moving around


So....needless to say I'm skimmer shopping now.


Also, I have a sixline wrasse still in the separate tank. He's kind of an @$$hole so I'm undecided on adding him. I think the coral beauty is being enough of a jerk for the two of them. I'll decide after a few days of observing everyone else together. I've also decided the Niger probably needs to go. I think he killed my fiji damsel. Might put him in the 54 with the Maroon clowns...

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  • 4 weeks later...

ORDERED MY FIRST SKIMMER!!!!!! http://www.aquacave.com/reef-octopus-extre...alvue-2200.html

The Reef Octopus Extreme 200. It seems like the best bang-for-the-buck skimmer. Hopefully it'll come this week so I can play with it over the long weekend.


Also ordered the SpectraPure RO/DI unit while its on sale. I've always just bought my topoff RO because I don't need very much. I use free NSW from the local university for WCs, so the topoff doesn't get very expensive. The cheap (read: rundown) LFS in town is closing and I'm not paying $1/gallon at the expensive LFS, so I bought my own unit. Now I need a brute trashcan.


I'm going to decide on lights this week. I'm thinking Metal Halide with t5 actinics. We'll see.


I dont think I posted this:

Thats me feeding the tank a couple weeks ago. The Male anthia, the fiji blue devil, and the cherub all passed away. :( Everyone else is doing swimingly.

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Great video! I like the scape!


I am re doing the scape in my 125g around mid January :P

I have never been a fan of the rock wall like I have now lol but it was hard lifting 30 lb boulders by myself when I set up so I kinda just put the rock in and left it alone :lol::unsure:

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Thanks Maria. I'm not much of a rock-wall fan myself, but for some reason in a six foot tank it works. It must be how dramatic that much rock looks that makes it ok. I can't wait to get some lights and get corals in this tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Skimmate pics once it breaks in a little better. I installed it yesterday and it's been making bubbles ever since!


Had a very busy Aquariums day today. I removed the Trigger and the McCosker's flasher wrasse from the 125. Moved them to the new peninsula style 55 gallon along with the fish from my old 54 corner. I moved the sixline wrasse pair from the old 54 into the 125.


Also had a heater explode in a 15 gallon holding tank of some fish I'm giving to a friend. The (formerly bulletproof) sixline didn't make it, but I think the occelaris pair is going to pull through.

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The skimmer is kicking butt. I'll try to get some more pictures tonight. I'm very pleased with my purchase. This tank is going to be well filtered after I get the fuge up and running again. The evap has picked up a little, my RO unit needs to hurry up and get here.


current stock:

2 occelaris clowns

3 lyretail anthias

1 falco hawkfish

1 coral beauty angel

1 yellow tang

1 powder blue tang

2 sixline wrasses


Still want to add:

a cleaner shrimp or two to replace the missing one

Another anthias or three

another tang or two (suggestions? I'm thinking a kole and/or a hippo...maybe a sailfin)

and maybe a few blue/green chromis, the tank just needs that green color moving around, everything is too yellow/orange/pink/purple.

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Oooh! a school of chromis would look nice!! Kole tang...the hippo will fight with the powder blue, mine has decided that the Blue jaw trigger is his arch nemesis :rolleyes:

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