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My 15g tank(only fish)


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There are sevral large places where many Pet stores gather (Incloud fish store,bird store,reptile store,flower store,etc.)in Beijing.This place is called"flower and bird market" in China. Guanyuan and Laitai are both famous "flower and bird market" in Beijing.there are sevral marine fish stores in these two markets.


I am not in Beijing.


Have a good time in Beijing!


FishNemo, are Guanyuan and Laitai fish stores as well. Do you recommend any fish stores from the Beijing area?

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FishNemo, are Guanyuan and Laitai fish stores as well. Do you recommend any fish stores from the Beijing area?


Sorry, I am not in Beijing.So I do not know much and exactly about the"flower and bird market" in Beijing.


Usually, the patton of "flower and bird market" in China like some huge supermarket. Many pet stores gather in one huge house(or in one street),you can find all kinds of pet products there. (The difference from supermarket is you pay what you buy to storekeeper,and the storekeeper pay rent every month.)


So when you go to a "flower and bird market",you can easy compare all the marine fish stores there.(Guanyuan and Laitai are not the name of store,but the name of market) Usually, the price of fish in one market is nearly same and the sourse of marine fish there maybe is also same.


In fact, there are many things which will interest you much more than marine fish in Beijing. Have a good time!

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:o Not sure why ive just read 27 pages of pure hatred and obvious racism! so Fishnemo has a lot of fish in his tank so he doesent have a ton of corals or fancy stuff, does it even occur to you that maybe he enjoys his tank just as much as anybody else here enjoys their own, his fish are juviniles which he has repeatedly said, maybe he intends moving them when they outgrow the tank they are in, is it anybody elses bussiness but his own? I read a post the other day where a guy thought it perfectly ok to stab a hitch hiker crab to death with a knife just because it done harm to 1 of his corals.....yet i was the only 1 who said it was wrong! you people need to get a grip and leave this guy alone, as far as i know the chinese were the first to keep ornamental fish and have been doing so allot longer than the rest of the western world so maybe just mabe they have a wee bit more experience than anybody else, so why not just give him the benefit of the doubt and except the fact he probs knows what he is doing, after all if you had botherd to listen to him he has been keeping and breeding fish for a long number of years!


I applaud your comment Michelle. Why on Earth there haven't been more people to stand up and say something amazes me. I'm completely new to these forums, completely new to nano reefs and honestly this thread has given me second thoughts on this community.


FishNemo I applaud you as well for remaining calm for so long while being called names and attacked by what appear to be the bullies of the forum. Good for you for being an adult.


If this whole thread is a joke or some attempt at trolling, it is a prizewinner because I'm not sure I've seen so many people completely embarrass themselves in such a way. If you thought it was troll thread, why on Earth would argue and give it more power?


(you=the numerous flamers on this thread)


If this whole thread is truly another aquarium enthusiast simply sharing his tank and his fish keeping ways, what are you people doing? Even if I were to give you the benefit of doubt, that you are truly worried about the health and well being of the fish, why on Earth would you go about trying to make a change by calling a person names and insulting them? Do you really think someone wants to learn from a person that is being so completely rude and ethnocentric? I'll try out another path of your reasoning....to save the "noobs" from believing what you have proclaimed is poor information. Well, here I am, the "noob" (which is a completely insulting term btw....try something along the lines of newbie or beginner for better internet etiquette), this noob is quite capable of reading several different husbandry methods and picking out the most suitable. And one more path of reasoning...you were doing it for the community. What community? All I see is a pack of wolves vying for alpha position. If it were a community you would be respectful of others opinions and methods even if they are not what you agree with. You certainly would not be trying to publicly humiliate FishNemo or any other member that points out your ridiculous behavior.


I know for a fact that there are a whole lot of lurkers out there disgusted by hatred shown in this thread. For everyone one person that speaks up there are usually a good 10 lurkers who don't. I'd like to hope that the majority of this community is much more kind, and grown up.


FishNemo, best of luck in your endeavors. I too am starting my new tank and I'm anxious to see what I can create. If I were you, I'd disregard the bullies, don't fight back with them, it only makes them feel more powerful.


To sum things up and get off my soap box, it is absolutely hysterical to see a group of people in a "nano" forum berating each other about what is too small and what isn't. How do you think nano cubes were created in the first place if not for some person sitting about wondering....hmmm....just how small of an ecosystem can I create? Many years ago all of you would have been considered cruel and foolish to keep fish in such a manner. Do you truly feel the science has stopped right here and now with the current calculations of what is doable and what isn't? Simply a rhetorical question.


~ Z

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Yawn... i stopped reading after it became a book.


Tangs in a nano = bad

small fish and corals in a nano = good


small tanks are not bad, they are widely used and enjoyed because before they came around you needed to keep a reef in a large setup. But with the advancement of equipment and lighting it was possible to keep an aquarium in a smaller container. Yet keeping them with all fish tanks is the responsibility of the owner to decide what fish are best. Fishnemo's tang prison is an example of what not to do.

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OMG 1 crab got stabbed!!!!!! how many lobsters and crabs have you eaten at long john silvers? for real.


cryin about a dime sized crab someone killed. my god what has the world come to....i bet m ichelle02 cries when she gets her hair cut cuz shes killing all those precious hairs!


and catzmeow. GFY.

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oh and by the way.... my life wouldnt be complete without this thread. it helps me know im alive...hahaha


thats a doozie of a first post by the way. probably someone too scared to type on their normal use name from backlash. youve started one hell of a name for yourself on NR catzmeow hahah

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oh and by the way.... my life wouldnt be complete without this thread. it helps me know im alive...hahaha


thats a doozie of a first post by the way. probably someone too scared to type on their normal use name from backlash. youve started one hell of a name for yourself on NR catzmeow hahah



I agree, it's not the best first impression but I just can't stand by and watch some guy be called names by bullies. And what worried me even more is that when anyone else would comment something positive and say to lay off the guy, the pack circled and attacked that person too.


Honestly, I'm an uber friendly person and I guess that's why I feel offended when I see someone attacked when a friendly approach and an honest attempt at educating this person would have made a world of difference.


And no, zcatzmeow is my handle. Go google me if you like....I run by zcatzmeow or zcat.


Your reactions are somewhat difficult to understand as gfg can be two entirely different things. If you'd like me to know your reaction, then tell me. In any case, I'm glad to have been able to speak my mind. Thank you ;)

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have you read ALL of these pages? have you heard HIM attack our tanks and our husbandry skills? hes personally called out like 3 different people and their "crappy" tanks. it IS a two way street here.


and dont get me wrong i feel bad for this kid cuz he cant defend himself properly. but its still poor husbandry in my book, and alot of the peoples books here.

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go f*ck yourself =gfy


now go do it...



EDIT: and i agree this thread should have died long ago... this guy doesnt seem to want to learn... he only cares that his fish are alive, no matter the condition... its like feeding POWs nothing but a handful of rice... sure they are alive... but at what cost? if you havent noticed zcatzmeow this forum is for responsible reef keeping... not seeing how many fish you can cram in a nano... now like i said earlier GFY

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go f*ck yourself =gfy


now go do it...



EDIT: and i agree this thread should have died long ago... this guy doesnt seem to want to learn... he only cares that his fish are alive, no matter the condition... its like feeding POWs nothing but a handful of rice... sure they are alive... but at what cost? if you havent noticed zcatzmeow this forum is for responsible reef keeping... not seeing how many fish you can cram in a nano... now like i said earlier GFY


Awesome! And why am I not surprised that would be your response? In fact 3 or 4 people had the same response, the same ones flaming this guy to death. Flamers have a way of lacking control over what they type. I'd love love love to see if you would actually treat someone you just met face to face with the same type of treatment. I'm guessing all the alpha talk, puffing of chests, schoolyard name calling wouldn't happen.


I'm not debating whether his set up is adequate or not. I'm saying, lay off and drop the infantile name calling. If this forum is for responsible reef keeping why the heck aren't you talking to him civilly and educating him? From the get go it's been nothing but a name calling session and a flurry of insults. And yes, I do see him being sarcastic back and attacking your husbandry skills.....after a good 20 pages of you calling him names. With the way you were treating him he should have retaliated on page 2. I just hate to see that kind of bullying. If you are so concerned about "happy" fish, how about scaling back on the upgrades and expensive purchases and get a new tank and "save" all the fish at the store. I saw a yellow tang tonight in the same size tank as his with a whole lot more fish. Who knows how long until it will be sold. Are the LFS being irresponsible too? Why not go start a picket line at your LFS.


If you want to truly help someone, then do it. Stop being such a flamer and learn some people skills and learn how to share advice in a constructive manner.

Responsible reef keepers ready and willing to help others = good

Elitist reef keepers insulting someone who could stand to gain some insight =bad

4+ people tell me to go f*ck myself after I call out your behavior = bad

Attacking another member, making fun of her after she calls you out on your behavior = bad


They say that you have only truly learned a subject when you have the ability to train someone else.


While you are out saving all the fish, go save the bettas too, talk about little tanks.

Oh, and people that keep large dogs in apartments. And the people that let their cat outdoors. And those who keep birds in cages. Go call them names, tell them to go f*ck themselves and see how far it gets you.


Your reply has done nothing but prove my point. Speak like an adult and maybe you will actually help people.


If you or any of the other people that have told me to go f*ck myself plan on further attacking me, bring it to PM. Again your lack of manners shows you don't even know how to bring personal issues to the side.

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^ im not reading that but i stand by what i say GFY!!


you should really read this entire thread... people have told him what he needs to improve on and he tells us that we're wrong... maybe you should show us your tank(s) before you chime in on threads about wether or not someone is keeping their fish and reefs healthy... if you think you can get through to him then by all means go right ahead... well all sit back and watch your insight get put to good use...


oh and if you havent noticed this is the internet... fighting and name calling is all that go on... GFY!

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I agree, it's not the best first impression but I just can't stand by and watch some guy be called names by bullies. And what worried me even more is that when anyone else would comment something positive and say to lay off the guy, the pack circled and attacked that person too.


Honestly, I'm an uber friendly person and I guess that's why I feel offended when I see someone attacked when a friendly approach and an honest attempt at educating this person would have made a world of difference.


And no, zcatzmeow is my handle. Go google me if you like....I run by zcatzmeow or zcat.


Your reactions are somewhat difficult to understand as gfg can be two entirely different things. If you'd like me to know your reaction, then tell me. In any case, I'm glad to have been able to speak my mind. Thank you ;)


dude, or dudette, you have completely missed the point of this thread -- it has absolutely nothing to do with reefkeeping or husbandry or bullying the chinese guy. FishNemo is having a blast and is having fun with the flaming and dishing it right back -- anyone with half a brain can see that -- and everyone else gets to be righteously indignant and one-up each other with the dissing. nobody is losing an eye here.

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^ im not reading that but i stand by what i say GFY!!


you should really read this entire thread... people have told him what he needs to improve on and he tells us that we're wrong... maybe you should show us your tank(s) before you chime in on threads about wether or not someone is keeping their fish and reefs healthy... if you think you can get through to him then by all means go right ahead... well all sit back and watch your insight get put to good use...


oh and if you havent noticed this is the internet... fighting and name calling is all that go on... GFY!


*sigh* I feel like I'm trying to explain physics to my toddlers.


Perhaps you should read what I've said before you reply. I have read the entire thread. I'm a newbie, I was browsing tank setups and this thread was like on the first page. Kinda makes it hard to show you my tank if I'm new, right? See, this is why it is helpful to read before you reply. If you want pics of my FW set ups just let me know, but I figured they'd be a bit irrelevant here.


I'm absolutely positive I could have a better conversation with him than you've had. Okay he keeps his fish in different conditions than you do....so what? I don't see him jabbing them with pointy sticks or stabbing them with knives. Talk like an adult, give advice, and then move on. Calling names, insulting his translation skills, etc....gives a person new to your forums a wonderful impression.


Oh, I'm on teh intranets? R34lly? Sorry, some sarcasm. I feel sad for you if you think all forums are like this. If they were I wouldn't be so shocked at this thread.


I'm not keeping up this flame war. Have fun in your sandbox, learn to play nicely.


xoxo :wub:




ps - hugs and kisses to the remaining flamers, may you one day realize how to give sound advice


dude, or dudette, you have completely missed the point of this thread -- it has absolutely nothing to do with reefkeeping or husbandry or bullying the chinese guy. FishNemo is having a blast and is having fun with the flaming and dishing it right back -- anyone with half a brain can see that -- and everyone else gets to be righteously indignant and one-up each other with the dissing. nobody is losing an eye here.



Oh you are all just playing 0_o My bad then. ;)

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4+ people tell me to go f*ck myself after I call out your behavior = bad

Go call them names, tell them to go f*ck themselves and see how far it gets you.


Go search gfy in nr.com and you will know it is a well-meaning in-forum running gag. No need to get offend by it. It's the highest form of respect you can get in this forum.


Seriously, no one really care what's going on in his tank anymore and the op don't really mind the 'friendly' jabs. You just need a thicker skin in nr, that's all.


btw, welcome! Now, GFY! :P

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