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Cultivated Reef

6yr old LED NanoCube - tank moved!


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Hi everyone,

This is my 12g Nano DX. She was setup in March of 2006. I've got about 14 lbs LR, i run a fresh chemi-pure every month, Fritz Phosphate Remover, lr rubble and chaeto in middle sump with custom LED light on back.

The inhabitants consist of various blue-legged hermits, 4 turbo snails, and various softies, LPS, and SPS. My lighting is a DIY 12 LED kit i got from my groomsmen as a wedding gift...not sure on the specs but the Par meter reads 150w output at 6" depth.


My mods have been changing the stock pump out with an MJ-900 and a Hydor Flo, adding a Koralia Nano and a Eheim Jager 50 watt heater (and the lighting of course).




Latest update -- doing well and seemingly stable. Water changes are 30% once-a-month now. Some acro's are exploding, some are growing algae -- strange.




below is from back in 2007


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yea i had to take the frogspawn on account of it stinging everything around it, not sure what you mean by torch...the bubble maybe?

Anyway, heres a couple new pics of my fungia plate.



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thanks, yea its a baby maxima... got it about 2 months ago when it was about 2.25" long and now its close to 3.75" i would say.

Does anybody know how to change the title of my thread?

Also, should i get this peice? seems a little overpriced at $61 shipped for 3 heads but its sooo beautiful:


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This tank is sooo amazing. Really shows what you can do with a cube. Amazing tank and corals.


Looks like the brain quickly became the center piece. :D

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thanks tex. believe it or not the brain wasnt the centerpeice when i got it because it was so small but now that its taken over 1/3 of my cube i would say it shares the glory with my pearl bubble haha.

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OK so i was going through some old backup CD's and found these pics of my tank. The first one is the second day the tank was up back on march 23rd, 2006. the second one was in october of 2006. HAHAHA YES i had a baby volitans lionfish in my nc12 for over 4 months until i went on vacation for the week and my roommate neglected to feed him.




enjoy and ream away but i got away with it for a long time haha.

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thanks civic. hopefully not lol. Heres my first top down...never thought to take one but with the flash the clam looks really cool. now i have one ready for those times when fellow nr's give things away to the first person to reply to a thread with a fts and a top down ;)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow those zoos I traded you look like they are doing great. The Solars look like they have just exploded in size and its neat to see something I had in my tank not too long ago in someone else's. I hope you're still happy with them, I'm certaintly happy with what I got from you.

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