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Cultivated Reef

clam won't settle down


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I've purchased a crocea a week ago and I thought it was starting to attach itself to a rock but no it's still moving around, making rocks fall on my corals!! :angry: Is there a way to get it attached to a rock or something? I've just put it back on a flat rock.


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If you can........place the clam where you want it and then surround it with pieces of live rock so as to make it stable when it opens and shuts . It is most likely falling over during this process and the violent slaming & opening is how it plants it's foot .

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well so far so good. I can see white filaments, seems like it's starting to get attached. Today it looks more beatiful than a week ago. Fully extended and great colors. I think that the t5 were a bit too strong near the surface. I've put him in middle of the tank. I'm moving this tank in 3 weeks, so hopefully it'll be attached by then and I'll try to put it back the same way it was.

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finally I was able to get a camera, so here's some pictures of my crocea, which is a little longer than 3''.post-21324-1186785414_thumb.jpg




And Victor, well he's my bluestripe pipefish. He's been in this tank for over a year now. Feed on pods and stuff like that. And he hates my camera soooo much. Really hard to take a good picture of him. In this picture you can see him hunting near the cheato.



As for mister Green, he didn't ever bother coming for the picture. Ah yes I forgot to mention, mister Green is my green clown goby eheh.

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