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Eric Borneman coral controversy!


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I'm not sure "green" is a lot better... ;)


who says i'd go by "green"?


the pron name is "L", which stands for LARGE, if you know what I mean ;)

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Hmmm... seems no one wants to miss out on the "controversy"... or the traffic it gets your forum anyway.


I got this mass e-mail from RAG.


I know this topic has popped up on a few other boards and has thus been closed.

In true RAG fashion, I would like to open flame free discussion on this topic.


It appears that in Feb 2004 Eric Borneman an "Aqua Guru" submitted an

application to house and grow colonial lines of protected stony corals from the

florida reefs.


It appears that Eric had intentions of growing them and propagating them for

financial gain.


It appears that Eric housed the corals and such in his home and in Reef Savers a

commerical coral business.


It appears Eric took corals that were slated for transplantation by the Navy and

went out side of his collecting permit.


It appears that Eric did not care properly for the corals and instead went on

many trips while he knew the corals were in jeopardy.


It appears that the US government had to DEMAND that Eric return the corals and

did not give them back after several requests.


It appears that Eric may have mixed the Atlantic corals with Pacific corals thus

dooming them to a life of captivity and making them unsuitable for eventual transplantation into

the wild.


I believe it is time for answers. These are the property of the USA. Thus it

directly affects you and our future hobby.

I believe it is essential we all discuss this situation. It's repercussions for

our hobby are unfathomable!


As such I have released all restrictions and opened the boards to all registered

members for discussion of this topic-yes it is that important!


The thread can be found here:






It is time for answers. Did these things really happen? Where is Eric to tell us

what truly happened? Is this the travesty that it really seems?


Eric where are you?


Can someone please provide information?


Check out the documents released via the freedom of information act posted on

www.opportunitylost.org - The "Borneman Corals"


p.s. ......I think icenine will work just fine for my pornstar name, but ya know to "keep it real" perhaps I should change it to iceten?



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WHOA! I just read this threat in its entirety. What a beauty of experimental design… And this guy is really getting a Ph.D.?!?! Well, I always thought that U of H was a serious academic establishment. I guess his thesis advisor must not like him; I would like to know what kind of statistical package he uses to analyze the results he gets…


Ok, since everybody here seems to be versed in the scientific method, I believe that all those posters that have been discussing measurements lately are using the metric system, right? ;):happy: Sorry guys, could not resist...

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As in, rigor mortis? ;)

Wow, you guys are quick! Too funny...


WHOA! I just read this threat in its entirety. What a beauty of experimental design… And this guy is really getting a Ph.D.?!?! Well, I always thought that U of H was a serious academic establishment. I guess his thesis advisor must not like him; I would like to know what kind of statistical package he uses to analyze the results he gets…


He says he's using ANOVA for the salt study... but if you read my "salt study critique" you'll see why this just makes me laugh.


Ok, since everybody here seems to be versed in the scientific method, I believe that all those posters that have been discussing measurements lately are using the metric system, right? ;):happy: Sorry guys, could not resist...


LOL! Please tell me you're a chick... ;)

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While I enjoy being one of the givers in a pink belly party on somebody that's forgotten the importance of humility, too it is worth stating again that his Aquarium Corals book is very good and a newer reefer shouldn't let all the threads like this one discourage them from picking it up.

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LOL! Please tell me you're a chick... ;)



that's ridiculous - there are no girls on the interweb.


believe it or not, it's actually a rule.

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ANOVA = stat test


SPSS or SAS = stat package


But I am sure you already knew that... ;)


Um... of course I did... :unsure:


But I don't know what stat package Eric is using for the salt thing (though I don't think it matters).



don't bother, even the spam didn't help that thread.


i don't know how sihaya keeps this up...


Dude, I know either... I'm totally running out of steam for any serious discussion on the issue.


I could stand to poke fun at the dude's research a little more though. Some of the stuff you guys come up with is too funny. :P

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Hello everyone!

I just joined because this is the funniest thing I've ever read...I've almost peeeed

my pants a coulple of times!

I'm not much of a forum person...but this one....I just had to join!





This is a great forum! and I congratulate the Moderators for KEEPING IT REAL!

Thank you all!

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I am the person that "took over" or "filled in" for EB's failure,in this experiment.


fer real??


lol nice first post.




which experiment? the one we've been making fun of or the actual NOAA/coral controversy?

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Hello everyone!

I just joined because this is the funniest thing I've ever read...I've almost peeeed

my pants a coulple of times!


Oh thank god you got to this thread! I knew you'd just die laughing!! ;)


This is a great forum! and I congratulate the Moderators for KEEPING IT REAL!

Thank you all!



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Dude, I know either... I'm totally running out of steam for any serious discussion on the issue.


do you freaking sleep?? the posts in that RAG thread went completely through the night.


why bother? you've got the documentation, other side has nothing.


you know, i read somewhere where Steven Pro (CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE THE NAME HE WAS BORN WITH??) or that Charles dude said that EB had settled everything with the relevant parties (meaning the gubbermint) and the only person who cares anymore is sihaya.


Taken at face value, plus the fact that EB is online everyday at MD, makes me wonder why the guy doesn't pipe up in his own defense. Perhaps his interwebz skillz r lacking??

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fer real??


lol nice first post.




which experiment? the one we've been making fun of or the actual NOAA/coral controversy?


Yes, he's for real... and yeah, I believe he's referring to the project I FOIAed.


you know, i read somewhere where Steven Pro (CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE THE NAME HE WAS BORN WITH??) or that Charles dude said that EB had settled everything with the relevant parties (meaning the gubbermint) and the only person who cares anymore is sihaya.


Like most the stuff coming out of their mouths about this project... this is total BS. I'm not the only one who cared. A LOT of people cared and do still care (even more people now that I've made it public). I just happened to be the only person with the audacity to file a FOIA request on it and publicize the documents.

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Hello everyone!

I just joined because this is the funniest thing I've ever read...I've almost peeeed

my pants a coulple of times!

I'm not much of a forum person...but this one....I just had to join!


I am the person that "took over" or "filled in" for EB's failure,in this experiment.

and can tell you all that he IS in fact an Echo -terrorist with no concern for anybody or any echo-system...his reputation is all he is concerned with.

He is a lyer to the point he belives his own lies...fills in gaps (were data should be) with his own power of reasonning.....(I have a feeling this only child was told "just how special he was", a few too many times from mommy.)


This is a great forum! and I congratulate the Moderators for KEEPING IT REAL!

Thank you all!



ok teasers like that without follow up makes mods cranky.


tell us a story; it's not libel if it's true, you know...

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dude thank heavens I don't have any real work to do today. after reading ALL of this it appears pretty clean cut. EB is clearly a douchebag. (can one get banned for a statement like that, cause it would be to cool to get banned from Vegas and Havisu and NR in one lifetime)

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I grew corals as part of the Keys (F.O.I.A.'ed) project.

And Sara is not the only one who cares! ..as a matter of fact,I have shared these posts (from other forums) with Law Enforcement down here.... and she may have sucessfully re-opened this case!


Good going Sara!...all the power to you,keep up the good work!


LOL Dude are you allowed to post that publicly?! I thought that was hush-hush.


And thanks... :blush:

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dude thank heavens I don't have any real work to do today. after reading ALL of this it appears pretty clean cut. EB is clearly a douchebag. (can one get banned for a statement like that, cause it would be to cool to get banned from Vegas and Havisu and NR in one lifetime)


sorry but you'll have to do better than mentioning a feminine hygeine product to get the banstick in these parts.

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dude thank heavens I don't have any real work to do today. after reading ALL of this it appears pretty clean cut. EB is clearly a douchebag. (can one get banned for a statement like that, cause it would be to cool to get banned from Vegas and Havisu and NR in one lifetime)


Not unless you could somehow attach a racial stereotype to "douchebag" and even then I'm not sure if it would be enough in this instance.

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