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Eric Borneman coral controversy!


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is "dr.Borneman" an actual doctor?
























or perhaps a porn star....

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i know, a "new" member with no n00b-tail.


very disconcerting.

that's just it. nothing to grab onto.



very disconcerting. :wacko:

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The Propagator

Personaly I think the whole thing stinks of greed and deception.

I cant beleive Ken Nedymeyer headed the whole thing up.

Thats REALY dissapointing.

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wouldn't the latter have to be dr.boREman?



No no no... his porn star name would be different. You'd have to take out the 'r' and replace it with an 'n' ;) And no, he's not a Dr. yet.


Personaly I think the whole thing stinks of greed and deception.

I cant beleive Ken Nedymeyer headed the whole thing up.


Well... maybe Mr. Nedymeyer didn't really know all that was going on. Certainly it looks like the FKNMS didn't know.

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No no no... his porn star name would be different. You'd have to take out the 'r' and replace it with an 'n' ;)
hmmm, she's got plenty of potential. i'll give her that.
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The Propagator


In the very 1st email response (that shows Ken speaking) he makes a direct mention of profitting from them in the future by introducing them into the trade.


I have come to respect Ken from the work I know he has done to help protect the florida caribbean and I deal with him frequently.

I would have never in my wildest dreams thought he would even have uttered the word "profit" where protected corals were involved.


I understand the need for compensation for the usage of space and equipment but didnt they all "ask" or volunteer to do it in the 1st place?

Wasnt the intial and soul goal of the comitted and this project to grow out and replant every thing?

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does anyone want to buy a nano cube? lol. just felt like posting on this thread.


sara - please attach picture of thongage. we pounce at the chance to get some non teenage action around here, but tabloid style thongage. Thats good thongage

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In the very 1st email response (that shows Ken speaking) he makes a direct mention of profitting from them in the future by introducing them into the trade.


Oh yeah, you're right... sorry I missed that.


I have come to respect Ken from the work I know he has done to help protect the florida caribbean and I deal with him frequently.

I would have never in my wildest dreams thought he would even have uttered the word "profit" where protected corals were involved.


Well, you know, I never would have thought Borneman would be involved in such a fiasco either. ::sigh::


I understand the need for compensation for the usage of space and equipment but didnt they all "ask" or volunteer to do it in the 1st place?

Wasnt the intial and soul goal of the comitted and this project to grow out and replant every thing?


I honestly don't understand the whole thing. I mean, there's no way RS would (or even could) do all that for free. That's a lot of expense for a relatively small business. At some point, someone would have had to convince them that they'd get money for this somehow... I can't imagine they would have gone along with this any other way.


Ok, here's a pic of me in this thread: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?...p;#entry1110354

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Pinner Reef
wow, that's a soft-pitch if i ever saw one.


but i'll let that one slide thru.

don't want to scare sih off before she's really hooked on nr, now do we? muahahahahaha!


It never takes very long tiny.


See shes already got like a dozen posts today!


[tents fingers] eeexcellent


BTW poor corals -_- and I thought I had killed a lot of them recently.


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Propagator- you bastard! lol Now I have to go resize that thing...

No, no, they're fine.... Anything more than a handfull just goes to waste. :D

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lol. I am always on the prowl for some new nano reef tail. Lol. Mostly tho, i watch you guys in silence and laugh (with you). This is just too controversial and tabloid like, so i am fascinated with this thread and to find out even more about it when you read between the lines.


I have no beef with EB or any of the other experts out there, but I do notice that the posts on the other boards are one sided and get shut down, etc.


I can only count a handful of threads shut down here, and most are cause the poster/subject is a retard. The free flow of thoughts and open debate is why were here and why this is the only site I post at, even though other sites would be more advantageous to me as a businessman.


Who am I kidding tho. I want to see some thongage! is that a nipple I peep in that pic?





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The Propagator

The proper saying is : "anything more than a hand full and your risking a sprained tounge"



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To answer FUGU's original question: I don't think Mr. Borneman is yet Dr. Borneman.


When I corresponded with him in December, he stated that he would be done with his PhD work in May.

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a cute redheaded girl! my fav!



To answer FUGU's original question: I don't think Mr. Borneman is yet Dr. Borneman.
i don't think his doctorate makes a diff at this point of his career. i mean, his reefing knowledge isn't going to automatically grow 25% the day they bestow his doctorate robe on him.


i only know of 3~4 hobby people/experts that even have hobby-pertinent doctorates or advanced degrees (e.g. shimek, toonen, etc.). for instance, goemans' doctorate is in a completely different field. most of sprung and delbeek's knowledge i think came from on-hands/living it/working.


so dr. borneman and mr. borneman are exactly the same in my book. he's a reefing titan in his own right, and i don't think we should forget that. even as we tear him a new one.


otoh, does that mean he should be held to a higher standard as someone intimated? yes. with the laurels and adulation comes the responsibility.


but i suggest we keep it to bustin' his chops on the issue at hand and pics of thongs and bewbies. nit-picking his creds is beneath us imo. leering at girls ain't. :naughtydance:

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